
Jay Bilas on ESPN basically says this is a slap on the wrist and nothing changes.

This will "not prevent them" from landing recruits, and they will "just pull scholarships from someone at the end of the bench".

I agree. Doesn't change the basic business operating plan.

I disagree. They are on long term probation and can't cheat any longer. They now need to perform under the same rules as others. There is a significant amount of monitoring now. Athletes have to perform in the class room. Penalties aside, this is a major impact to the way they run their hoops program
Jay Bilas on ESPN basically says this is a slap on the wrist and nothing changes.

This will "not prevent them" from landing recruits, and they will "just pull scholarships from someone at the end of the bench".

So this has no affect on Thomas Bryant?

Bilas is just a personality at this point. He's just anti-everything NCAA. He didn't say anything but just ranted how no information was released about it. We've already heard some of the things that went on and I'm sure more will come out.

Pulling ships from the end of the bench is simplifying it.

That's like saying Cuse's starting 5-7 players are just studs and the remaining 3 players they're bringing in will all be 5* Top 50 players.

Reality says that's not happening. Not with only 2 coaches splitting duty on the road recruiting trying to convince a top player and his parents/handlers why Cuse is the place to be.

How come Bilas isn't so vocal about Sulaimon?

I agree Jay Bilas is there to "take the NCAA to task" and his shtick has grown very very old.

Not to jump too far off topic now because i dont want anyone to destroy their computer or tablet, but i think the ESPN "gameday/studio team" is completely horrid now that Digger Phelps is gone. I am a huge Digger fan and listening to those buffoons - Greenberg, Jay " I missed that turn on my motorcycle" Williams, Billas etc has turned into nothing short of a circus act. I am not saying that Austin Croshere does a better job because he is another putz but the ESPN analysts bring the "putz-dom" to a whole new level.

It sucks because all you see is Duke. Two former Duke players working for a network that loves to push that team. It makes for terrible broadcast if you aren't a fan of that team.
This is from the perspective of a STj Grad who lived in Syracuse for 31 years, had mid court seats at Manley and. then at the Dome, saw Jinmmy coach his first game and have seen hundreds since.
9. Even though Boeheim's offenses were committed in the Big East and are embarrassing, I'm quietly smiling that they got caught as an ACC team as that makes the Big East stronger by their absence .It has also has helped me get over their loss to the BE. Maybe they wouldn't have beaten us so much if he hadn't cheated,
Make no mistake about this whole thing; the sanctions are all about Jim Boeheim and only about Jim Boeheim.. The NCAA is brilliant in how they made it exactly that way.

Nice summary oldfan61. thank you
This is from the perspective of a STj Grad who lived in Syracuse for 31 years, had mid court seats at Manley and. then at the Dome, saw Jinmmy coach his first game and have seen hundreds since.

!. the NCAA sanctions are devastating to Jimmy Boehein and, to some extent, to SU.
2. The NCAA seems to have gone l out of it's way to heap all the blame on the coach as the sole offender, thus tarnishing his legacy and image for all time.
3. The loss of 120 (?) victories is small potatoes for most fans in a year or so, but not to Syracuse fans who crow and count those things in their paper everyday; there isn't a lot else to do up there in winter The loss of 100+wins to Jimmy? Devastation in terms of endorsement $s
4 It is also a big deal to the University who must eat some image crow by changing banners, brand advertising, and living with a court, prematurely named for a guy who was caught three times.
5. The situation is far worse than numerous sanctions in the past; the combination of loss of 23% of scholarship opportunities combined with a 50% reduction in on campus recruiters and no money well for players changes their MO dramatically.
6. The biggest result of the specific sanctions is that SU must now either fire or buy out Jimmy.. They are given no choice as a board of governors. Here is a known and repeatedly convicted cheat at the head of their marquee program who is week after week on national TV. They can't allow that. StJ had a comparative minor and focused issue and they fired the entire department to save face. SU doesn't have to go that far, but Coach has to go.
7. Jimmy ain't going anywhere.! I know this guy; he doesn't care what your problem is, and he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. (read the book). He's making $3 mill a year and he wont leave that behind for a greater image saving goa for the Universityl. They are going to have to buy him out to get him out and I'm guessing that will cost $15+ million unless their lawyers are as smart as they were in the Hawkins/Fine/Bruin/etc/etc/etc cases, and have an escape clause for cheating.
8. Syracuse will suffer greatly because of these sanctions. I only feel badly for the football program, who had a much lesser sanction, as they have run a clean, sportsmanlike, solid, program for the 50+ years I know them. They play the best and occasionally beat the best. They have no excuses when they are down and they don't gloat when they are up. They have represented sports at it's best and this minor exception will make them better. .
9. Even though Boeheim's offenses were committed in the Big East and are embarrassing, I'm quietly smiling that they got caught as an ACC team as that makes the Big East stronger by their absence .It has also has helped me get over their loss to the BE. Maybe they wouldn't have beaten us so much if he hadn't cheated,
Make no mistake about this whole thing; the sanctions are all about Jim Boeheim and only about Jim Boeheim.. The NCAA is brilliant in how they made it exactly that way.

