Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

Would you say that President Obama and both Clinton's suffered the same exaggerated judgments?

From who? Certainly not from me. I think Obama's a fascist but I don't hate him any more than I hate Federico Mussini. I just think he's a dope. Bill Clinton's a creditably accused rapist but I'd still have a beer with him. Certainly not from the media, who routinely laud democrats and vilify republicans. Not from the world community, which gave the drone killer Obama and that nitwit Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobody gave Reagan any prizes - I mean sure the the Poles built him a statue but only because he freed 40 million Polish citizens from the yoke of Soviet oppression, big deal, anyone could have done that. I don't recall any Tea Partiers rioting in the streets setting fire to police cars in protest of Joe "Hitler" Biden.

Are there extremists on the right? Of course - but mostly among the lunatic fringe right, and the only people who take them seriously are democrats, so they can use them a cudgel to bludgeon republicans as racists and xenophobes. On the left hatred is mainstream: in academia, in the media, in the arts, and among the rank and file. You hate Donald Trump, you hate George Bush, and 70 years ago you'd probably have hated that war monger Eisenhower. Because you think that anyone who doesn't think the way you do is evil. And who doesn't hate evil.
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

And fanaticism wouldnt be fantastical without phantasmagoria.

This is because the left controls language and by that the power and ability of define words as it wishes, and it purely depends on whats of interest to them. So think of how quickly muslims went from jihadis to suffering ones, how quickly now Bush younger is looking pretty f ing ok.

Glad you noticed the revisions. Its not that easy to see. But i would also like you to think about the term conservative and what conjures up in your mind... ?

And it happens so subtly that if you blink, you'll miss all the danger and excitement:


These two bit phonies are only embracing Bush to make the point of how bad they think Trump is as they even admit so what is the revelation here? That they are fair minded people?
i would also like you to think about the term conservative and what conjures up in your mind... ?

I'm (what is referred to as) conservative because I think mankind is venal and irredeemable and therefore any thoughts as to his perfectibility are misguided; and because most people are stupid their ideas regarding how to improve the human condition are not only wrong but likely to make things worse. It follows from that that the smaller the government is the better the government is, because the smaller the government is the fewer are the bad ideas that become codified and the less is the coercion that is employed to enforce them.

Most "conservatives" are not conservative by that definition. Certainly not GW Bush or Trump. Even someone like Ted Cruz when he talks about shrinking the federal government is talking about taking a scalpel to a leviathan. No contraction of the military, no contraction of the prison and criminal justice system, the sort of minor regulatory reform that Trump is talking about as an engine for more tax revenue. There's nothing radical is his platform and he's an extreme right winger.
i would also like you to think about the term conservative and what conjures up in your mind... ?

I'm (what is referred to as) conservative because I think mankind is venal and irredeemable and therefore any thoughts as to his perfectibility are misguided; and because most people are stupid their ideas regarding how to improve the human condition are not only wrong but likely to make things worse. It follows from that that the smaller the government is the better the government is, because the smaller the government is the fewer are the bad ideas that become codified and the less is the coercion that is employed to enforce them.

Most "conservatives" are not conservative by that definition. Certainly not GW Bush or Trump. Even someone like Ted Cruz when he talks about shrinking the federal government is talking about taking a scalpel to a leviathan. No contraction of the military, no contraction of the prison and criminal justice system, the sort of minor regulatory reform that Trump is talking about as an engine for more tax revenue. There's nothing radical is his platform and he's an extreme right winger.

Precisely, yet the left has owned this term since i remember, and i try not remember too much. I see the definition very similar to yours but just articulate it differently. That is, we are not on a progressive trajectory of getting better and more perfect over time. That science is manipulated to try to show positive progression but there no linear positive change. That its highly possible that are ancesters were way smarter, way more decent, way more progressive than we have the space to be now. That the ancesters saw the continuation of tradition of collective values as necessary for specie survival. That change is organic and stems from within communities as part of the evolutionary need to adapt to changes in the biophysical environment.

This i contrast with the incredible faith in science to march and progress towards perfection. That nature can be managed scientifically. That societies can be managed scientifically provided they are split from their backward traditions, customs, religions and freed from their useless human emotions. At that stage, they are ripe for any peopaganda. In this type of society stupidity, mediocrity spurred on by big government is the modus operandi.

In the former, stupidity is the exceptiom because the rules are less and lesser exist so more space to think. The political term i use is anarchism, which too the left (socialist) own
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

Would you say that President Obama and both Clinton's suffered the same exaggerated judgments?

