[quote="we are sju" post=295517][quote="MJDinkins" post=295514][quote="we are sju" post=295511][quote="Mike Zaun" post=295462][quote="we are sju" post=295406][quote="Mike Zaun" post=295402]Not saying we will make the Sweet 16 or that if we did it wouldn't be time to pop champagne on here. I would be ecstatic right next to the rest of you. But my point was that the way things are playing out, we have no true impact recruits coming for 2019 and even if we have a great season, we could easily be back in the 8-10 hole in conference the following year because of it. I just want some continuity with the program but of course first we have to win again. There seems to be a glass ceiling of 21 wins for the program overall and 10-8 in conference. We need to shatter that. Still hoping we have a great season, but
not sure Mullin will want to stay regardless.[/quote]
I am pretty sure you have zero insight on anything Chris Mullin may or may not want to do about anything. But feel free to let us know what he is planning on having for lunch today as at least that would be something different.
BTW my sources have told me he is going to have a Kale salad. But not sure how reliable the sources are regarding Chris Mullin's lunch plans as it is only 8:43 in Cali right now

I'm sorry, did you not see the "not sure" part of my post? You realize not everything has to come directly from Mullin's mouth to be a possibility, right? Even then, he would never admit anything like that publicly. Same with Matt. This isn't just throw it on the wall and see if it sticks. Many others also question whether or not he's in it for the long haul win or lose. If we have a terrible year I'd bet money that he resigns. If we have a great year, he may still say "ok I got the program back to being good, someone take over now". He barely even recruits or spends time in NY, so how truly committed can he be? This is by no means crazy.[/quote]
Ok all joking aside.
Is Chris Mullin a good college coach? Based off his record so far no.
Does Chris Mullin an NBA Hall of Famer have the stomach to deal with 17/18 year old kids egos, crazy parents, handlers, AAU coaches, etc? Maybe not.
Did Chris Mullin who became a top 50 NBA all time player, Two Time Olympic Gold Medalist, NBA Hall of Famer, NBA All Star, BE player of the year, College player of the year and the greatest player in ST John's sports history based totally on hard work and effort suddenly take a job at the place that helped make him and all of a sudden decided to mail it in and then quit? ABSOLUTELY NOT! And I will continue to mock anyone who perpetuates that fallacy. [/quote]
You just made an assumption, and spoke in absolutes, by stating he hasn't or won't mail it in based on his playing career. I understand what you're trying to say, but it's not exactly relevant and in many ways begs the question which makes your argument a fallacy.
Besides, if you think he doesn't have the stomach to deal with 17 and 18 year old's per recruiting, then perceptional it already seems like he's mailing it in.[/quote]
You know the difference.
Maybe he didn't realize what recruiting would take to get HS kids to come here for 1 year. That might be true, which would explain the over reliance on transfers.
My only argument was he did not come here to be lazy and collect a check while tarnishing his legacy.
BTW people on here used laziness as the main complaint about Lavin at the end.
Maybe it is just not easy to recruit here? Based off of the history here as the landscape of recruiting has changed that would be my hypothesis.[/quote]
Maybe, it isn't exactly a walk in the park to recruit at St. John's. I mentioned this before, and I believe this person's info (I heard this about 1 1/2 to two years ago).... The overall effort towards recruiting was blase'.