The Coronavirus

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[quote="otis" post=381893][b]Hey Mario, Slyfox and Everyone Else[/b]

Knock off the Political Talk or this thread will be locked.

Paul makes this Forum available to you for FREE with not many Rules. The one Rule he has set however is that the site be a "Political Free Zone".

Rather than respect his wishes you and others "push the envelop" and disrespect Paul's Rule. Disappointing.[/quote]

My apologies to all.
[quote="otis" post=381893]]Hey Mario, Slyfox and Everyone Else

Knock off the Political Talk or this thread or it will be locked. Maybe this should have been cut off long ago , way before my post ? It seemed to go on politically far longer than my post . Just saying . I have no problem with your lecture but , it’s a Day late ..

Paul makes this Forum available to you for FREE with not many Rules. The one Rule he has set however is that the site be a "Political Free Zone".

Rather than respect his wishes you and others "push the envelop" and disrespect Paul's Rule. Disappointing.[/quote]
Otis , no problem . Except this thread should have been cut off long ago and not just resulting from my post . Thanks .
[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]
Thank SJJUFAN2 for answering my answers to Tony with your Party partisan views on the highlighted bullets. [/quote] You are quite welcome.
This is a public forum. If you want private conversation where only one person can hold you accountable, use the "Private Message" feature so that way only one person is exposed to your poppycock.

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]First of all I stand by everything I said because I don't look at it from the political lense you seem to embrace by party line. I am neither a registered Democrat or Republican but have been Independent since you discovered your pubes. [/quote]I've been a registered Independent my entire life, and I'm a lot closer to you in age than you think. I've voted for Reagan, GWB and John McCain. I'm not embracing a party line. I'm embracing facts. But you must have skipped that part in my previous post so you could set up a silly strawman defense like this "you don't like Trump so you are being partisan".

I don't like Trump because he's a corrupt, racist, xenophobic, conman with a double digit IQ, no moral compass and no sense of what the job of POTUS is.

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]I have supported both Democrats and Republicans and did not even vote for Donald Trump. In fact, I was even more adamant about not supporting the morally corrupt Ckintons again as I learned my lesson the second time around with Bill. I originally supported Barack Obama until the middle of his second term when his cumulative record proved him a great orator but could not walk-the-talk.[/quote]
I despise HRC. I wouldn't leave a daughter or a wife alone in a room with Bill C either. But if you think they are Morally corrupt and Trump isn't, you are either a relative of his, or you are on his payroll.
Talk about partisanship!

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]As for your nemesis Donald Trump I look at his promises and his deliverables and as much as he is easy to dislike his personality is not an issue with me. What he does is what matters. [/quote]

Yes. What he does matters.
So what has he done about this issue:
1- Disbanded the response team in the white house that coordinated our response to health crisis like this. Then he stood on the White House Lawn yesterday and denied doing that, then blamed it on John Bolton.
2- Banned flights from China in January, but not other affected areas for 8 weeks until he decided to ban them from the EU on Tuesday, but not the UK.... why is that? Did he think Brexit meant that the UK left all its cases with the EU?
3- Knew this was an outbreak in January, enough so to ban flights from China, but STILL declined WHO testing kits in January that would have helped us contain this outbreak. Why?
4- Followed that gem up with a budget proposal in february CUTTING CDC spending by $ eh midst of an outbreak he thought was bad enough to restrict flights coming in from China...remember...?
5- Said he didn't want a cruise ship to dock in Oakland because it would inflate our numbers for those know to be infected.
6- Has been exposed to at least 4 people who have tested positive in the last week, but still refused to be tested until TODAY. Wonder how all those CEO's he was shaking hands with on the WH lawn yesterday felt about that?

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]That said, never in my life have I seen the major news media operate as if they were taking their political party positions from a secret Politburo headed by billionaire Democrat owners of those media outlets. That includes ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and many of their affiliate stations around the country. The party political bias of those numerous prime time "main stream" outlets vastly outnumber FOX news. All of the aforementioned seem to be in the business of shaping political opinion rather than reporting the "news". [/quote]

Yes, we know. Cult45 members tell us every day: Murdoch/Sinclair news = true, all else false. Thanks for being consistent.

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]Thus far only OTIS, an esteemed original moderator, posted this topic in the appropriate Players Lounge. You followed by starting an odd response in the Rookie forum entitled "OTIS". You then began your own Covid Virus thread for "updates" where you deleted comments and subsequently got no other input from the registered members here. [/quote]
Again, BULLSHIT. I know you get your "facts" from people peddling lies, but can't you read?
Not that this matters one iota, but here's why that happened. otis started a thread on this. A poster who was demoted to the Rookie Forum (and has since been banned again) wanted to respond but could not access the thread otis had begun in a different forum, so he started a thread entitled "otis" in that Rookie Forum. His thread was where the conversation got the most traction. That thread then got shut down, when it got too political. At that point (a week ago) we were trying to keep the politics out of it , but we are far past that point now.
I opened another thread in the Rookie Forum so people with "rookie status" in that forum WHO CANNOT access the other forums would be able to post information about the subject. Everyone else still had the original otis thread to chat in, and then this one developed as well.
That new thread I started was for information only. So your rant, as well as another posters, were deleted. If you'd posted them in the otis thread, they would not have been.
Few people post in the rookie forum Ass of '72, but shouldn't there have been a thread for them if they wanted to?

