I get why people dislike Trump, I really do. Although not to the degree that many do. What I don't get is why people so desperately want to see him fail. That is beyond my comprehension. But the older I get, the more stuff I don't get.
I don't want him to fail, my fear is that he will self destruct and cause this country extreme harm. My hope was that after he was elected, he would surround himself with knowledgeable people and make the economic changes that he promised.
His closest advisors are his family. This is not a family business, it is the United States of America. His cabinet choices have been horrendous, DeVos as Secretary of Education. The Charter schools that she advocated for in Michigan are among the worse in the country with absolutely no oversight. Exxon/Mobil has just been fined millions of dollars for breaking sanctions with Russia while Tillerson was CEO.
Why he is afraid to release his taxes is something I can't understand. You are the President, you should have nothing to hide. The abundance of contradictory statements by those close to him are definitely a cause for concern.
Trump is a walking contradiction, the same week that he spoke about having goods made in America, it was revealed that none of his or his daughter's products are made in this country.
He talks about creating jobs but his properties Mar A Lago and his golf courses are applying for visas for foreigners to work there, hypocrisy at its finest.
Just finished reading an article about how money from the Russian Mafia was used to buy an inordinate number of Trump properties in the 90's when he was undergoing numerous bankruptcy procedures.
So Monte, I do not want Trump to fail because of the negative effect it will have on our country. However, I can see him self destructing because he is the perfect example of the "Peter Principle".