Nothing was forgotten. It was 100% accurate at the time; however, now it no longer fits the narrative.The latest nonsensical "scandal" is that Trump spoke at length to Putin at a state dinner hosted by Merkel.
They are suggesting that Trump should get so close to "an enemy", that Putin, with his years of experience will game Trump, that it is inappropriate for a head of state to meet unofficially like that, that it was rude to Merkel, that they spoke only through a Russian interpreter, on and on and on.
The liberal media is ignoring the fact that by letting Putin have his way in Syria while doing nothing with his red line, Russia was elevated from a second rate world power to center stage. Of course Romney warned of Russia being our biggest geopolitical threat, and Obama mocked him by saying "The 70s called. They want their foreign policy back".
How soon they forget.
I'd much rather have an inexperienced politician who has gotten the better of hundreds of not thousands of business deals that engendered relationships around dinner parties and cocktail hours such as these. Would not be surprised at all if Putin respects Trump much more than his weak predecessor.
Their conversation was not political anyway, I though Putin said something about "koshachiy zakhvat"
Yea, and ISIS was the junior varsity even as it spread its talons across the middle east. Funny how it didn't become public knowledge until they had already spread like a rampaging virus.
So you are either creating your own narrative that Russia was impotent when Romney warned of the growing geopolitical threat, making Romney a genius in foreign policy, clairvoyant, or Romney just got lucky by guessing Russia was a threat. If we were talking 20 years later your point may be valid. In either case, Obama looks like an idiot for mocking Romney when Romney was dead on.
It was more likely self actualization. Putin read Obama correctly - a weak leader who had no stomach for conflict with Russia or anyone else. He therefore acted with impunity in Syria as the US stood idly by. Putin did what he wished in the Ukraine, because he knew Obama wouldn't act.
Obama was so far off base in reducing our nuclear arsenal to appease Putin and it was actually Obama who thought you could befriend "Vladimir".
ISIS seized upon the premature US withdrawal from Iraq to overrun that country.
George W Bush said it best when I saw him speak in person last year. Russia and Putin will only yield when you are dealing with them from a position of strength. If they sense weakness, they will have their way with you. Obama was/is weak, so Putin knew there would be zero retaliation for Russia's alliance with Assad, just as he knew he could do whatever he wanted in the Ukraine with no strong measures taken by the US.
If you want to believe that Russia was no threat in 2012 when Romney correctly warned of the growing Russian problem, be my guest.
We are six months removed from the election. Republicans control the House, the Senate and the White House. Yet, instead of progress we get incessant whining about Hillary, Obama, the media and dumb liberals.
Conservatives are now completely incapable of debating a single issue without defaulting to Hillary, Obama or the media. You have the votes, shut up and do something.