Kinda like us posters here ?
Marillac has been batshit crazy since before I met him and that was during Norm years ( That's why we get along so well )
Lawman has been writing dissertations since our first party
You've been posting stuff that some posters still can't figure out when you are joking or serious
Mullins Revenge is 2 posts from Creedmore
Eric been gambling since the first day he posted
Monte been spanking chicks in soft porn since that same day
SJU85 used to be SJU69 so I guess he has grown up maturity wise but now that he has more time on his hands retired he's gonna be SJU69ing a lot
NCJohnnie talking about becoming NJJohnnie not sure that's the wisest decision tax wise
Probably the only person on this board who has actually grown up is Jack Williams but he started posting when he was 3
We are in serious trouble none of us change