beast of the east
Active member
I don't get this whole "Norm restored our reputation" thing. Why? Because there wasn't another sex scandal? How often does something like that happen, regardless of who is coach?
He certainly didn't restore our reputation with regard to win-loss record and recruiting.
So we are reliving the Norm years? I think we all have a short memory-or maybe I have a bad one. From what I recall, there was talk of dumping the whole program if another incident happened. The program's reputation was so tarnished that finding the right coach may have been difficult. Who did you want us to hire? Calipari? No chance we were heading there at that time. No coach would want the limitations Norm accepted, which was do it squeaky clean. No gray areas. No Grady Reynolds types. No chances of any kind. I believed then that Norm was the stopgap hire. Keep things clean, restore order, and given a thank you for your service. Father Harrington was shell shocked by the Jarvis years and the scandal that soon followed. Norm did as he was told. That's what the school was looking for, and received. If it was about wins only, he would not have be given the job.
Money would have solved it all. Norm wasn't hired as the only person who wanted the job, but from a limited pool of guys interviewed to work at $600 K per, when the going rate for quality was much higher. Remember, FH overrode the selection committee, and hired the candidate with the weakest head coaching record. I suspect he was chosen as a finalist by the committee head the same way a real estate broker shows someone a crappy house in the same price range as the house he wants to sell you, to make your decision clear. FH instead was enamored by a Queens guy who professed his lifelong love of SJU, and how this was his dream job. FH proved to be pretty weak at important hires, including Roberts, Chang, and Wile.