That we have a campaign based on who is more aggrieved with little real analysis of how we get from where we are to where we want to be is sad commentary on our political now and yes Hillary's main asset is that she is not Trump. The only other Republican she could have beaten is Cruz and no, Trump is not channeling Hitler, Cruz is. Trump is channeling Mussolini.
My mother co-led Jimmy Carter's 1976 primary campaign in Queens County and I admire the man, if not his function as President. The Burt Lance scandal deprived Carter of the only really skilled player in his inside circle of advisers. But in the "you could look it up department" Carter, and Papa Bush, and Obama are in my eyes responsible for three little known acts of Presidential courage,
[/ul]Carter for military restraint in the hostage crisis, against his own political interests, not for not endangering the hostages, but for recognizing that the two operatives fronting the Iranian regime at the time (BaniSadr and Ghotzbadeh) were in fact Moscow trained KGB operatives and that full bore military action against Iran would have led to confrontation of American and Soviet blue water fleets in the Gulf of Oman with a very high risk of real war,
[li]Bush for keeping a weakened Saddam Hussein in power after the first Gulf War as the only significant military force that wasn't Israeli between the Iranians and the Mediterranean[/li], and
[li] Obama, for keeping his mouth shut for six years (until after the 2014 election) about the true depth of the financial crisis he encountered upon entering office so that we came through the great recession instead of another depression[/li]
For the record, I have memories of not liking Marian Wright Edelman (Hillary's mentor) because she advocated tirelessly on behalf of vulnerable children, and never addressed the systems that perpetuated the vulnerability (a la Pat Moynihan). If we can get past the political whores sucking up all the oxygen we can get back to a solution-centered approach where the balance between letting markets decide everything (which doesn't work in the real world because some risks are too great for private capital and some capital is managed to thwart competition in ways that impede progress) and social engineering (where the rights and capacities of people get forgotten by engineers fascinated by their toys) is restored in the context of checks and balances and maximizing local decision-making that respects the constitution.
Hillary won't get us there but at least the anxiety that Trump raises in me that there won't be an us, won't be quite as high.
Without a lot of eloquence, Carter had no stomach for a military confrontation with Iraq. World totalitarian regimes , especially Russia, do not respect relationships, nor diplomacy. They do respect military might, and when Iran sensed reticence on Carter's part, acted with impunity. Only with the prospect of President- elect Reagan promising to bring military wrath upon Iran did they release the hostages.
Great conversation to be had about how to lift marginalized populations within our country, whether those afflicted with multi-generational poverty, or wracked with physical or mental afflictions. I have a heart for this, but fled the Democratic party when I began to understand that to placate those who can help themselves by advocating that the opposition party was intentionally keeping them down was a blatant lie. In fact, if the opposition party if filled with wealthy businessman, there isn't a market sector around that wouldn't want populations to afford better clothes, cars, jewelry, vacations, etc. But again, that discussion is for another day.
Maybe GHWB should have vanquished Saddam when he had the chance in the Persian Gulf War, but then again, maybe who criticize W have blamed the instability in the middle east on deposing brutal dictators because of what follows.
Obama is by all means a Chicago politician. HE will keep his mouth shut when politically convenient, and lie when that is expeditious. He inherited a mess, but his economic stimulus was largely a waste of money, mimicking the Bush bailouts that prevented a worldwide collapse of financial markets. If GM couldn't compete, they should have been shuttered. However, if some of the large financial institutions failed, it would have caused a cascading effect of many financial sector corporations to also go under. The catalyst, though were subprime mortgages given to those who couldn't afford homes. Dodd-Frank in a Democratic majority Congress led that charge, and the housing bubble bursting lit the fuse to this near collapse, and not GWB.
So when you say Obama kept his mouth shut, boy, he did the opposite. He's been proclaiming a strong recovery when the growth of our economy has been minimal, reduced unemployment, when those numbers are manipulated by the over 50 crowd dropping off when they stop looking for jobs that aren't there, and neglects underemployed recent college grads. Other than that, things are fine. Take the lid off low interest rates, and the stock market gains crumble also.
So, while I am politically not aligned with Obama or Clinton policy, I am most disgusted by their utter lack of decency and integrity. Rewind to 2008, and see all the horrible personal attacks on each other, and then magically this hope and change becomes old Washington retreads. Bill Clinton, who hates Obama, trots out to help in 2012, but I'm certain he wanted Obama to campaign for Hillary in 2016. Obama hates Hillary, and was behind the initiation of the email scandal. When it failed to gain tracks, I believe he made another deal with the Clintons for the crown jewel he wants - a Supreme Court nomination. That last part is pure speculation, the rest of the paragraph isn't.
I don't really mind leaders of the opposite party that are good, decent people. Bill Bradley would have made a find Democratic President. Joe Lieberman led with his conscience, and got drummed out of the Democratic Party for supporting the war in Iraq, but won my respect in doing so. Of course many Dems, including Kerry and Clinton voted for the war against their conscience when they felt it was politically expedient.
So I cannot tolerate the ever lying, ever cheating, ever criminal Hillary Clinton. Trump may say horrific things, but saying horrible things hasn't stopped Putin from being an effective leader. At least Trump has has incredible success in hundreds of business ventures. If it makes you happy to cherry pick his failures, go ahead. at the end of the day he is far wealthier than any of us, and he didn't do it buying tax liens (like Elizabeth Warren) or entering into shady real estate or stock transactions (like Clinton).
I am voting for potentially real hope and change from someone beholden to no one, including his own party. And despite all the caveats, THAT is refreshing.