Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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You know what they say about 'being sorry for what you wished for'?!? I'll give you a medium 'pro Hillary' post. She wasn't my first choice. The only Republican I would've entertained supporting was Christie. Jeb Bush a stumbling younger bro to W and more conservative and more out-of-touch with the country's pain than his brother. Rubio a pretty boy in an empty suit. Cruz a fanatical 'Christian' impostor and half-deranged on social issues. Kasich wasn't what he was perceived to be. No moderate. Carson the dumbest-sounding surgeon I've ever encountered. Fiorina a light-weight and not very successful CEO. Alexander, Paul, Huckabee all marginal candidates.
Hillary, compared to those people and to Bernie Sanders, is very qualified to be POTUS--recognizing nobody is ever sufficiently prepared for that Office. She knows the issues better than anybody on the political stage. I think she'll make a very credible President, will be able to work with obstructionist Republicans to get some stuff done, like needed infrastructure spending, and will lead us in the sensible direction on climate change, and nuclear proliferation. Perhaps even mild compromise on modest tax reform. Who knows? And she'll work to improve Obamacare and provides clear-headed knowledge of the landmines ahead on foreign policy. And she won't fire as many Generals as Trump would have. There you have it.

Medium to say the least, all suppositions of what you think she will do when the evidence suggests otherwise. What has she ACCOMPLISHED to make you think she will do those things? She was a do nothing carpetbagger senator and an abject failure as SOS. As we used to say in the pool hall , a lot of "poking and hoping" in that post.
For any Catholics out there, or those who would be outraged if the subject matter was that of Judaism or Islam, read the latest wikileaks email content about HRC's Podestas and other comments about the Catholic church.

The mainstream media has buried this story, as well as the contents of wikileaks, and only run a buried story about the Clinton campaign saying these are Russian hacks trying to help Trump.
McCain ran as a moderate but have the Republican right wing red meat in Sarah Palin.
Romney was a 'moderate' running far to the right and have the R right wing Paul Ryan, their boy. Truth is, the last moderate Republican 'nominee' was George the First.
Presently, the Party is a rabble of right wing ideologues, one more incoherent than the other.
Play the videotape.

Absolutely false statement. Of the 13 party candidates to run in the primary (excluding Trump, Fiorina, and Carson), all except Cruz (Conservative) and Paul (libertarian) are moderates. Of course the far left can't distinguish at all, and with the mainstream media so actively engineering results, you will see far left Presidents for the foreseeable future.

Those who continue to be fooled by the mainstream media's lack of objectivity will propagate this, although millennials have already caught on after being deceived by the DNC's effort to manipulate the result against Sanders.

In terms of McCain's choice of Palin, it was due to poor vetting. In Alaska, she had a 90% approval rating, and as a females candidate, McCain reasoned she would get a lot of the Clinton votes. What they didn't figure on was the media completely trashing her in every which way, including her $10,000 dresses (Clinton wears a plethora $15,000 designer nehru outfits designed to hide her widening ass, and has had more plastic surgery than Joan Rivers)
It's impossible to convince the convinced. Except for her woeful Iraq War vote, she had a good record in the US Senate and is credited with 'bipartisan efforts'. She was not an 'abject failure as SOS'. If you can point at her and Obama but remain silent about the disastrous foreign policy of the Bush Administration--that says it all.
It's impossible to convince the convinced. Except for her woeful Iraq War vote, she had a good record in the US Senate and is credited with 'bipartisan efforts'. She was not an 'abject failure as SOS'. If you can point at her and Obama but remain silent about the disastrous foreign policy of the Bush Administration--that says it all.

Her "woeful" Iraq vote was for political expediency. Vote against it in those moments, and you would look unpatriotic, so if she was truly against it, she sold out her conscience, which she will do when elected. Honestly, anyone for partial birth abortion is an animal anyways.