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]You claim to be a data driven person but you seem too lazy to get into the weeds with the numbers or readily available information. For example, I said "Democrats have weaponized this pandemic  by introducing legislation that incorporate non-corona budget items that have zero to do with curbing the virus.[/quote]

I'm "too lazy to get into the numbers"?!?!?! Every one of my posts has been about numbers, with links to where those numbers are coming from so people can read or watch, and decide for themselves. You make statements like the one above and don't provide a source. Talk about LAZY.

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]You said:
Show me please. Show me where that exists. And please highlight what you categorize as "non-corona budget items". Until then, I'm calling "shenanigans". [/quote]

Yeah...Still waiting for a source.

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]Well, just an hour ago Nancy Pelosi held a news conference about the democratic sponsored legislation saying they and the White House have agreed on the language of bill. THAT language included modifying pro abortion funding disguised as Family Aid.
Specifically, Chuck Schumer tried to inject language that would extend the Obama era driven contraceptive mandate that offers “free preventive care including contraception,” by “circumventing the provisions of the Hyde Amendment. [/quote]

Yeah, Still waiting for a source...please share a link to a source that backs up your statement. That way people can evaluate you and that source. Any source would be fine....Anyone in the gov't who is on the record stating that Pelosi and Schumer try'd to do anything other than get as much help to people as fast as possible.

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]What does that have to do with testing for the Corona virus? Pay attention to the language and not just the numbers. [/quote]

Still waiting for something, anything that gives us an idea where you are getting that from. Was it Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity? I wouldn't want to post that link either if I were you. Much better to make a generic comment from nobody and hope it sticks.

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]As far as defunding the CDC, as the COVID-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus has spread around the world, a number of politicians, news organizations and public figures have made the false claim that the Trump administration cut the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s anti-pandemic work in over 40 countries to just 10. The CDC has publicly denied this and the real story was about the Obama era 5 year non-renewable funding for that office that expired last year forcing reassignment of personnel. Why it surprised some of the Obama appointed executives in the program is a mystery. I would guess that their party affiliation had something to do with it. But that won't stop NY Times and Washington Post reporters asking the question as happened today. [/quote]

Yes, Obama funding expired for CDC presence in other countries. He's not president. Hasn't been for a while, but he did PROACTIVE things like that when he was in office. Next guy went in a different direction. HIS choice. Not Obama's.

That is ALSO not the same as Trump disbanding the Global Health security team in the White House. Two different things.

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]Finally, you stated above " So either he knew about what was coming and decided the best way to handle this was to cut funding to the CDC (which only a moron would conclude), or he didn't think it was a big deal and was carrying on with his plans to downsize essential services to US citizens."
What, in your jaded opinion, was the essential service deprived? Depriving Sierra Leone of this service? [/quote]
This administration has reduced essential services in this country since they came into office. They have cut funding to education and programs like food stamps to balance the numbers on the unnecessary $1.5T tax cut last year.
He submitted a budget proposal last month IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS GLOBAL OUTBREAK that would cut
CDC funding by $9B.

Even you aren't senile enough to stand here today and tell everyone here that the CDC isn't an "essential service", are you?

[quote="Class of 72" post=381842]I would love to hear your opinions on the comments I made regarding polarizing comments being made by Democrats and left leaning media that it is the right-wing media's racist efforts to rebrand the coronavirus as the “Wuhan” virus that matters in the discussion. The Chinese media picked up on our political divide and even speculated that the U. S. MILITARY planted the virus in Wuhan so it doesn't get labeled an ASIAN virus. In this sordid age of political correctness where what was wrong is now fashionable, when you want to tarnish someone who has a different viewpoint just call them a racist, a xenophobe or sexist.
Good night. [/quote]

My thoughts on that are: 1- Its a virus. It's not an asian, chinese, black or white virus. Its a virus. naming it something that tags it to any group of people is WRONG. It makes them targets of people looking for a scapegoat.

and 2- that China has their bad actors also...
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Dear Beast,
In our continuing agreement to disagree I want to thank you for attempting to inject sanity in to a discussion full of political noise that is probably exacerbated by fear tied to our current public health crisis. Don't know if anyone can hear us but at least you tried.

When I was Training Director at Creedmoor there was a senior administrator who would degenerate every issue concerning his responsibilities in to a series of personal attacks. Sometimes it worked but his reputation was that he was an incompetent jerk and eventually he was fired in a corruption scandal.

