I'm a firm believer in civilly debating the issues--including the merits and warts of major politicians.
But this 'president' violates any sense of decency or restraint.
Witness his hoisting the finger at the Italian President at the ill-fated and disastrous G7 meetings, his (I think, giving the finger to somebody: the media, his cabinet, his opponents???) at the recent Cabinet Meeting of Sycophants, his mocking of a disabled reporter last year, and his oft-repeated boast, 'in effect' that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and still be supported by his 'base'.
Hence, I humbly posit that instead of this thread being 'locked up', maybe this 'president's 'mouth' should be edited tightly--emitting only well-thought out and civil comments.
As opposed to Obama and Clinton who were "decent" enough to leave Americans defenseless to die in Benghazi and then "decently" lie about it. I'll take the finger over death every time. I humbly suggest you take your "firm belief" and civility and...........