[quote="SJUFAN2" post=381682][quote="Class of 72" post=381655]For Tony :
But you're OK with Trump calling this a "Democrat inspired hoax?"
Yes because what he actually said was that the liberal left leaning media and their actors are implying that the current administration (Trump) is not doing enough or has been slow to take action and compared those politicized comments to the Russia, Ukraine and impeachment investigations. He never said that the Covid-19 virus was a hoax.[/quote]
So the 'hoax' was how the left leaning media was covering the story? Your saying that when he said hoax, it wasn't that he was claiming the virus wasn't a danger, but that the left was making it political and that they weren't giving him enough credit for how he was preparing our response to this virus?
Boy he sure proved them wrong!
What he's said since this started...sure seems like he had a great handle on this and was being proactive. Ya know, instead of making it out to be nothing at all, and turning down testing kits.
[quote="Class of 72" post=381655]What is disturbing is that Democrats have weaponized this pandemic by introducing legislation that incorporate non-corona budget items that have zero to do with curbing the virus.[/quote]
Show me please. Show me where that exists. And please highlight what you categorize as "non-corona budget items". Until then, I'm calling "shenanigans".
[quote="Class of 72" post=381655]
Or Trump bringing on his son-in-law, who knows nothing about infectious diseases, to help control the spread?
No but it is an all hands on deck approach so neither should you.[/quote] Why all hands on deck? You guys have said there's nothing to be concerned about for weeks and weeks. You've said the media misrepresented how unprepared we are and politicized this. Which is it? That the media/left was correct and this is an extreme danger that's been poorly handled by this administration and now its all hands on deck time...or that their coverage and message is/was a hoax??
Can't be both. Because the coverage he/you are referring to was telling everyone that we aren't doing enough to prepare for what is coming.
[quote="Class of 72" post=381655]
Or Trump cutting funding from the CDC months ago?
Months ago had nothing to do with $8 billion being made available last week. There was no Corona virus outside of China 2 months ago. He also didn't eliminate any department dealing with the development of infectious disease cures. False or embellished news as usual.[/quote]
HORSECRAP. And dangerous horsecrap at that:
Trump asked for $2.5B in emergency funding two weeks ago. Democrats offered $8.5B. Thank you democrats.
Oh, and he didn't shut down the CDC but he did eliminate the office in the white house that coordinated CDC efforts on things like this. And his budget proposal for this year which came out last month as this crisis was spreading worldwide called for a $9B cut to CDC funding. That was in Mid-February. 3 months after the outbreak in China became public, one month after the first cases started appearing outside of China and the first US citizen had tested positive in Asia, and just as people were getting sick here.
So either he knew about what was coming and decided the best way to handle this was to cut funding to the CDC (which only a moron would conclude), or he didn't think it was a big deal and was carrying on with his plans to downsize essential services to US citizens. Again, can't be both. So which is it? He didn't see it coming and failed to do anything once it was out of China, or he saw it coming and thought the best way to handle it was to defund the CDC?
Elections have consequences America.[/quote]
Thank SJJUFAN2 for answering my answers to Tony with your Party partisan views on the highlighted bullets.
First of all I stand by everything I said because I don't look at it from the political lense you seem to embrace by party line. I am neither a registered Democrat or Republican but have been Independent since you discovered your pubes.
I have supported both Democrats and Republicans and did not even vote for Donald Trump. In fact, I was even more adamant about not supporting the morally corrupt Ckintons again as I learned my lesson the second time around with Bill. I originally supported Barack Obama until the middle of his second term when his cumulative record proved him a great orator but could not walk-the-talk.
As for your nemesis Donald Trump I look at his promises and his deliverables and as much as he is easy to dislike his personality is not an issue with me. What he does is what matters.
That said, never in my life have I seen the major news media operate as if they were taking their political party positions from a secret Politburo headed by billionaire Democrat owners of those media outlets. That includes ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and many of their affiliate stations around the country. The party political bias of those numerous prime time "main stream" outlets vastly outnumber FOX news. All of the aforementioned seem to be in the business of shaping political opinion rather than reporting the "news".
Thus far only OTIS, an esteemed original moderator, posted this topic in the appropriate Players Lounge. You followed by starting an odd response in the Rookie forum entitled "OTIS". You then began your own Covid Virus thread for "updates" where you deleted comments and subsequently got no other input from the registered members here.
You claim to be a data driven person but you seem too lazy to get into the weeds with the numbers or readily available information. For example, I said "Democrats have weaponized this pandemic by introducing legislation that incorporate non-corona budget items that have zero to do with curbing the virus.[/quote]
You said:
Show me please. Show me where that exists. And please highlight what you categorize as "non-corona budget items". Until then, I'm calling "shenanigans".
Well, just an hour ago Nancy Pelosi held a news conference about the democratic sponsored legislation saying they and the White House have agreed on the language of bill. THAT language included modifying pro abortion funding disguised as Family Aid.
Specifically, Chuck Schumer tried to inject language that would extend the Obama era driven contraceptive mandate that offers “free preventive care including contraception,” by “circumventing the provisions of the Hyde Amendment.
What does that have to do with testing for the Corona virus? Pay attention to the language and not just the numbers.
As far as defunding the CDC, as the COVID-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus has spread around the world, a number of politicians, news organizations and public figures have made the false claim that the Trump administration cut the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s anti-pandemic work in over 40 countries to just 10. The CDC has publicly denied this and the real story was about the Obama era 5 year non-renewable funding for that office that expired last year forcing reassignment of personnel. Why it surprised some of the Obama appointed executives in the program is a mystery. I would guess that their party affiliation had something to do with it. But that won't stop NY Times and Washington Post reporters asking the question as happened today.
Finally, you stated above
" So either he knew about what was coming and decided the best way to handle this was to cut funding to the CDC (which only a moron would conclude), or he didn't think it was a big deal and was carrying on with his plans to downsize essential services to US citizens."
What, in your jaded opinion, was the essential service deprived? Depriving Sierra Leone of this service?
I would love to hear your opinions on the comments I made regarding polarizing comments being made by Democrats and left leaning media that it is the right-wing media's racist efforts to rebrand the coronavirus as the “Wuhan” virus that matters in the discussion. The Chinese media picked up on our political divide and even speculated that the U. S. MILITARY planted the virus in Wuhan so it doesn't get labeled an ASIAN virus. In this sordid age of political correctness where what was wrong is now fashionable, when you want to tarnish someone who has a different viewpoint just call them a racist, a xenophobe or sexist.
Good night.