From who? Certainly not from me. I think Obama's a fascist but I don't hate him any more than I hate Federico Mussini. I just think he's a dope. Bill Clinton's a creditably accused rapist but I'd still have a beer with him. Certainly not from the media, who routinely laud democrats and vilify republicans. Not from the world community, which gave the drone killer Obama and that nitwit Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobody gave Reagan any prizes - I mean sure the the Poles built him a statue but only because he freed 40 million Polish citizens from the yoke of Soviet oppression, big deal, anyone could have done that. I don't recall any Tea Partiers rioting in the streets setting fire to police cars in protest of Joe "Hitler" Biden.

Are there extremists on the right? Of course - but mostly among the lunatic fringe right, and the only people who take them seriously are democrats, so they can use them a cudgel to bludgeon republicans as racists and xenophobes. On the left hatred is mainstream: in academia, in the media, in the arts, and among the rank and file. You hate Donald Trump, you hate George Bush, and 70 years ago you'd probably have hated that war monger Eisenhower. Because you think that anyone who doesn't think the way you do is evil. And who doesn't hate evil.

There have been millions of women marching in the streets over Trump's alleged sexist ways, feigning outrage at his behavior towards women over the years. Yet I would bet dollars to donuts that if Bill Clinton ran for President again, all his past transgressions towards women would be quickly forgotten and those same women who are marching against Trump would be marching right to the polling booth to cast their vote for Clinton. It's selective outrage, and hypocrisy. Just back one of these women(and a lot of men) in to a corner with a logical question, and you'll never get a straight answer. I know, I've tried with a few of my middle-aged, never married, female friends. We all know the type. The same ones who despise guys like Donald Trump because he represents all the asshole men in the world who either never given them the time of day, or who gave them the time of day and then dicked them around. But of course you'll never hear these women say that. What you get is a comment like "you just don't understand!". Yeah, OK.
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

Would you say that President Obama and both Clinton's suffered the same exaggerated judgments?

From who? Certainly not from me. I think Obama's a fascist but I don't hate him any more than I hate Federico Mussini. I just think he's a dope. Bill Clinton's a creditably accused rapist but I'd still have a beer with him. Certainly not from the media, who routinely laud democrats and vilify republicans. Not from the world community, which gave the drone killer Obama and that nitwit Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobody gave Reagan any prizes - I mean sure the the Poles built him a statue but only because he freed 40 million Polish citizens from the yoke of Soviet oppression, big deal, anyone could have done that. I don't recall any Tea Partiers rioting in the streets setting fire to police cars in protest of Joe "Hitler" Biden.

Are there extremists on the right? Of course - but mostly among the lunatic fringe right, and the only people who take them seriously are democrats, so they can use them a cudgel to bludgeon republicans as racists and xenophobes. On the left hatred is mainstream: in academia, in the media, in the arts, and among the rank and file. You hate Donald Trump, you hate George Bush, and 70 years ago you'd probably have hated that war monger Eisenhower. Because you think that anyone who doesn't think the way you do is evil. And who doesn't hate evil.

This may come as a surprise, but you're not exactly coming across as someone who respects an opposing position.
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

Would you say that President Obama and both Clinton's suffered the same exaggerated judgments?

From who? Certainly not from me. I think Obama's a fascist but I don't hate him any more than I hate Federico Mussini. I just think he's a dope. Bill Clinton's a creditably accused rapist but I'd still have a beer with him. Certainly not from the media, who routinely laud democrats and vilify republicans. Not from the world community, which gave the drone killer Obama and that nitwit Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobody gave Reagan any prizes - I mean sure the the Poles built him a statue but only because he freed 40 million Polish citizens from the yoke of Soviet oppression, big deal, anyone could have done that. I don't recall any Tea Partiers rioting in the streets setting fire to police cars in protest of Joe "Hitler" Biden.

Are there extremists on the right? Of course - but mostly among the lunatic fringe right, and the only people who take them seriously are democrats, so they can use them a cudgel to bludgeon republicans as racists and xenophobes. On the left hatred is mainstream: in academia, in the media, in the arts, and among the rank and file. You hate Donald Trump, you hate George Bush, and 70 years ago you'd probably have hated that war monger Eisenhower. Because you think that anyone who doesn't think the way you do is evil. And who doesn't hate evil.

