Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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Complete vs. finished?

We're done here.
Not for another 3.5 - 7.5 years
Hopefully the latter because that would mean we have had a pretty good 4 years.
Bamafanning the flames!

Just curious. Would 4 great Trump years be a bad thing for America? I think we all want an economy that thrives, peace, respect for all people, and American leaders to work for Americans first. If those things happen, I will sign up for another 100 years. IF it doesn't, well, you know the answer.
Don't remember if I posted this earlier.

Here's an English lesson for the day!

Complete" or "Finished"?

No dictionary has ever been able to define the difference between "complete" and "finished." However, during a recent linguistic conference, held in London, England, Samsundar Balgobin, a Guyanese linguist, was asked to make that very distinction.

The question by a colleague in the erudite audience was this: "Some say there is no difference between 'complete' and 'finished.' Please explain the difference in a way that is easy to understand."

Mr. Balgobin's response:

"When you marry the right woman, you are 'complete.'

If you marry the wrong woman, you are 'finished.'

And, if the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are 'completely finished.'"

His answer received a five minute standing ovation.."

Beast, the banning of immigrants from countries with non-functioning governments in quasi-control of areas known to house terrorists with extreme antipathy to the United States is not unreasonable.

The litany of risk prevention initiatives taken in time of war from your post is understandable, BUT legal protection of the innocent from the consequences of those initiative is also warranted. I have lived it the other way, my wife's family home in Bucharest being seized by the government and then sold off to a relative of the post-Communism prime minister in the on-going era of kleptocrats with security police connections in Eastern Europe. My tolerance for ignorant and please the mob appearance-based decision-making is very low in these circumstances as real lives are on the line. Doing it right and making it look right are not the same thing. The grandparents don't count ruling feels particularly hateful to anyone who has a Nona who was the glue that made the family work.
Complete vs. finished?

We're done here.
Not for another 3.5 - 7.5 years

Take the over.

Just curious. Would 4 great Trump years be a bad thing for America? I think we all want an economy that thrives, peace, respect for all people, and American leaders to work for Americans first. If those things happen, I will sign up for another 100 years. IF it doesn't, well, you know the answer.

Kind of hard to get four great years out of him when the first six months aren't great, though. And there will never be respect for all people in this country.
Complete vs. finished?

We're done here.
Not for another 3.5 - 7.5 years
Hopefully the latter because that would mean we have had a pretty good 4 years.
Bamafanning the flames!

Just curious. Would 4 great Trump years be a bad thing for America? I think we all want an economy that thrives, peace, respect for all people, and American leaders to work for Americans first. If those things happen, I will sign up for another 100 years. IF it doesn't, well, you know the answer.
What constitutes great? The economy? Pax Orangia? How closely the country is aligned with the Constitution? As world-renowned cooler/philosopher Dalton stated, "Opinions vary".

I want a great Trump presidency, as long as it falls within my specifications. So, MAGA, but as I have stated in the past, he's no Republican, so proceed with caution.
Don't remember if I posted this earlier.

Here's an English lesson for the day!

Complete" or "Finished"?

No dictionary has ever been able to define the difference between "complete" and "finished." However, during a recent linguistic conference, held in London, England, Samsundar Balgobin, a Guyanese linguist, was asked to make that very distinction.

The question by a colleague in the erudite audience was this: "Some say there is no difference between 'complete' and 'finished.' Please explain the difference in a way that is easy to understand."

Mr. Balgobin's response:

"When you marry the right woman, you are 'complete.'

If you marry the wrong woman, you are 'finished.'

And, if the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are 'completely finished.'"

His answer received a five minute standing ovation.."

Beast, the banning of immigrants from countries with non-functioning governments in quasi-control of areas known to house terrorists with extreme antipathy to the United States is not unreasonable.

The litany of risk prevention initiatives taken in time of war from your post is understandable, BUT legal protection of the innocent from the consequences of those initiative is also warranted. I have lived it the other way, my wife's family home in Bucharest being seized by the government and then sold off to a relative of the post-Communism prime minister in the on-going era of kleptocrats with security police connections in Eastern Europe. My tolerance for ignorant and please the mob appearance-based decision-making is very low in these circumstances as real lives are on the line. Doing it right and making it look right are not the same thing. The grandparents don't count ruling feels particularly hateful to anyone who has a Nona who was the glue that made the family work.
I am somewhat confused by the example, although Nona deserved better. Your family was not protected by their own government which is its primary function. On the other hand, the US government is under no obligation to protect foreign nationals by permitting them entry, especially when the underlying reason is protecting US citizens.

But then again, what do I know. I can't figure out why "commencement" means to begin, but also is used as the name of graduation ceremonies, which is clearly an end. Only Balgobin knows. But what I do know is that they play "Pomp and Circumstance" at graduations, and that makes me think of the greatest wrestler of all time, The Macho Man! Oh yeah!
the banning of immigrants from countries with non-functioning governments in quasi-control of areas known to house terrorists with extreme antipathy to the United States is not unreasonable.