Many Republicans have declared the Iraq war a failure and mistake. I stand apart from them. I feel that it was America's response to terrorism. Hussein had thumbed his nose at 17 UN resolutions requiring him to have weapons inspectors come in. The Clinton administration believed he had WMDs, and in fact his own son in law declared that there were mobile labs developing WMDs. Hussein wooed him back from hiding and then executed him. Hussein also slaughtered 500,000 of his own countrymen, and was a sponsor of terrorism. He also used chemical warfare against the Kuwaitis. For all those who say a brutal dictator is better than no dictator, then you'd better be for deposing Assad - the weak kneed Obama drew that red line that Assad laughed at. For all those that say the war produced no results, after the first 2 months of the war, all we were fighting and killing were terrorists who poured over the border, and I'd say that was a very good thing. When Bush left office, the surge that both Obama and Clinton declared would be a failure actually worked, and 18 of 22 provinces were secured. The timeline for withdrawal set by Bush was far in the future, enough to train Iraqi security forces and have a stable transfer of security to a now Democratic government. Obama ran on a platform that troops would be removed 60 days after he took office, and of course that was an impossible lie by the neophyte, who not only had to follow Bush's timeline but totally mishandled negotiations for the transfer of security.

Even if I stand alone, I'd support the Iraq war. It could be incorrect, but I am principled, and not a sellout, like our politicians.
Carson is a conservative, as is Cruz, Rubio, and Huckabee. I cited Fiorina as a lightweight and not too successful CEO. Kasich is not moderate--he ran that way against the cluster of right wingers in the Republican primaries. Christie is 'moderate' and Alexander sometimes but not consistently. Truth is, as I've said, that the Republicans are far right of center and straight-plate ideological. Read "It's Even Worse Than It Looks" by Mann/Ornstein and stop watching FOX or listening to Rush and you may achieve some balance' in the realm of politics.
Stick a fork in the Orange one, he should never have got this far. Speaks to the public's apathy towards the current regime. Too bad Pence could not take his place..

Very important the GOP controls the House & Senate. Unlike Obama, who abdicated to the golf course once re-elected, HRC has an agenda and will need to be corralled.
That we have a campaign based on who is more aggrieved with little real analysis of how we get from where we are to where we want to be is sad commentary on our political now and yes Hillary's main asset is that she is not Trump. The only other Republican she could have beaten is Cruz and no, Trump is not channeling Hitler, Cruz is. Trump is channeling Mussolini.

My mother co-led Jimmy Carter's 1976 primary campaign in Queens County and I admire the man, if not his function as President. The Burt Lance scandal deprived Carter of the only really skilled player in his inside circle of advisers. But in the "you could look it up department" Carter, and Papa Bush, and Obama are in my eyes responsible for three little known acts of Presidential courage,
[/ul]Carter for military restraint in the hostage crisis, against his own political interests, not for not endangering the hostages, but for recognizing that the two operatives fronting the Iranian regime at the time (BaniSadr and Ghotzbadeh) were in fact Moscow trained KGB operatives and that full bore military action against Iran would have led to confrontation of American and Soviet blue water fleets in the Gulf of Oman with a very high risk of real war,
[li]Bush for keeping a weakened Saddam Hussein in power after the first Gulf War as the only significant military force that wasn't Israeli between the Iranians and the Mediterranean[/li], and
[/ul]Obama, for keeping his mouth shut for six years (until after the 2014 election) about the true depth of the financial crisis he encountered upon entering office so that we came through the great recession instead of another depression[/li]

For the record, I have memories of not liking Marian Wright Edelman (Hillary's mentor) because she advocated tirelessly on behalf of vulnerable children, and never addressed the systems that perpetuated the vulnerability (a la Pat Moynihan). If we can get past the political whores sucking up all the oxygen we can get back to a solution-centered approach where the balance between letting markets decide everything (which doesn't work in the real world because some risks are too great for private capital and some capital is managed to thwart competition in ways that impede progress) and social engineering (where the rights and capacities of people get forgotten by engineers fascinated by their toys) is restored in the context of checks and balances and maximizing local decision-making that respects the constitution.

Hillary won't get us there but at least the anxiety that Trump raises in me that there won't be an us, won't be quite as high.
Good points but what exactly wasn't known about the financial crisis because I can assure you everything was already known way before then.

If anything maybe the average person at that time didnt understand the true scope of what was happening but the markets knew it was near catastrophe otherwise the market wouldn't have sold off to historic levels up until march of 09.

MJM, the point is not that it wasn't known but that Obama focused on "we can make it back" rather than look at what "they" did to us.