Old Fan, you know a lot more than any of us. Thanks for sharing your view of it. I agree that this all starts with the coach and does not reflect on the other programs there. College football and hoops coached are given a lot of authority and power - especially in areas that are college towns. This guy has a lot of stains on his record. The NCAA nailed him.
As a SU hater for years, I am overjoyed. I have been waiting for this to happen for years. Dating way back to the 5 years that I lived in that boring city. Even loyal SU fans back then knew the program was dirty, why else would talented recruits spend 4 years in a lousy and boring city. Losing 108 victories, is not exactly a "slap on the wrist". It sends the message on what a corrupt basketball program it is.

When I lived there, alumni were using their own money to lease cars for the players. Only the car dealership was busted and fined. Boeheim never noticed the new cars his players were driving? The guy is a slime ball. I have been waiting for this for years!!!
An interesting point just made on TV... that Excuse is trying to recruit guys that are one and done or two and the 10 scholarship limit may not be that big a deal.

Sorry to be a dead horse, but I thought that was an interesting point. I hadn't thought of that.

(I'm not looking to pick a fight with anyone on this topic)
Jay Bilas on ESPN basically says this is a slap on the wrist and nothing changes.

This will "not prevent them" from landing recruits, and they will "just pull scholarships from someone at the end of the bench".

So this has no affect on Thomas Bryant?

Bilas is just a personality at this point. He's just anti-everything NCAA. He didn't say anything but just ranted how no information was released about it. We've already heard some of the things that went on and I'm sure more will come out.

Pulling ships from the end of the bench is simplifying it.

That's like saying Cuse's starting 5-7 players are just studs and the remaining 3 players they're bringing in will all be 5* Top 50 players.

Reality says that's not happening. Not with only 2 coaches splitting duty on the road recruiting trying to convince a top player and his parents/handlers why Cuse is the place to be.

How come Bilas isn't so vocal about Sulaimon?

I agree Jay Bilas is there to "take the NCAA to task" and his shtick has grown very very old.

Not to jump too far off topic now because i dont want anyone to destroy their computer or tablet, but i think the ESPN "gameday/studio team" is completely horrid now that Digger Phelps is gone. I am a huge Digger fan and listening to those buffoons - Greenberg, Jay " I missed that turn on my motorcycle" Williams, Billas etc has turned into nothing short of a circus act. I am not saying that Austin Croshere does a better job because he is another putz but the ESPN analysts bring the "putz-dom" to a whole new level.

It sucks because all you see is Duke. Two former Duke players working for a network that loves to push that team. It makes for terrible broadcast if you aren't a fan of that team.

Williams is genuinely one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He was business partners on a venture with my good friend for a # of years. He's had to deal with an unbelievable amount tragedy in his life and I think he is a pretty fair analyst compared to the ACC/Duke schil, Bilas. He really wanted to be part of the SJU staff when Lav first took over.

Back to Cuse, 108 games are being forfeited! Spocky Ramone was right! They are now 15th all-time and we are back to 7th (after dropping when we vacated wins).

I was pissed when the news first broke, because it didn't include a 2016 tournament ban, but I'm starting to realize just how hard they've been hit. Next season is still manageable, but they have no room for error (transfers, early entrants, injuries, etc). If JB leaves, this could put them in quite a tailspin.
The key here is that kids will no longer get financial inducements to play for them. Those that go there can't get four incompletes and compete. Business as usual under this coach is over or they will get the death penalty. The school has to return millions and has to invest in a compliance program that will provide reporting to the ncaa on every pimple that pops up.
They can have 20 schollies and this will still be a game changer for them.
if recent history is any guide...

this was already only the "2nd story" on ESPN's PTI today. The Duke story has been virtually ignored because Lord K won't comment on it. Penn State, remember them? Half of those penalties have been rescinded, and it's all football all the time again.

I fear that our Sports culture in general, from those inside the games, to the casual and hardcore fans, and to the media will ensure that nothing changes

...for all the "danger" the NFL was in this past season due to all the negative themes that ran throughout (Rice case, concussions, etc.), the game enjoyed historic ratings.

I wish I were wrong. But I can see it now, a year or two down the line...a Cuse with less scholarships, making it to an ACC title game or winning some tourney games and all the talk will be how "they overcame adversity" and how "these players had nothing to do with that," and how "say what you want, but he's an excellent basketball coach." the sin itself gets turned into something holy.
An interesting point just made on TV... that Excuse is trying to recruit guys that are one and done or two and the 10 scholarship limit may not be that big a deal.

Sorry to be a dead horse, but I thought that was an interesting point. I hadn't thought of that.