The litany of risk prevention initiatives taken in time of war from your post is understandable, BUT legal protection of the innocent from the consequences of those initiative is also warranted. I have lived it the other way, my wife's family home in Bucharest being seized by the government and then sold off to a relative of the post-Communism prime minister in the on-going era of kleptocrats with security police connections in Eastern Europe. My tolerance for ignorant and please the mob appearance-based decision-making is very low in these circumstances as real lives are on the line. Doing it right and making it look right are not the same thing. The grandparents don't count ruling feels particularly hateful to anyone who has a Nona who was the glue that made the family work.

The Supreme Court decision in Korematsu is an embarassment to this country's jurisprudence. It 's not surprising that it was written by Hugo "I number among my friends many members of the colored race" Black (ironic, isn't it Alanis), a former Klansman, who not surprising was appointed by a democrat, democrats being the party of slavery, segregation and sedition.

The question in these immigration cases is limited: does the president have the authority to limit immigration if in his opinion those limitations protect the citizenry. Pretty clearly he does, and SCOTUS will so soon rule. But the larger question is: who rules? That is, following a national election where a critical plank of the winner's platform addressed the immigration issue, can a dozen unelected functionaries thwart the will of the people via judicial fiat? The answer to that in a republic democracy must be: no. You said it yourself: this is a limited, partial, temporary ban. As such it's well within the executive's power.

The answer to that question doesn't address the wisdom of the policy; to the question of who rules - the people, or 17 guys who went to Harvard - I quote Bill Buckley: "I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University."

This isn't Dred Scott or Plessy v Ferguson, where fundamental rights of aggrieved persons were at risk (and were denigrated by democrat SCOTUS judges). This is a fundamental question about the nature of the government, and for once the government came down on the right side of it. Good on them.
Complete vs. finished?

We're done here.
Not for another 3.5 - 7.5 years
Hopefully the latter because that would mean we have had a pretty good 4 years.
Bamafanning the flames!

Just curious. Would 4 great Trump years be a bad thing for America? I think we all want an economy that thrives, peace, respect for all people, and American leaders to work for Americans first. If those things happen, I will sign up for another 100 years. IF it doesn't, well, you know the answer.


As far as respect for all people, Trump might consider leading by example.
Trump folks response to more bad Russia news.......

QUICK......start talking about Hillary. We can go with Ukraine this time. Let everybody know that the Clintons are actually still the real problem.
Trump folks response to more bad Russia news.......

QUICK......start talking about Hillary. We can go with Ukraine this time. Let everybody know that the Clintons are actually still the real problem.
Ah yes, Hillary, the gift that keeps on giving! :p
Trump folks response to more bad Russia news.......

QUICK......start talking about Hillary. We can go with Ukraine this time. Let everybody know that the Clintons are actually still the real problem.
I'll play "Stir the Pot", but counter clockwise...

Sometimes when children are admonished for doing something wrong, they begin pointing out all the wrong-doing of others. They will often declare "it's not fair!".

Instead of using Hillary or Obama, now you're diverting to Ted Kennedy! There seems to be a belief that, in the face of any transgression, the illumination of something equally bad or worse can effectively absolve Donald Trump from responsibility. I am open to hearing more about the Kennedy story and it certainly sounds wrong to me. But at what point do we objectively judge Donald Trump and stop dragging out the past to rationalize the present?

Trust me, Obama and Clinton are gone forever. It's now safe to be objective (not defensive) about the current president.
Come on, JohnnyFan, get off Trump! Don't we have anything better to talk about? Like the affair Warren G. Harding had in 1917! That's real news!
Trump folks response to more bad Russia news.......

QUICK......start talking about Hillary. We can go with Ukraine this time. Let everybody know that the Clintons are actually still the real problem.
I'll play "Stir the Pot", but counter clockwise...

Sometimes when children are admonished for doing something wrong, they begin pointing out all the wrong-doing of others. They will often declare "it's not fair!".

Instead of using Hillary or Obama, now you're diverting to Ted Kennedy! There seems to be a belief that, in the face of any transgression, the illumination of something equally bad or worse can effectively absolve Donald Trump from responsibility. I am open to hearing more about the Kennedy story and it certainly sounds wrong to me. But at what point do we objectively judge Donald Trump and stop dragging out the past to rationalize the present?

Trust me, Obama and Clinton are gone forever. It's now safe to be objective (not defensive) about the current president.
Wrong is wrong. Period. Just putting a picture frame around the.partisanship that stretches back into the last millenium.

And Obama and the Clintons aren't going away quietly.
I actually dont think Trump Jr did anything anyone else wouldn't do ( ok Gore's team maybe didnt but I voted for Gore and I would have if he ran against DJT ) but that being said the optics are bad especially when the press blows it up by 1000 times but again I'll say no-one is going to jail over this
I actually dont think Trump Jr did anything anyone else wouldn't do ( ok Gore's team maybe didnt but I voted for Gore and I would have if he ran against DJT ) but that being said the optics are bad especially when the press blows it up by 1000 times but again I'll say no-one is going to jail over this
Did you help your buddy Al invent the internet? ;) :)
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