Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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apparently I missed an excellent Trump speech

In my opinion, it was his best speaking performance to date. For one hour last night, I actually felt like a sane individual was the president. For once, he did not make it about himself. He spoke for over an hour and did not even mention the fake and unfair Media, or his YUGE election victory, or his record inauguration attendance.

Of course, there was little policy detail, but that is to be expected for this type of speech. To be clear, I continue to have great disdain for the man. However, it is performances like last night that will give Republican congressmen some breathing room. Instead of having to get on TV and make excuses for him, they can sell conservative policy.

Score one for the deplorable :)

I agree with you and again evoke Fun's categorization of a game show host, where i add the term "masterful." I saw the speech as you did, but i again got a strong sense of the exceptional strategist behind him and his role in delivering a strong, coherent message.
Trump's problem is not with the left. It is with the Republican power brokers who expect their wealth to be duly appreciated and preserved and their distaste for Russia to be accommodated. As I wrote just after the inauguration, when the Republican establishment demands that Trump implement a "Night of the Long Knives" what will Bannon do to stop it

Yes, you wrote that after the inauguration and it's just as silly today as it was then. Trump's problem is with the left, because the left wants to delegitimize him and his policies and his base and has the power to do so. To the extent that the moneyed patrician right - the Bushes and Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and the BBB - is dissatisfied Trump can buy them off with compromises on immigration and the military budget and otherwise tell them to piss off - which his base will love it. The Never Trump right is statistically negligible and intellectually barren and politically impotent: no one cares what Bill Kristol thinks and with good reason. But the left has the bully pulpit, in the media and in the arts and in academia. Consider: Richard Nixon did nothing that every president before him didn't do (see also Victor Lasky's It Didn't Start With Watergate); the second article of impeachment for example accused him of using the IRS to target his enemies, which when it happened under Obama elicited a yawn from the media. That incessant drum beat that Satan is afoot is the real danger to Trump, who's a benign squishy moderate on most issues. It would be suicidal for republicans to assassinate him politically, whereas the democrats - facing 10 or 20 years in the wilderness after Trump and then Pence - have absolutely nothing, zero, to lose and everything to gain.

Where I thought Fuchsia was making an important point was that the left - though highly adept and diversely powerful - is not completely free of vulnerability despite their arrogance. Coming closer to the elections, the level of arrogance must have reached orgasmic proportion with dismissive statements like "You're supporters are those dumb f*** deplorable, and we don't even fart in their general direction" ... Seeing the win from the point of view of a (white) working class movement - where the liberal top 20 per-centers were picnicking and completely aloof of what really was unfolding - the biggest FUs in the history of FUs was delivered by a class that has barely one democratic weapon at their disposal. And this i feel should give us some hope witnessing the reeling left (particularly their foot soldiers).

I don't disagree that the left is in disarray - witness their opposition response delivered by an old southern white man - and am happy to see it. But it's wishful thinking by democrats if their hope for Trump's downfall is that it will be suicide on the right - and suicide couched in terms of a Nazi Putsch no less thwarted by alleged white supremacist evil genius behind the throne Steve Bannon. If the Jeb Bush wing of the party were that powerful Jeb Bush would be president.
Nice to see that many dems didn't bother to show up for the address. It was stated that some didn't show up for Bush but in less numbers. Also nice to see the dems dressed in white sit on their hands in stone silence even as Trump called for the destruction of ISIS. Some dems are like petulant children that need and are going to get a dose of discipline that they so sorely need.
Nice to see that many dems didn't bother to show up for the address. It was stated that some didn't show up for Bush but in less numbers. Also nice to see the dems dressed in white sit on their hands in stone silence even as Trump called for the destruction of ISIS. Some dems are like petulant children that need and are going to get a dose of discipline that they so sorely need.

I don't disagree. But let's not elevate republicans to the status of well behaved. They are all politicians my friend.
Watched the President's speech on PBS. They had a commentator from who to me characterizes the whining impotence of the so-called "resistance" approach. One of her comments was that the President's meeting that day with Historically Black College and University Presidents was really just mush. Earlier on the PBS News hour a woman who had been in the meeting and one of the HBCU presidents were interviewed and the woman commented that with this kind of Presidential attention there was an opportunity to assure that resources in R&D and DoD budgets that go to universities did not skip over HBCUs. It's the different between complaining that life gave you lemons and learning to make lemonade.

I was personally horrified at the treatment of the widow of Navy Seal Chief Special Warfare Operator William "Ryan" Owens and not knowing the circumstances of her presence at the speech I do not jump to blame President Trump for what appeared to me to be her public ordeal while clearly grief stricken. Asking the Senate or House Chaplain to lead the joint session in the 23rd psalm seems like it would have made more sense. If it is true that President Trump has said that the "Generals" are responsible for Chief Owens' death, I fear we are in a lot of trouble. Though I suppose that people of bad character can be great Presidents and people of great character can be bad Presidents (Jimmy Carter?), not accepting where the buck stops and who is ultimately responsible for giving the go orders does not fit with the job of Chief Executive.
Nice to see that many dems didn't bother to show up for the address. It was stated that some didn't show up for Bush but in less numbers. Also nice to see the dems dressed in white sit on their hands in stone silence even as Trump called for the destruction of ISIS. Some dems are like petulant children that need and are going to get a dose of discipline that they so sorely need.

