You know what they say about 'being sorry for what you wished for'?!? I'll give you a medium 'pro Hillary' post. She wasn't my first choice. The only Republican I would've entertained supporting was Christie. Jeb Bush a stumbling younger bro to W and more conservative and more out-of-touch with the country's pain than his brother. Rubio a pretty boy in an empty suit. Cruz a fanatical 'Christian' impostor and half-deranged on social issues. Kasich wasn't what he was perceived to be. No moderate. Carson the dumbest-sounding surgeon I've ever encountered. Fiorina a light-weight and not very successful CEO. Alexander, Paul, Huckabee all marginal candidates.
Hillary, compared to those people and to Bernie Sanders, is very qualified to be POTUS--recognizing nobody is ever sufficiently prepared for that Office. She knows the issues better than anybody on the political stage. I think she'll make a very credible President, will be able to work with obstructionist Republicans to get some stuff done, like needed infrastructure spending, and will lead us in the sensible direction on climate change, and nuclear proliferation. Perhaps even mild compromise on modest tax reform. Who knows? And she'll work to improve Obamacare and provides clear-headed knowledge of the landmines ahead on foreign policy. And she won't fire as many Generals as Trump would have. There you have it.
Medium to say the least, all suppositions of what you think she will do when the evidence suggests otherwise. What has she ACCOMPLISHED to make you think she will do those things? She was a do nothing carpetbagger senator and an abject failure as SOS. As we used to say in the pool hall , a lot of "poking and hoping" in that post.