I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now
I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.
That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.
Would you say that President Obama and both Clinton's suffered the same exaggerated judgments?
From who? Certainly not from me. I think Obama's a fascist but I don't hate him any more than I hate Federico Mussini. I just think he's a dope. Bill Clinton's a creditably accused rapist but I'd still have a beer with him. Certainly not from the media, who routinely laud democrats and vilify republicans. Not from the world community, which gave the drone killer Obama and that nitwit Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobody gave Reagan any prizes - I mean sure the the Poles built him a statue but only because he freed 40 million Polish citizens from the yoke of Soviet oppression, big deal, anyone could have done that. I don't recall any Tea Partiers rioting in the streets setting fire to police cars in protest of Joe "Hitler" Biden.
Are there extremists on the right? Of course - but mostly among the lunatic fringe right, and the only people who take them seriously are democrats, so they can use them a cudgel to bludgeon republicans as racists and xenophobes. On the left hatred is mainstream: in academia, in the media, in the arts, and among the rank and file. You hate Donald Trump, you hate George Bush, and 70 years ago you'd probably have hated that war monger Eisenhower. Because you think that anyone who doesn't think the way you do is evil. And who doesn't hate evil.