The following is a true story as I indirectly know one of the parties involved.
Several years ago the Washington Redskins football team won their years old lawsuit defending and asserting their right to use the team name "Redskins". At the Washington law firm there was a huge celebration, with one of the senior parties sending out a global e-mail congratulating the legal team that had prevailed.
A newly hired lawyer, who is a Yale law school graduate, and is 1/2 Sioux Indian, hit reply all and sent a response that said "Not everyone here is happy that we won this suit."
A partner responded to him, saying, "Congratulations, you just sh*t all over the team that just won a very hard fought and very public lawsuit." He may have included a few more expletives.
The young part Sioux lawyer fired back, telling the senior partner what he could do himself, sending the partners response and his own, to the entire company.
When the phone rang in his office a couple of minutes later, the young lawyer said, "I guess I'm fired." The partner responded, "You guessed correctly."
I told this story to a young Washington lawyer who was out in Denver watching the Brigham Young game and sitting in our (SJU) section. He laughed and said, "You won't believe this, but I've heard that story."
It would be nice if SJU would stop being so politically correct and just go with Redmen. After all, I'd bet Orangemen could be construed as having native American origins.