Rick Pitino - Head Coach at St John’s University!!!

He’s an incredible coach but I often wish he would keep his frickin mouth shut. Good thing he’s winning or this stuff would get old fast.
Yes but this is why Pitino is revered by many other coaches, he sticks up for them and goes out of his way to protect and say positive things about them. For example….. when have you ever heard Coach Cooley say such complimentary things about St. John’s?
CRP also goes off because he knows how hard it is to get anyone outside of NY besides displaced NYers to even think about St. Johns. He wants to make sure folks notice in the news rooms and seeding committee meetings and that this isn't easy. Being outspoken is a way of doing that. Even if he goes over the top at times.

And I do believe that part of this was to shield Sha. Pitino is very loyal to and protective of the coaching fraternity.
Give me 16-3 / 7-1 and comments that may drive some folks mad, all day and everyday, over stoic and non-answer, answers with the majority of the team’s records the last 25 years.

And I do not care about having an in between because after nearly a generation, our only option was losing.
To me since Kadary is on our team now it’s relevant. Personally the way I saw it was Pitino saying something complimentary to Holloway and to Kadary saying if the money was the same or even close that Holloway would have Richmond and that it’s not an even playing field

It’s not an even playing field and we could easily be on the end of the have nots down the road when Pitino eventually retires at 80 ( like Kranmars said ) even after he wins us a couple championships

This is the new reality of college sports. He said the truth

Its not like he pulled a Kim English and threw shade at the other team like he did at us
I'm with you, I don't see anything wrong with what Pitino said.