There have been millions of women marching in the streets over Trump's alleged sexist ways, feigning outrage at his behavior towards women over the years. Yet I would bet dollars to donuts that if Bill Clinton ran for President again, all his past transgressions towards women would be quickly forgotten and those same women who are marching against Trump would be marching right to the polling booth to cast their vote for Clinton. It's selective outrage, and hypocrisy. Just back one of these women(and a lot of men) in to a corner with a logical question, and you'll never get a straight answer. I know, I've tried with a few of my middle-aged, never married, female friends. We all know the type. The same ones who despise guys like Donald Trump because he represents all the asshole men in the world who either never given them the time of day, or who gave them the time of day and then dicked them around. But of course you'll never hear these women say that. What you get is a comment like "you just don't understand!". Yeah, OK.

Bill Clinton is an absolute bafoon, so for me it feels awkward defending him on anything. My point is that it is important that sane thinking people realize that there is hysteria and selective outrage on both sides. I know everyone has probably heard it a thousand times, but if Hillary had this Russia stuff going on, do you really think Republicans wouldn't pounce on it? The same Republicans that are chalking it up to sore-losing, petulant Democrats would be tenaciously hammering away at it. We need a collection of people that can call out the circus-show on both sides. Otherwise, this will be a circular discussion (i.e. "no, you started it") that continues for our lifetimes.
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

Would you say that President Obama and both Clinton's suffered the same exaggerated judgments?

From who? Certainly not from me. I think Obama's a fascist but I don't hate him any more than I hate Federico Mussini. I just think he's a dope. Bill Clinton's a creditably accused rapist but I'd still have a beer with him. Certainly not from the media, who routinely laud democrats and vilify republicans. Not from the world community, which gave the drone killer Obama and that nitwit Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobody gave Reagan any prizes - I mean sure the the Poles built him a statue but only because he freed 40 million Polish citizens from the yoke of Soviet oppression, big deal, anyone could have done that. I don't recall any Tea Partiers rioting in the streets setting fire to police cars in protest of Joe "Hitler" Biden.

Are there extremists on the right? Of course - but mostly among the lunatic fringe right, and the only people who take them seriously are democrats, so they can use them a cudgel to bludgeon republicans as racists and xenophobes. On the left hatred is mainstream: in academia, in the media, in the arts, and among the rank and file. You hate Donald Trump, you hate George Bush, and 70 years ago you'd probably have hated that war monger Eisenhower. Because you think that anyone who doesn't think the way you do is evil. And who doesn't hate evil.

This may come as a surprise, but you're not exactly coming across as someone who respects an opposing position.

I'm not surprised, because I never claimed to respect opposing intellectual positions. On the contrary, I hope my contempt for the opposing intellectual position is evident and if it's not I'll try harder. And neither do I think the left deserving of civility, because the left's default position in incivility. The distinction is that I don't hate leftists - other than perhaps as fallout from a general misanthropy. I don't think you're evil, I just think you're wrong.
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

Would you say that President Obama and both Clinton's suffered the same exaggerated judgments?

From who? Certainly not from me. I think Obama's a fascist but I don't hate him any more than I hate Federico Mussini. I just think he's a dope. Bill Clinton's a creditably accused rapist but I'd still have a beer with him. Certainly not from the media, who routinely laud democrats and vilify republicans. Not from the world community, which gave the drone killer Obama and that nitwit Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobody gave Reagan any prizes - I mean sure the the Poles built him a statue but only because he freed 40 million Polish citizens from the yoke of Soviet oppression, big deal, anyone could have done that. I don't recall any Tea Partiers rioting in the streets setting fire to police cars in protest of Joe "Hitler" Biden.

Are there extremists on the right? Of course - but mostly among the lunatic fringe right, and the only people who take them seriously are democrats, so they can use them a cudgel to bludgeon republicans as racists and xenophobes. On the left hatred is mainstream: in academia, in the media, in the arts, and among the rank and file. You hate Donald Trump, you hate George Bush, and 70 years ago you'd probably have hated that war monger Eisenhower. Because you think that anyone who doesn't think the way you do is evil. And who doesn't hate evil.