Obama, for keeping his mouth shut for six years (until after the 2014 election) about the true depth of the financial crisis he encountered upon entering office so that we came through the great recession instead of another depression[/li]

It's pre-election so the continuing who is more aggrieved rhetoric is expected but no matter what I want to pursue a post-election dialogue on problem-solving, particularly on economic models that take greater advantage of our natural resources in profit-making climate-change protective ways.
Carson is a conservative, as is Cruz, Rubio, and Huckabee. I cited Fiorina as a lightweight and not too successful CEO. Kasich is not moderate--he ran that way against the cluster of right wingers in the Republican primaries. Christie is 'moderate' and Alexander sometimes but not consistently. Truth is, as I've said, that the Republicans are far right of center and straight-plate ideological. Read "It's Even Worse Than It Looks" by Mann/Ornstein and stop watching FOX or listening to Rush and you may achieve some balance' in the realm of politics.

The reason we have so much divisiness is that both sides accuse the other of moving far from the center. Such polarity is contrary to the notion of civil discourse necessary to legislate. It's often been said that based on policy and approach, Jack Kennedy would be a conservative today, and that when you hear soundbites from Bill Clinton's Presidency, you would think he was representing a Republican position. In the Republican party there is still room for Conservatives and moderates, but in the Democratic Party, moderates are maginalized and not tolerated at all. Joe Lieberman was thrown out of the party simply for advocating for the war in Iraq, and successfully ran as an independent. As a testament to his consistency to his values and ideology, he did state that we would likely vote according to Democratic principals once elected as an independent, but would break where his conscience and intellect said otherwise. We could use about 100 Senators who would do the same.
I want to create a web-based movement called CRAPP
with the motto "because CRAPP is better than what we are getting from the wing-nut right and the dingbat left.
That we have a campaign based on who is more aggrieved with little real analysis of how we get from where we are to where we want to be is sad commentary on our political now and yes Hillary's main asset is that she is not Trump. The only other Republican she could have beaten is Cruz and no, Trump is not channeling Hitler, Cruz is. Trump is channeling Mussolini.

My mother co-led Jimmy Carter's 1976 primary campaign in Queens County and I admire the man, if not his function as President. The Burt Lance scandal deprived Carter of the only really skilled player in his inside circle of advisers. But in the "you could look it up department" Carter, and Papa Bush, and Obama are in my eyes responsible for three little known acts of Presidential courage,
[/ul]Carter for military restraint in the hostage crisis, against his own political interests, not for not endangering the hostages, but for recognizing that the two operatives fronting the Iranian regime at the time (BaniSadr and Ghotzbadeh) were in fact Moscow trained KGB operatives and that full bore military action against Iran would have led to confrontation of American and Soviet blue water fleets in the Gulf of Oman with a very high risk of real war,
[li]Bush for keeping a weakened Saddam Hussein in power after the first Gulf War as the only significant military force that wasn't Israeli between the Iranians and the Mediterranean[/li], and
[/ul]Obama, for keeping his mouth shut for six years (until after the 2014 election) about the true depth of the financial crisis he encountered upon entering office so that we came through the great recession instead of another depression[/li]

For the record, I have memories of not liking Marian Wright Edelman (Hillary's mentor) because she advocated tirelessly on behalf of vulnerable children, and never addressed the systems that perpetuated the vulnerability (a la Pat Moynihan). If we can get past the political whores sucking up all the oxygen we can get back to a solution-centered approach where the balance between letting markets decide everything (which doesn't work in the real world because some risks are too great for private capital and some capital is managed to thwart competition in ways that impede progress) and social engineering (where the rights and capacities of people get forgotten by engineers fascinated by their toys) is restored in the context of checks and balances and maximizing local decision-making that respects the constitution.

Hillary won't get us there but at least the anxiety that Trump raises in me that there won't be an us, won't be quite as high.
Good points but what exactly wasn't known about the financial crisis because I can assure you everything was already known way before then.

If anything maybe the average person at that time didnt understand the true scope of what was happening but the markets knew it was near catastrophe otherwise the market wouldn't have sold off to historic levels up until march of 09.

MJM, the point is not that it wasn't known but that Obama focused on "we can make it back" rather than look at what "they" did to us.

Obama, for keeping his mouth shut for six years (until after the 2014 election) about the true depth of the financial crisis he encountered upon entering office so that we came through the great recession instead of another depression[/li]

It's pre-election so the continuing who is more aggrieved rhetoric is expected but no matter what I want to pursue a post-election dialogue on problem-solving, particularly on economic models that take greater advantage of our natural resources in profit-making climate-change protective ways.

