I always suspect there is at least one other window in to this sort of situation. Rysheed's life has included some very difficult stuff the past two years (the murder of an aunt, his mom's health issues) and that is hard stuff to face. Staying grounded in the here and now, including feedback from coaches, is a lot different than what you get from folks hanging on to the fantasy of what could be for you, the NBA, the money, and all that goes with it. To the extent that the fantasy includes making things easier for your mom it becomes even more seductive as a place to run to. The problem is that the folks feeding Rysheed the fantasy are not in a position to give him accurate feedback on how to get from where he is to where he dreams of being. I hope his team mates and the people in his life that are not hanging on to the fantasy help him make the best decisions for him and his family.