There have been millions of women marching in the streets over Trump's alleged sexist ways, feigning outrage at his behavior towards women over the years. Yet I would bet dollars to donuts that if Bill Clinton ran for President again, all his past transgressions towards women would be quickly forgotten and those same women who are marching against Trump would be marching right to the polling booth to cast their vote for Clinton. It's selective outrage, and hypocrisy. Just back one of these women(and a lot of men) in to a corner with a logical question, and you'll never get a straight answer. I know, I've tried with a few of my middle-aged, never married, female friends. We all know the type. The same ones who despise guys like Donald Trump because he represents all the asshole men in the world who either never given them the time of day, or who gave them the time of day and then dicked them around. But of course you'll never hear these women say that. What you get is a comment like "you just don't understand!". Yeah, OK.

Bill Clinton is an absolute bafoon, so for me it feels awkward defending him on anything. My point is that it is important that sane thinking people realize that there is hysteria and selective outrage on both sides. I know everyone has probably heard it a thousand times, but if Hillary had this Russia stuff going on, do you really think Republicans wouldn't pounce on it? The same Republicans that are chalking it up to sore-losing, petulant Democrats would be tenaciously hammering away at it. We need a collection of people that can call out the circus-show on both sides. Otherwise, this will be a circular discussion (i.e. "no, you started it") that lasts for all of our lifetimes.

I have always disregarded much of this kind of nonsense that goes on with both sides and just considered it "politics as usual". Although it is certainly much more contentious now then I ever recall. What I don't get is the selective outrage, the protests and the marches.. Totally ridiculous if you ask me, but hey people are entitled to waste their time as they see fit.
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I wish I had some hot teacher back when I was young. I'd have loved to be her bait. I think in 12 years of grade school to high school I literally only had 1 hot teacher the entire time. Back then it seemed like all those women teachers were super old. I look back at my old school pics now and realize some of them weren't much older than I am now. Holy shit I'm getting old
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I wish I had some hot teacher back when I was young. I'd have loved to be her bait. I think in 12 years of grade school to high school I literally only had 1 hot teacher the entire time. Back then it seemed like all those women teachers were super old. I look back at my old school pics now and realize some of them weren't much older than I am now. Holy shit I'm getting old

Just imagine what a female teacher-any female teacher!-looked like at an all boys high school. Its almost like how females look to guys in the joint.
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I wish I had some hot teacher back when I was young. I'd have loved to be her bait. I think in 12 years of grade school to high school I literally only had 1 hot teacher the entire time. Back then it seemed like all those women teachers were super old. I look back at my old school pics now and realize some of them weren't much older than I am now. Holy shit I'm getting old

Just imagine what a female teacher-any female teacher!-looked like at an all boys high school. Its almost like how females look to guys in the joint.
HAAAAAAA !!!!! Nathalie went to an all girls school in peru and she said the only guy in the whole school was the gardener and he was real old and yet all the girls did was worship the guy :)
I've kind of recused myself from this discussion from the time being as I am becoming convinced that the public issues of the day are not even that important to liberals who are trying to fuel the fire. The outrage of losing the Presidential election to someone whose campaign strategy was unlike any major candidate in our history that he was able to win without the support of major media outlets, no ground game, and not even support of Republicans party operatives and elected politicians is egregious to liberals.

While the rank and file may feel differently, I'm convinced that liberal party operatives collectively don't have an ideology that cares about the environment, or "women's rights", or the LGBT movement, or about the plight of inner city blacks, or about Islam, Israel, or Latino undocumented immigrants. They don't particularly give a shit about whether ISIS Is overwhelming the middle east, or if Putin was invading the Ukraine. All they care about is retaining political power and the wealth that flows from it.

While I do believe a large measure of this exists on the Right, at this point I won't micro analyze whether the women's march was about women's rights (it wasn't, it was a big show to embarrass a newly inaugurated President and try to degrade his election.) or whether Trump is offensive to Muslims or Latinos (IMO he isn't, he's just trying to keep America safe). But the sheep who buy into these issues as significant, are just licking the flavor of the lollipop that the liberal media is serving up that day.

