Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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You mean the wacky extremist 'Christian' fundamentalist animals? You mean recognizing that these wacky extremist 'Christian' fundamentalist animals commit these heinous acts regularly as well and not excusing 'their' behavior as sociopathic individual 'losers' but inherent in 'their religion' also?
Is that what you mean?
We agree.
No I don't Obama. But I am for crushing any violent heinous acts no matter what religion is involved. Why don't you and Katey Perry invite a couple of nice ISIS fellows out dinner...on my dime because I'll never have to pay the check because I'll tell the manager I'm not paying because 2 of my quests severed heads are in their plates.
What transpired in Obama's first 137 days as POTUS? Aside from digging us out of the Great Crash, I recall no 'terrorist' attacks.
We've had 2 separate incidents in the past month where 'Christian animals' murdered innocent people.
They're barely 'reported'.
Double standard people.
But fuhgeddaboudit baby because you cannot convince the convinced.
Double standard by whom, the press? The same press save for FOX that opposes any Trump policy or action? Yup, not much Islamic fighting going on around the world in the name of their religion.
What transpired in Obama's first 137 days as POTUS? Aside from digging us out of the Great Crash, I recall no 'terrorist' attacks.
We've had 2 separate incidents in the past month where 'Christian animals' murdered innocent people.
They're barely 'reported'.
Double standard people.
But fuhgeddaboudit baby because you cannot convince the convinced.
Double standard by whom, the press? The same press save for FOX that opposes any Trump policy or action? Yup, not much Islamic fighting going on around the world in the name of their religion.

It might be more relevant to think about the rampant religious terrorism in the US today by not looking at the first 137 days of Obama but rather the longer term policies he adopted ... read open borders, the politics of division (e.g. black lives matter), increasingly expanding welfare state, undermining of industry and blue collar jobs, newspeak on migrants and utter denigration of white christians all over the country ... the list could go on but this is not productive.

What would be productive is to revisit and learn from history about instances of religious terrorism and their relevance for the current situation. London is no stranger to it, and it was called the IRA, and it was extreme. But over time it was resolved ... what were the factors that drove to this resolution, and are there any insights as to what can be relevant for today ... ???
Well the Comey testimony was certainly must see tv today


1. Comey spent much of his tenure as FBI director confused and queasy.

2. Comey is able to interpret Jeff Sessions' body language but not Donald Trump's tweets. Because words are hard.

3. "Fired FBI Director James Comey asked Columbia law professor Daniel C. Richman to leak the content of memos documenting his interactions with President Donald Trump, he testified Thursday."

18 U.S. Code § 641

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or


Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; but if the value of such property in the aggregate, combining amounts from all the counts for which the defendant is convicted in a single case, does not exceed the sum of $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Whoopsie daisy.

3. Susan Collins is almost the dumbest woman in the Senate but only until Patty Murray retires.
Well the Comey testimony was certainly must see tv today


1. Comey spent much of his tenure as FBI director confused and queasy.

2. Comey is able to interpret Jeff Sessions' body language but not Donald Trump's tweets. Because words are hard.

3. "Fired FBI Director James Comey asked Columbia law professor Daniel C. Richman to leak the content of memos documenting his interactions with President Donald Trump, he testified Thursday."

18 U.S. Code § 641

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or


Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; but if the value of such property in the aggregate, combining amounts from all the counts for which the defendant is convicted in a single case, does not exceed the sum of $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Whoopsie daisy.

3. Susan Collins is almost the dumbest woman in the Senate but only until Patty Murray retires.

I am just waiting for the book deal, followed by the HBO movie ...
Everyone is lying except Trump. He is getting a raw deal and we will all see that when the details of the investigation vindicate him. Maybe, if it wasn't a stupid investigation propelled by fake news, he wouldn't have to obstruct it.

Who cares if he behaved inappropriately. We already understood his character and we still wanted him as our president. So stop wasting our tax dollars with these hearings.
Please don't insult me pal.
Trump is an unmitigated disgrace and embarrassment to this country and every ideal it ever aspired to.
He campaigned on a populist theme and has driven his blue collar white base into a ditch barely 140 days into his 'presidency' on health care, veterans benefits, the climate, national parks, barely running the government, student aid, children aid, on and on in a Faustian deal with the Repugnants in Congress to do THEIR agenda and leave him in office.
But it won't work.
The country is awake.
Congress and the American People have a choice of believing Comey (and Coat and Rogers in closed testimony) or Trump--a degenerate, incompetent, serial liar.
His campaign surely colluded with the Russians to throw the elections and I'm betting he did also.
"What did Trump know and when did he know it?"
Sound familiar, hey?!!!?
"Comey believes he was fired because of the FBI's Russia probe." "I was fired to...change...the way the Russia investigation was being conducted. That is a very big deal."
Also via The Washington Examiner.
Trump is at the very least guilty of obstructing justice. The very least.
The statements you are providing are not from the article that was posted by me. Nevertheless, on the obstruction of justice: Comey refused to state whether he believed that President Trump's request to shut down the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn amounted to obstruction of justice — saying it was a question for the investigation's special counsel Bob Mueller — but he called it "a very disturbing thing, very concerning." Comey can call it whatever he wishes.

More importantly as Dr. Fun pointed out after comey's firing and this Trump tweet, Comey asked a close friend of his — Columbia law professor Daniel Richman — to leak the content of his memos to the media with the hope of triggering the appointment of a special counsel. That's breaking the law, I believe

Finally from the article I posted: "Comey also asserted that he had told Trump that he was not personally under any investigation and that the president had encouraged the Russia investigation, even if it implicated any of his associates"
the HBO movie ...


Michael Fassbender as Jim Comey
Charlize Theron as Mrs. Jim Comey ...
Jim Carrey as Donald Trump
Charlotte Rampling as Melania Trump

With ...

Scarlett Johansson as Hillary Clinton
Cloris Leachman as Kelly Ann Conway
Mila Kunis as Andrea Mitchell
Bar Rafaeli as Nancy Pelosi
Zoe Saldana as Loretta Lynch
Betty White as John McCain

and featuring Uncle Theodore as Steve Bannon

A Quinn Martin Production
Please don't insult me pal.
Trump is an unmitigated disgrace and embarrassment to this country and every ideal it ever aspired to.
He campaigned on a populist theme and has driven his blue collar white base into a ditch barely 140 days into his 'presidency' on health care, veterans benefits, the climate, national parks, barely running the government, student aid, children aid, on and on in a Faustian deal with the Repugnants in Congress to do THEIR agenda and leave him in office.
But it won't work.
The country is awake.
Congress and the American People have a choice of believing Comey (and Coat and Rogers in closed testimony) or Trump--a degenerate, incompetent, serial liar.
His campaign surely colluded with the Russians to throw the elections and I'm betting he did also.
"What did Trump know and when did he know it?"
Sound familiar, hey?!!!?

I'd respond but I have to run out to my Christian church, where we are planning to run over women and children and then stab the ones that we don't run over. Some of us are going to just going to blow up schools and hospitals, take hostages and behead them, and shoot up night clubs.

Repugnants.... how original. You are just a disgusting person - can't categorize you any other way. Well, that isn't true. You are absolutely stupid, but capable of stringing a few words together. Kind of like our prior President. .
It's so damned funny, that if anyone were obstructing justice, it was the Obama White House, with loretta tarmac lynch instructing Comey not to call his investigation into Clinton an investigation - of course on orders from the Instigator in Chief.

Do Black Lives Matter? Only in big election years up until election day
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