Fifty three years ago I was asked to lead training for a group of community organization students who were working around the city on drug abuse prevention. I thought of it again for the first time in many years because in my bizarre liberal arts brain I asked all of the students to read La Peste , The Plague, by Albert Camus. There are many foolish stances and roles available to us humans in the face of threat and Camus explores many of them. So do some of the posters on

All the best.
I have no problem with deleting politically biased comments. Whomever is taking up that task needs to start on page one going forward. That includes threads started in other forums. This whole COVID crisis has shut down much of American life. Every sport and every fan forum has been affected. Sadly MOST of the coverage of this is being reported through a political lense. Let's see how many can keep this politically neutral.
[quote="fuchsia" post=381916]Dear Beast,
In our continuing agreement to disagree I want to thank you for attempting to inject sanity in to a discussion full of political noise that is probably exacerbated by fear tied to our current public health crisis. Don't know if anyone can hear us but at least you tried.

When I was Training Director at Creedmoor there was a senior administrator who would degenerate every issue concerning his responsibilities in to a series of personal attacks. Sometimes it worked but his reputation was that he was an incompetent jerk and eventually he was fired in a corruption scandal.

Fifty three years ago I was asked to lead training for a group of community organization students who were working around the city on drug abuse prevention. I thought of it again for the first time in many years because in my bizarre liberal arts brain I asked all of the students to read La Peste , The Plague, by Albert Camus. There are many foolish stances and roles available to us humans in the face of threat and Camus explores many of them. So do some of the posters on

All the best.[/quote]

That's a fair post fuschia. And I've always felt that if you read something like that and think it might apply to you then it probably does.

I've had friendships end because too many people support this POTUS despite his utter incompetence just because he isn't a democrat (even though he was). I firmly believe that He, McConnell and Faux "news" are the worst things to ever happen to this country. That's not an uninformed opinion, and its demonstrably provable. Even so, you'd think I'd have learned by now that it's not in my power to convince those who will not see what is right in front of them.

That said, it's not fair to everyone else to keep having these arguments in the forum. I did what I could to open people's eyes to what we are facing. Hopefully it helped someone. This is going to get much worse before it begins to get better. I pray that we don't end up like Italy, with so many severe cases at the same time that hospitals have to impose battlefield triage methods when deciding whom to treat and whom to leave to live or die on their own. But we are going to need a lot of help to avoid that at this point, if it can be avoided.

I hope you all (yes, even you Class of '72), and your families come through this with nothing more than the sniffles.

Since there's no more sports to discuss, I'm going to tap out until there is. I'd rather spend this time skyping with my parents than arguing with cultists. Hope to see you all on the other side in a month, or two, or whenever this is all over....

Best of luck to everyone, and before I go, two news items from today:
1) EU travel ban extended to UK and Ireland today (this fall into the "duh" category).
2) Spain locked down its entire country today, as Italy did last week, and as we likely will next week once the test kits we should have had 2 months ago begin to reveal how widespread this is.
SJUFAN2 says "My thoughts on that are: 1- Its a virus. It's not an asian, chinese, black or white virus. Its a virus. naming it something that tags it to any group of people is WRONG. It makes them targets of people looking for a scapegoat."

Well my politically [[strike]u]corrupt[/u[/strike]] correct friend you should start a petition to establish a new standard for naming viruses.
Since you claim to be fairly intelligent maybe your data rich memory can explain the origin of the following pandemics: Hong Kong Flu, MERS, Ebola, Wuhan virus, the Asian Flu.
What did they all have in common? Place of origin. Whether it is the middle east, China, or Africa, the origin of the infectious source is important. Scientists eventually give them scientific sounding names but the source helps eliminating or modifying bad habits in those locations.

As for your subscribing to a political reason for the spread of the virus in the United States, the CDC and FDA are long established organizations that needed purging many epidemics ago. That could have been done during the 8 years of the Obama administration or other administrations but hopefully this latest crisis brings the changes needed to ensure the health and safety of Americans. We have 50 states in the union with 50 governors who subscribe to different political allegiances. The Federal government issues guidelines and codifies laws to benefit all citizens but individual states, based upon politics, do as they wish. States like California, New York and Washington are staunch anti-Trump states that direct their state employees to disobey ICE policies, resist federal regulations and other things meant to be for the good of their citizens. Ironically those 3 democratic states are the most affected by this virus.
It is NOT a Republican virus.
[quote="fuchsia" post=381798]I have a memory (perhaps-false) of Jonas Salk on the Dick Cavett show and the studio audience rising in a spontaneous standing ovation. Rockaway lad who went to John Adams.[/quote]

Wait. Who went to John Adams?
Salk went to Townsend Harris when it was in Manhattan before Mayor Laguardia shut it down in 1942. The school was restarted in 1984 in Queens and in 1995 got a new building on the Queens College Campus. There is a big picture of Salk on the wall when you come in. My son is a junior there. Salk graduated CCNY the same year my grandfather did.
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As we head off topic here is something to think about:
For all our Scifi fans out there imagine actually finding extraterrestrial life out there and that life may be a microscopic microbe that gets transported back to earth and causes a pandemic that literally wipes out the human race because it cannot be killed. Beware of the unknown out there in space.
All Ohio Masses and celebrations cancelled through Easter. I really feel sorry for the RCIA candidates I was teaching.
Dr. Anthony Fauci (circled) as captain of the basketball team at Manhattan’s Regis High School in 1958.

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