For me, I'll just wait and see if the Trump administration can cut through all this horseshit and actually make us a better military and economic power, cut government spending, and improve the lives of Americans. If it happens it happens, but I won't depend on the press telling me whether it is or not, and I certainly won't buy into this subterfuge of so called issues that liberals are using to try to derail his Presidency before it gets off the ground. Their biggest fear is that he actually gets something done, and 2020 elections become a done deal well before election day.
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I wish I had some hot teacher back when I was young. I'd have loved to be her bait. I think in 12 years of grade school to high school I literally only had 1 hot teacher the entire time. Back then it seemed like all those women teachers were super old. I look back at my old school pics now and realize some of them weren't much older than I am now. Holy shit I'm getting old

Just imagine what a female teacher-any female teacher!-looked like at an all boys high school. Its almost like how females look to guys in the joint.
HAAAAAAA !!!!! Nathalie went to an all girls school in peru and she said the only guy in the whole school was the gardener and he was real old and yet all the girls did was worship the guy :)

Back in my early 20s a friend and I went to Club Med. The minute we arrived we realized that it was 95% guys, so we needed to figure something out because we knew the competition for the few girls would be fierce. That night we got to the lounge early, stood right by the entrance door and grabbed(not by the pussy) the first 2 girls that walked in. We thought we struck gold. They were gorgeous and game. I spent pretty much every minute of the entire week with the girl I met, afraid that if I let her out of my sight she'd get picked up by some other desperate guy. When the week ended, she went home to Toronto and I came home to NY, convinced I had yet again met the girl of my dreams. A few months later she came to visit. I met her at the airport and the minute I laid eyes on her my first thought was "WTF was I thinking????? This can't be the same girl!!!! I can't believe I have to spend the entire weekend with her!!!!". Not only wasn't she gorgeous, she wasn't even remotely attractive. Clearly the combination of alcohol, sun, sex and lack of other female options, had completely distorted my perception. Guess it was sort of my Shallow Hal moment.
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I wish I had some hot teacher back when I was young. I'd have loved to be her bait. I think in 12 years of grade school to high school I literally only had 1 hot teacher the entire time. Back then it seemed like all those women teachers were super old. I look back at my old school pics now and realize some of them weren't much older than I am now. Holy shit I'm getting old

Just imagine what a female teacher-any female teacher!-looked like at an all boys high school. Its almost like how females look to guys in the joint.
HAAAAAAA !!!!! Nathalie went to an all girls school in peru and she said the only guy in the whole school was the gardener and he was real old and yet all the girls did was worship the guy :)

Back in my early 20s a friend and I went to Club Med. The minute we arrived we realized that it was 95% guys, so we needed to figure something out because we knew the competition for the few girls would be fierce. That night we got to the lounge early, stood right by the entrance door and grabbed(not by the pussy) the first 2 girls that walked in. We thought we struck gold. They were gorgeous and game. I spent pretty much every minute of the entire week with the girl I met, afraid that if I let her out of my sight she'd get picked up by some other desperate guy. When the week ended, she went home to Toronto and I came home to NY, convinced I had yet again met the girl of my dreams. A few months later she came to visit. I met her at the airport and the minute I laid eyes on her my first thought was "WTF was I thinking????? This can't be the same girl!!!! I can't believe I have to spend the entire weekend with her!!!!". Not only wasn't she gorgeous, she wasn't even remotely attractive. Clearly the combination of alcohol, sun, sex and lack of other female options, had completely distorted my perception. Guess it was sort of my Shallow Hal moment.

Considering your attraction to her after sobering up was purely based on her appearance and not other redeeming qualities, maybe you are still in Shallow Hal mode? :)
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I wish I had some hot teacher back when I was young. I'd have loved to be her bait. I think in 12 years of grade school to high school I literally only had 1 hot teacher the entire time. Back then it seemed like all those women teachers were super old. I look back at my old school pics now and realize some of them weren't much older than I am now. Holy shit I'm getting old

Just imagine what a female teacher-any female teacher!-looked like at an all boys high school. Its almost like how females look to guys in the joint.
HAAAAAAA !!!!! Nathalie went to an all girls school in peru and she said the only guy in the whole school was the gardener and he was real old and yet all the girls did was worship the guy :)

Back in my early 20s a friend and I went to Club Med. The minute we arrived we realized that it was 95% guys, so we needed to figure something out because we knew the competition for the few girls would be fierce. That night we got to the lounge early, stood right by the entrance door and grabbed(not by the pussy) the first 2 girls that walked in. We thought we struck gold. They were gorgeous and game. I spent pretty much every minute of the entire week with the girl I met, afraid that if I let her out of my sight she'd get picked up by some other desperate guy. When the week ended, she went home to Toronto and I came home to NY, convinced I had yet again met the girl of my dreams. A few months later she came to visit. I met her at the airport and the minute I laid eyes on her my first thought was "WTF was I thinking????? This can't be the same girl!!!! I can't believe I have to spend the entire weekend with her!!!!". Not only wasn't she gorgeous, she wasn't even remotely attractive. Clearly the combination of alcohol, sun, sex and lack of other female options, had completely distorted my perception. Guess it was sort of my Shallow Hal moment.

