Gawd, I don't know where to begin except to laud you right wingers as having aced the delusional curriculum at St. John's Of The Swastika. Great job!
#1 Obama deported more illegals than any of the past 4 previous Presidents COMBINED.
#2 FUN--where'd you grow up? You seem to lack ANY class. Saying 'a few years ago (Obama) as a lackey would have been fetching his (Clinton's) post-rape coffee is insulting, vaguely racist, and totally clueless of the sexual assaults proudly admitted by Mr. Buffoon--YOUR president.
#3 Obama's a communist??!!!?? Not in any text book. You may need to be retested on remedial economic history. Your rejoinder to attempting to modify the current near record inequality gap in the USA is to label anyone who advocates 'leveling the playing field' in skills and job training is to lower taxes for the wealthy and take away health care for 23 million Americans.
#4 Your characterization of Obama's foreign policy is laughable. The USA was hated when he took office. Obama's hesitancy to commit more US troops to Iraq was sensible on two fronts: a) the American people was against recommitting large troop levels in Iraq because the invasion was and remains the worst military operation in modern US History. Again, you may have to reread Sun Tzu's The Art of War'.
$5 Nobody has been able to contain NK--not just Obama. Re Iran, that Agreement is the best that could've been achieved. IF Trump rescinds it and/or threatens Iran--the USA will be further embroiled in the bloody Middle East for the next Century.
#6 You are being proved laughably wrong daily on your mocking global warming or climate change or however you denigrate it. The problem is, it'll be too late IF Trump succeeds in his damaging anti-climate agenda. (But he won't.)
#7 The US economy recovered from the worst downturn in the USA since the Great Depression. Obama made mistakes by not attacking Republican opposition to infrastructure spending, jobs training programs, et al, after the 2010 elections, but he gets credit for agreeing with Bush on TARP, launching Obamacare and supporting Bernanke in QE--the primary tool in our economic recovery. The only one available since Republicans blocked every fiscal policy program Obama sponsored.
Things are getting and will continue to worsen under this incompetent individual we are currently cursed with in the White House.
I suggest you retake political history also.
#1 Obama deported more illegals than any of the past 4 previous Presidents COMBINED.
#2 FUN--where'd you grow up? You seem to lack ANY class. Saying 'a few years ago (Obama) as a lackey would have been fetching his (Clinton's) post-rape coffee is insulting, vaguely racist, and totally clueless of the sexual assaults proudly admitted by Mr. Buffoon--YOUR president.
#3 Obama's a communist??!!!?? Not in any text book. You may need to be retested on remedial economic history. Your rejoinder to attempting to modify the current near record inequality gap in the USA is to label anyone who advocates 'leveling the playing field' in skills and job training is to lower taxes for the wealthy and take away health care for 23 million Americans.
#4 Your characterization of Obama's foreign policy is laughable. The USA was hated when he took office. Obama's hesitancy to commit more US troops to Iraq was sensible on two fronts: a) the American people was against recommitting large troop levels in Iraq because the invasion was and remains the worst military operation in modern US History. Again, you may have to reread Sun Tzu's The Art of War'.
$5 Nobody has been able to contain NK--not just Obama. Re Iran, that Agreement is the best that could've been achieved. IF Trump rescinds it and/or threatens Iran--the USA will be further embroiled in the bloody Middle East for the next Century.
#6 You are being proved laughably wrong daily on your mocking global warming or climate change or however you denigrate it. The problem is, it'll be too late IF Trump succeeds in his damaging anti-climate agenda. (But he won't.)
#7 The US economy recovered from the worst downturn in the USA since the Great Depression. Obama made mistakes by not attacking Republican opposition to infrastructure spending, jobs training programs, et al, after the 2010 elections, but he gets credit for agreeing with Bush on TARP, launching Obamacare and supporting Bernanke in QE--the primary tool in our economic recovery. The only one available since Republicans blocked every fiscal policy program Obama sponsored.
Things are getting and will continue to worsen under this incompetent individual we are currently cursed with in the White House.
I suggest you retake political history also.