I don't disagree. But let's not elevate republicans to the status of well behaved. They are all politicians my friend.
Agree. Just think if you are a member of the senate or house the least you can do is show tfu. He was elected and is the president of OUR country or are they not part of it?
Image from German Karnaeval Parade.

Image from German Karnaeval Parade.

Those zany Germans. Were there any Auschwitz floats?

The epitome of hypocrisy, and why Germans today are virtually the same but different liberal/leftist (and no stab intended here on anyone), I read something funny yesterday on a website heading that inside every liberal, there is a totalitarian screaming to get out :)

Meaning that they are an infinitely malleable population but the beheaded Trump behind adds way more eeriness than the sodomist Trump upfront.

You are being foolish we half waisss of making you talk ...

Image from German Karnaeval Parade.

Those zany Germans. Were there any Auschwitz floats?

The epitome of hypocrisy, and why Germans today are virtually the same but different liberal/leftist (and no stab intended here on anyone), I read something funny yesterday on a website heading that inside every liberal, there is a totalitarian screaming to get out :)

Meaning that they are an infinitely malleable population but the beheaded Trump behind adds way more eeriness than the sodomist Trump upfront.

You are being foolish we half waisss of making you talk ...

Notice the slogan on the float in the back: America Resist! Eerily familiar to Germany Awake! up to and including the exclamation point. The great grandchildren of Gestapo officers take to the streets to protest the threat to liberty posed by a game show host, using variations of Nazi propaganda. Without a trace of irony or self awareness. Smug, self righteous and condescending. It's like be lectured about table manners by Jeffrey Dahmer.
Image from German Karnaeval Parade.

Those zany Germans. Were there any Auschwitz floats?

The epitome of hypocrisy, and why Germans today are virtually the same but different liberal/leftist (and no stab intended here on anyone), I read something funny yesterday on a website heading that inside every liberal, there is a totalitarian screaming to get out :)

Meaning that they are an infinitely malleable population but the beheaded Trump behind adds way more eeriness than the sodomist Trump upfront.

You are being foolish we half waisss of making you talk ...

Notice the slogan on the float in the back: America Resist! Eerily familiar to Germany Awake! up to and including the exclamation point. The great grandchildren of Gestapo officers take to the streets to protest the threat to liberty posed by a game show host, using variations of Nazi propaganda. Without a trace of irony or self awareness. Smug, self righteous and condescending. It's like be lectured about table manners by Jeffrey Dahmer.

Ummm ... could you pass an ear please?
Image from German Karnaeval Parade.

Those zany Germans. Were there any Auschwitz floats?

The epitome of hypocrisy, and why Germans today are virtually the same but different liberal/leftist (and no stab intended here on anyone), I read something funny yesterday on a website heading that inside every liberal, there is a totalitarian screaming to get out :)

Meaning that they are an infinitely malleable population but the beheaded Trump behind adds way more eeriness than the sodomist Trump upfront.

You are being foolish we half waisss of making you talk ...

Notice the slogan on the float in the back: America Resist! Eerily familiar to Germany Awake! up to and including the exclamation point. The great grandchildren of Gestapo officers take to the streets to protest the threat to liberty posed by a game show host, using variations of Nazi propaganda. Without a trace of irony or self awareness. Smug, self righteous and condescending. It's like be lectured about table manners by Jeffrey Dahmer.

Ummm ... could you pass an ear please?

Those are just distractions, note the real current play, the ridiculous attacks on Sessions based on lies, testimony taken completely out of context part of an ongoing Russian ploy planted by the Obama administration before their departure. More evidence of why he was THE WORST POTUS in the history of this country, a leftist movement that knows no limits in attempting to turn this country.
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

And fanaticism wouldnt be fantastical without phantasmagoria.

This is because the left controls language and by that the power and ability of define words as it wishes, and it purely depends on whats of interest to them. So think of how quickly muslims went from jihadis to suffering ones, how quickly now Bush younger is looking pretty f ing ok.

Glad you noticed the revisions. Its not that easy to see. But i would also like you to think about the term conservative and what conjures up in your mind... ?
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

Would you say that President Obama and both Clinton's suffered the same exaggerated judgments?
I hated him for 8 years but GWB is doing a really funny interview on Jimmy Kimmel right now

I hated him too. However, now I am experiencing revisionist's history and pretending he was okay. I guess I am just comparing him to our current [strike]clown[/strike] president.

That's the problem when everyone is Hitler: no one is Hitler, not even Hitler. Nixon was Satan and Ronald Raygun was Ming the Merciless and Bush was Hitler and Cheney was Himmler and then McCain was Hitler with PTSD and then milquetoast Mitt Romney was an evil robber baron who tortured dogs and now [strike]Wink Martindale[/strike] Donald Trump is Hitler and the last couple of Hitlers don't look too bad in comparison; because it turned out that instead of murdering 12 million people like a good Hitler should Bush wasted his time expanding the Medicare prescription drug system. That's the problem with being a fanatic, everything is fantastical.

And fanaticism wouldnt be fantastical without phantasmagoria.

This is because the left controls language and by that the power and ability of define words as it wishes, and it purely depends on whats of interest to them. So think of how quickly muslims went from jihadis to suffering ones, how quickly now Bush younger is looking pretty f ing ok.

Glad you noticed the revisions. Its not that easy to see. But i would also like you to think about the term conservative and what conjures up in your mind... ?

And it happens so subtly that if you blink, you'll miss all the danger and excitement:

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