(I'm not looking to pick a fight with anyone on this topic)

There's none on the roster now and none in the incoming class but this could start affecting the roster in the class of '17.
Sleek, I agree with your sentiment but ,respectively disagree that, in SU's case, these systemic infractions will also fade into memory in the short term. Long term? That's something else.
PSU was given, what I think, is a different but equivalent sanction to that which was, de facto, assigned to Coach Boeheim.. PSU's punishment forced massive management restructuring, millions of dollars in retribution and a further commitment to assuring an already squeaky clean football program. They paid their fines, suffered some recruiting losses, lost a bowl or two and are now off the hook in everyone's eyes. Restoring the wins was in order since their offences had nothing to do with what the kids and program did on the field of play.
On the other hand, in the Boeheim case, he and the school will never get the wins back as Jim was directly responsible for abuses that could have led to some of those those wins, no matter how remote. The loss of 3 scholarships a year for 4 years speaks volumes. In it's wisdom, the NCAA has said that they are wiling to kneecap those programs that don't follow the rules by the length and depth of that penalty. Couple that with the loss of recruiters and a tightening of internal structure will bring serious change that can last through the decade. This isn't going away next week.
Further, as I posited earlier, Boeheim is gone. Only in government will people keep a leader who has broken the law and embarrassed them. There is no way for that college to keep him on with a straight face and still preserve their dignity and commitment to truth..
Got a call from a guy from Temple who said he thinks this incident puts them back in the top 5 in wins in the NCAA. I love Temple basketball so I was happy for that.
I have no problem with taking away wins; taking away losses or converting them to wins sounds unsportsmanlike. I would like to have an apology for the one point loss to Ohio State in 1999 and a check for the final four money we lost but a loss is still a loss. Am I wrong in this?
Boeheim responds
After the NCAA announced the sanctions on Syracuse University Friday afternoon, men’s basketball head coach Jim Boeheim released a statement in response to the NCAA’s findings.

Boeheim first expressed his relief that the investigation has finally come to a close after eight years. He admitted that violations did in fact occur, as he confessed at the Committee on Infractions hearing in October, and acknowledged that the violations are very serious, in a statement released by the university.

The head coach then expressed his disappointment with the NCAA in “ignoring the efforts which I have undertaken over the past 37 years to promote an atmosphere of compliance within the Men’s Basketball Program.” Boeheim called the penalties handed down by the NCAA “unprecedented” and said they’re simply based on the “rogue” actions of a local YMCA employee and SU’s former Director of Basketball Operations.

In the statement, Boeheim says the YMCA employee wasn’t allowed special access to the team, and that a local YMCA is a place where he was comfortable having his players spend their free time.

Boeheim continued by saying that if the findings are true regarding the YMCA employee – who Boeheim says was cleared by the Office of Athletic Compliance – then he would be deeply disappointed. Boeheim also addresses the alleged academic violations found by the NCAA, and said he “demands excellence from his student-athletes.” He added that NCAA rules prohibit him from getting involved in academic issues or reviewing athletes’ work.

He concludes by saying he has no further comment, and that he’ll weigh his future options.
Report has recruits continuing with Syracuse.

Malachi Richardson, No. 31 in Rivals150: “Nothing has changed,” Richardson’s mother, Jacqui said via text. “Malachi is still committed to Syracuse.”

Tyler Lydon, No. 66 in Rivals150: “In our opinion,” Lydon’s parents said, “we don’t think he’s going to leave. He’s never expressed anything even remotely to us that he would think about it.”

Moustapha Diange, No. 69 in Rivals150: “This doesn’t affect anything,” Diange’s Pope John XXII (New Jersey) coach, Jason Hasson said via text.

Franklin Howard, No. 82 in Rivals150: “Oh yes, for sure,” said Gloria Howard, Frank’s mom, told “We’re definitely still there. No changes.”
Boeheim responds
After the NCAA announced the sanctions on Syracuse University Friday afternoon, men’s basketball head coach Jim Boeheim released a statement in response to the NCAA’s findings.

Boeheim first expressed his relief that the investigation has finally come to a close after eight years. He admitted that violations did in fact occur, as he confessed at the Committee on Infractions hearing in October, and acknowledged that the violations are very serious, in a statement released by the university.

The head coach then expressed his disappointment with the NCAA in “ignoring the efforts which I have undertaken over the past 37 years to promote an atmosphere of compliance within the Men’s Basketball Program.” Boeheim called the penalties handed down by the NCAA “unprecedented” and said they’re simply based on the “rogue” actions of a local YMCA employee and SU’s former Director of Basketball Operations.

In the statement, Boeheim says the YMCA employee wasn’t allowed special access to the team, and that a local YMCA is a place where he was comfortable having his players spend their free time.

Boeheim continued by saying that if the findings are true regarding the YMCA employee – who Boeheim says was cleared by the Office of Athletic Compliance – then he would be deeply disappointed. Boeheim also addresses the alleged academic violations found by the NCAA, and said he “demands excellence from his student-athletes.” He added that NCAA rules prohibit him from getting involved in academic issues or reviewing athletes’ work.

He concludes by saying he has no further comment, and that he’ll weigh his future options.

Boeheim admitting that the NCAA's findings are true, then whining about the penalties imposed. Jim Boeheim whining. Imagine that.