I can't agree with this train of thought. Bill Clinton, but in 2009 and 2010 taunted Obama by saying that he had inherited much more serious economic woes and worked America out of it. Such hatred exists between the two to this day which was borne in the Hillary-Obama primaries when Bill accused Obama of playing the race card.

I would further say that the dramatic expansion of entitlements, including food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare, including to illegal immigrants has dramatically increased the deficit. The answer isn't to increases taxes to corporations, which will only slow the addition of good paying new jobs. Even raising the minimum wage to a living wage, which I support, is not without consequence. I've already been to fast food places that do not use cashiers to take orders at all - it is all done at touch screen kiosks. Obamacare requirements for participation for companies begins at 50 full time employees, and small companies limit their growth and create part time positions when they approach that threshold. Such naivete on the part of the Obama administration, along with destruction of the coal industry (and bragging about it), refusal to issue new drilling permits (but bragging about increased oil production that were the result of Bush issued permits), and stimulus investments of $500 million in solar companies like Solindra who could not compete with Chinese low cost panels which turned out to be a worthless investment all have contributed to the stagnation of our ecomony.
It's impossible to convince the convinced. Except for her woeful Iraq War vote, she had a good record in the US Senate and is credited with 'bipartisan efforts'. She was not an 'abject failure as SOS'. If you can point at her and Obama but remain silent about the disastrous foreign policy of the Bush Administration--that says it all.

If you bothered to read my posts before responding it would be plain to you I have knocked the Bushes right along with Obama and the Clintons, unfortunately, it's impossible to have a dialogue with the brainwashed. I rail against the Washington establishment elite and make no distinction between Republicans and Democrats; in my mind they are cut of the same thieving, lying power hungry cloth. I have made it crystal clear I support Trump solely and only because his election would send a message that the corrupt cabals in Washington that pass as a government can possibly be broken and replaced by something resembling democratic institutions. Real nice try though.
OMG Beast, in my humble view, you are so wrong! The Repubs have moved much farther to the right than the Dems have to the left. (This year's Dem Party platform the most pronounced 'move' to more progressive positions in 30 years and that was Bernie's impact.) Look at the influence of The Tea Party and Evangelicals on Republican Party politics and positions and attitude toward 'governing'.
People should read "It's Even Worse Than It Looks." Great and well-documented book by two highly-regarded experts on the political process. Mann's a lib; Ornstein a conservative.
They point to the rise of 'partisanship' in both parties but cite the Repubs as far more dogmatic and ideologically rigid and far more responsible for gridlock and stagnation in the System.
Has anyone 'looked around'? The Repubs control both Houses of Congress and have for most of the past 22 years; have controlled SCOTUS for most of the past 20 years; control 31 of 50 governorships, and over 70% of State legislatures.
So, which party should be more responsible for the mess in government and the stagnation in American life?
I know my prime 'usual suspect'.
Trump is a joke, man. He's unfit to be President. He's unqualified and unstable. He'd usher in a trade war that would plunge the country into a deep recession at the very least. That you fail to see that...well, nothing more to say. Good luck.
McCain ran as a moderate but have the Republican right wing red meat in Sarah Palin.
Romney was a 'moderate' running far to the right and have the R right wing Paul Ryan, their boy. Truth is, the last moderate Republican 'nominee' was George the First.
Presently, the Party is a rabble of right wing ideologues, one more incoherent than the other.
Play the videotape.

I'm shocked they haven't pushed a Jeff Flake or Jeff Flake-type guy harder.

Or at the very least have an ultra-conservative kook pretend to be moderate until he gets in office. But I guess if you are crazy it's a hard thing to hide.
Trump is a joke, man. He's unfit to be President. He's unqualified and unstable. He'd usher in a trade war that would plunge the country into a deep recession at the very least. That you fail to see that...well, nothing more to say. Good luck.

