I have a hard time believing that if a kid like Posh said to Rick "coach I am 100% in. I will run through a brick wall for you. I want to be part of what you're building here", that Pitino wouldn't have offered him a spot on next seasons team. I'm not saying that he would be guaranteeing him the starting PG role, but I believe he would be offering him a spot and an opportunity to prove that he deserves to be the starting PG. I use Posh as an example, same could be true for Wusu and others. I could be completely wrong, but that's my sense.
And that's just it. The two kids you referenced will be seniors. It's quite possible they have a bigger role in mind for themselves next year, than Rick has in mind for them unless they earn it. Maybe they feel they deserve something. I have no idea, just speculating.