And why should the government use OUR money to pay to develop "natural talent" anymore than they should have paid for my daughter to become a teacher or my son an electrician? The government has no business in 90% of the things they "fund". The federal budget is nothing more than a shell game, an opportunity for career politicians to get RICH conning taxpayers when the only people they are really there to please is BIG MONEY. And that is from both sides of the aisle. D.C. needs to be cleaned out and it might be too late to do that. We shall see.
I agree with you about the government being a leviathan with an insatiable appetite for its subjects liberty and property, and that that is an abomination and antithetical to the idea of a free and representative republic. But let's be real: the government does pay for daughters and sons to become teachers and electricians through guaranteed student loans and grants and subsidies and tax breaks for "non profit" colleges and now in New York "free" tuition. The problem with government subsidies for the arts - and I say this as the proud owner of several music degrees and the jagged repulsive teeth of a professional saxophone player - is that when the government picks winners and losers in the arts not only does it picks losers - that is, in the main it subsidizes bad art - but the philistines who do the picking choose art that's offensive to the values that the government should be promulgating. Consider: the federal government sponsored an art exhibit that submerged the baby jesus in a vat of urine; the state government sponsored an art exhibit that portrayed the mother of the baby jesus festooned in dung ("art" which recently sold for 5 million dollars at auction btw). And meanwhile a painting of the baby jesus not in dung and not submerged in any bodily fluids left outside a mosque on Long Island is being investigated as a hate crime. If I painted a picture of the prophet M__h____d using my own feces I'd be prosecuted and then murdered by zealots. Whereas if I painted a similar picture of Pope Leo XII I'd win various awards. That's the problem with funding the arts: no one knows what art is and least of all civil servants.
No, government needs to get out of funding the arts because it is not their business. Personally, I couldn't care less about bad art because I was blessed with the common sense to ignore it. I am a Christian and find the "art" referenced to be abhorrent but couldn't care less about it; now the political climate that allows the hypocrisy you cite is a different story altogether. That is real, downright scary and oversimplifying things a bit, is why Trump is sitting in the White House right now. I said multiple times prior to the election that the most important thing about Trump was that he was probably the only person who could have stopped the Bush/Clinton/Obama/leftist/RINO sellout to the globalist movement. That is the single most reason that D.C., including MANY Republicans, are acting in concert to discredit him, stall his agenda, invented the Russian collusion, etc. It remains astounding to me that in clear sight Clinton/Obama brokered the uranium deal with Russia that made both an absolute boatload of money but seemingly intelligent people are comfortably happy to ignore that. Hillary in full sight and now indisputably documented broke EXTREMELY vital national security laws, laws that have people in prison for serious time for a fraction of what she did; yet those same "intelligent" people seemingly just don't care. Pretty much as undeniable is Obama and his administration abused and turned the intelligence communities to their own use, acting in HIS interest even after he left office, ignoring all rule of law fragrantly and in plain sight and what does the media say about that? NOTHING, but let Trump tweet and watch the hysteria. I could go on and on but the fact is this country is at a very serious crossroads; very serious and it has the same NOTHING to do with Democrat vs. Republican. It is whether we stay a sovereign self determining democratic republic or enough people are conned or brainwashed or imported to turn us into just more fodder for the elite globalists.
You are taking great liberties as you tell the Russian uranium deal story.
I am posting a link to a piece published by Politifact. Although it is not the end-all-be-all source, it does describe the issue with some indisputable facts, and also describes why many think it was (and may have been) corrupt.
I am taking no liberties, if you are getting your info from Politifact or CNN, or NBC, etc. you are brainwashed. They are not objective reporters of fact they are propagandists. Propagandists who promote a movement, not the truth, in fact they have no truth, that have marching orders: as dirty as any "media" anywhere.
Again, Logen, I am aware that all major media outlets have bias. Even your source of choice, whatever that may be, has a lean. This is not ground breaking information. Declaring those with opposing views as "brainwashed" is essentially a refusal to engage in cerebral discourse. No problem.
I am not sure if you read the piece I suggested, but it is not one sided. Conversely, I am afraid your take on the situation reads like a President Trump tweet. Of course, I do realize it is possible that you accept his tweets to be an accurate source of information.
FInally, I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton and have no desire to defend her. I voted for her only because I believed her opponent to be unfit for the office from a psychiatric and human decency standpoint. At this point, Hillary and Obama are merely tools of distraction for those wanting to camflauge the ineptness of our current president.