Trump is a joke, but the current President with 153 days in the Senate before declaring for President is somehow fit for the job? Even his qualifications were fabricated - he was never a professor of Constitutional Law - he was never any more than an adjunct teaching no more than 6 credits in any given semester. He was billed as a community organizer, a term never used with any degree of frequency before. What did we get from him? An economic stimulus package that purported to save GM, while screwing GM bond holders of the value of their bonds? A cash for clunkers program that was ridiculous? The creation of ISIS by destabilzing the region by leaving Iraq before they had adequate security forces? Laughing at Romney when Romney correctly identified Russia as the biggest geopolitical threat? Having his SOS Kerry call "protecting the environment" our number 1 most important global initiative? Having Nancy Pelosi tell Americans that "we have to vote for ObamaCare legislation to see whats in the bill"? Having Susan Rice carry the banner of lies proclaiming Benghazi attacks were a spontaneous riot over a youtube video? Or walking it back and have Hillary take 3 months to testify after "hitting her head" to tell Americans "What does it really matter?" How about Obama whispering into a hot mic to a Soviet diplomat "Tell Vladimir I can reduce our nuclear arsenal even more after the election" (an obvious deception to the American people)? The list goes on and on. So yea, call the guy who built a global corporation unfit, and the guy who never managed even a crew at McDonalds, and whose largest business venture may have been selling drugs as a Columbia student (where he got in magically despite self described "mediocre grades" at Occidental College is someone part of the academic elite.

Come on man - you are either part of the lies machine, or a sheep who can't decipher the bs the liberals are throwing at you. They demonized Romey and McCain - this is what liberals do best. When Christie was a contender they laughed at his weight and trashed him. They make fun of Christians and middle Americans as "clinging to their guns and bibles". All in all the most despicable people on earth are now in control, and very likely retain control in November.
Beast, it's back and forth man. I know I'm right / you know you are.
You cite me innuendo and slur primarily. Obama taught constitutional law at UChicago. The school says he did and he was offered tenure track but declined it.
What we got from Obama was recovery from the deepest eco downturn since the Great Depression--in the face of staunch Republican opposition to all initiatives post 2010, including needed infrastructure programs and jobs training programs. Mark it down, Obama will go down in history as a solid POTUS. Benghazi another Repub witch hunt that cost over $20mm and proved nothing. You're right about Obama laughing at Romney in '12 re Russia. Funny you should include that, since your boy Trump is knee deep with the Ruskies on foreign policy and benefiting from Ruskie-hacked emails. Trump 'built a global corporation'? Trump is a joke in business and hated at the same time.
Regarding rescuing GM and 'stiffing' Bondholders--those Bondholders bought at distressed values #1 NOT Face, and #2 all rules change in Chapter 11--where often 'new money' rules the conditions of Reorg. In GM's case, the federal Govt was the 'new money via Guarantees.
And it's the Repubs, the Tea Party, FOX and right wing media that has made our politics toxic. Again, read "It's Even Worse Than It Looks."
Again, I know I'm right and you know you are.
So, enjoy your day.
And one more thing: Benghazi 'security' was subpar because Repubs cut/blocked funding for all US Embassies in 2011 and onward. Republicans have controlled both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court and have for most of the past 20-25 years. And the Party controls 31 of 50 governorships and over 70% of a State legislatures--yet hurl vitriolic spit at Dems and 'liberals'.
Give it a break. Repubs must take responsibility for the mess we're in.
McCain ran as a moderate but have the Republican right wing red meat in Sarah Palin.
Romney was a 'moderate' running far to the right and have the R right wing Paul Ryan, their boy. Truth is, the last moderate Republican 'nominee' was George the First.
Presently, the Party is a rabble of right wing ideologues, one more incoherent than the other.
Play the videotape.

I'm shocked they haven't pushed a Jeff Flake or Jeff Flake-type guy harder.

Or at the very least have an ultra-conservative kook pretend to be moderate until he gets in office. But I guess if you are crazy it's a hard thing to hide.

There's not a lot of folks calling Pence out for the crazy kook he is so maybe it isn't that hard to hide.
And one more thing: Benghazi 'security' was subpar because Repubs cut/blocked funding for all US Embassies in 2011 and onward. Republicans have controlled both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court and have for most of the past 20-25 years. And the Party controls 31 of 50 governorships and over 70% of a State legislatures--yet hurl vitriolic spit at Dems and 'liberals'.
Give it a break. Repubs must take responsibility for the mess we're in.

If that was the case then why haven't there been 7 GOP led congressional investigations and 33 GOP led congressional hearings on Benghazi, none of which have resulted in saying there was evidence of wrongdoing? Answer me that! ;)
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