Considering your attraction to her after sobering up was purely based on her appearance and not other redeeming qualities, maybe you are still in Shallow Hal mode? :)

That was about 35 years ago, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I haven't matured very much since then. So I'd tend to agree with you ;)
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I wish I had some hot teacher back when I was young. I'd have loved to be her bait. I think in 12 years of grade school to high school I literally only had 1 hot teacher the entire time. Back then it seemed like all those women teachers were super old. I look back at my old school pics now and realize some of them weren't much older than I am now. Holy shit I'm getting old

Just imagine what a female teacher-any female teacher!-looked like at an all boys high school. Its almost like how females look to guys in the joint.
HAAAAAAA !!!!! Nathalie went to an all girls school in peru and she said the only guy in the whole school was the gardener and he was real old and yet all the girls did was worship the guy :)

Back in my early 20s a friend and I went to Club Med. The minute we arrived we realized that it was 95% guys, so we needed to figure something out because we knew the competition for the few girls would be fierce. That night we got to the lounge early, stood right by the entrance door and grabbed(not by the pussy) the first 2 girls that walked in. We thought we struck gold. They were gorgeous and game. I spent pretty much every minute of the entire week with the girl I met, afraid that if I let her out of my sight she'd get picked up by some other desperate guy. When the week ended, she went home to Toronto and I came home to NY, convinced I had yet again met the girl of my dreams. A few months later she came to visit. I met her at the airport and the minute I laid eyes on her my first thought was "WTF was I thinking????? This can't be the same girl!!!! I can't believe I have to spend the entire weekend with her!!!!". Not only wasn't she gorgeous, she wasn't even remotely attractive. Clearly the combination of alcohol, sun, sex and lack of other female options, had completely distorted my perception. Guess it was sort of my Shallow Hal moment.
That's seriously one of the funniest stories I have ever heard !!!!!!
I believe they are mostly marching to protect their civil and reproductive rights, though the fact that he is a self admitted sexual predator doesn't help his image. And you are correct, we have slowly shifted from Idiot America to Douchebag Nation. All those non douchebags need to grow a pair even if they don't have the sausage. :roll eyes:

"A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically "predatory" or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners."

If ever there was an ambiguous definition, this is it. I've known numerous women who the same can be said of, yet it's amazing how women are rarely considered sexual predators. Hell I've been preyed upon myself back in my younger days, and you won' t ever hear me complaining. Aren't "cougars" so named for their preying on younger men, and glorified for their sexual conquests? Female teachers who prey on male students are usually only given a slap on the wrist as punishment, because somehow the bar is set much lower for women than it is for men, regardless of the predatory nature of the relationship. Sure as hell seems like a double standard to me.
I wish I had some hot teacher back when I was young. I'd have loved to be her bait. I think in 12 years of grade school to high school I literally only had 1 hot teacher the entire time. Back then it seemed like all those women teachers were super old. I look back at my old school pics now and realize some of them weren't much older than I am now. Holy shit I'm getting old

Just imagine what a female teacher-any female teacher!-looked like at an all boys high school. Its almost like how females look to guys in the joint.
HAAAAAAA !!!!! Nathalie went to an all girls school in peru and she said the only guy in the whole school was the gardener and he was real old and yet all the girls did was worship the guy :)

Back in my early 20s a friend and I went to Club Med. The minute we arrived we realized that it was 95% guys, so we needed to figure something out because we knew the competition for the few girls would be fierce. That night we got to the lounge early, stood right by the entrance door and grabbed(not by the pussy) the first 2 girls that walked in. We thought we struck gold. They were gorgeous and game. I spent pretty much every minute of the entire week with the girl I met, afraid that if I let her out of my sight she'd get picked up by some other desperate guy. When the week ended, she went home to Toronto and I came home to NY, convinced I had yet again met the girl of my dreams. A few months later she came to visit. I met her at the airport and the minute I laid eyes on her my first thought was "WTF was I thinking????? This can't be the same girl!!!! I can't believe I have to spend the entire weekend with her!!!!". Not only wasn't she gorgeous, she wasn't even remotely attractive. Clearly the combination of alcohol, sun, sex and lack of other female options, had completely distorted my perception. Guess it was sort of my Shallow Hal moment.

Outstanding Post!!! .....good laugh.
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