redken wrote: Reminds you of Fred Lyson and Sergio Luyk? Don't find that very comforting (especially the Fred Lyson part).
Let me elaborate. Bourgault reminded me of the style of those two players. They both played the three, were about 6' 6" played mostly without the ball in their hands, moved well without the ball, were spot up shooters from three and their primary purpose was to be complimentary players. I believe many good teams have role players like this on their roster.
Bourgault may have more talent, quickness and upside than either of those two players mentioned, but his role from what I could see today highlighted his complimentary skill set. Currently our roster has a void of spot up shooters at the three. Pointer and Garrett are stud athletes and bring many things to the table but adding a situational shooter to the roster is not a bad thing. Additionally Bourgault seemed to be an excellent passer and that is always valuable within the team concept.