Dawned on me watching AG Sessions that there might be an active strategy by President Trump operatives of exhausting the public with unprovable charges that Republicans in Congress can dismiss as frivolous, before the emoluments clause investigations get underway and fall on the ears of a populace that is sick of investigations, even though guilt is self-evident.
Exactly, the republicans are driving this investigation, it's like one of those Russian nesting doll where you peel off the layers and in the end there's nothing there, except this time there's nothing there, to distract the rubes from the fact that there's nothing somewhere else.
Two questions, since you evidently attended all three years of law school: (1) what "present, emolument, office, or title" from which "King, Prince or foreign State" has Trump accepted and when did he accept it? (2) when President Jugears accepted $1.4 million dollars for winning the Nobel Peace Prize, an "emolument" - a word meaning "a salary, fee, or profit" - awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, a committee appointed by the the Norwegian Parliament, a legislature of a "foreign state" - did that violate the emoluments clause, [strike]you ridiculous partisan hack[/strike] Dr Fuchsia, Esq.?
I am Esq. free in title. Democrat for 55 years who believes his party is running on empty. Moeller's subpoenas will unearth the degree to which our President is victim of his baser nature, forgoing all except the opportunity to pocket an extra buck, which is how he keeps score. Some people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Careful, this might be a trick question.