I'll take one cheap shot here but only because you threw a fastball down the middle, just as Denny McClain did to Mickey Mantle when the Mick had 534 home runs: "‘Want us to groove one for you?" Jim Price said.
You just grooved one. Yes, this is an unfair fight.
because I do not know (or care to learn) how to do that thing where you split the text and respond in chunks. As a result of this inequity, I am requesting a monetary entitlement.
You clip the text and put it between the [qwote] [/qwote] marks. Even lawmanfan figured it out, so it's hardly rocket science.
Fun, look, having not registered with either party, I am technically an independent.
Okay and I'm technically a democrat. The emphasis being on technically and to the extent it's true it means nothing.
That said, I don't think I have ever hid my deference to the left. My point is that I can acknowledge that the democratic party is complete with hypocrites, frauds and insincere opportunists. While you seem to work up the furor of a man scorned while declaring all leftists cognitively bankrupt and righteously aloof, I have no illusions. I see deplorable representatives and policy on both sides.
Sorry but I think this is nonsense, because you mentioned your technical affiliation specifically to deflect accusations that you might be a partisan. I hate everyone but I don't pretend that my hating everyone makes me more or less believable than anyone else. I am proudly conservative, which affiliation I came to in reliance on logic and reason. You otoh present your independence as prima facie evidence of your reasonableness. That does not fly with me. If you make a compelling argument I'll agree with you. If you claim your argument is compelling because you're an independent or a moderate I'll spit at you with the same vehemence that I spit at everyone else and probably more. At least libtards are willing to man up and take it. You say you see deplorables on either side of the argument but your rhetoric belies your argument. This thread is three months old: point to where you argued that the left was just as reprehensible as the right except as a jumping off point to the right being reprehensible, to show how reasonable you are. You can't do it, because it never happened, because I just went back and looked. To he extent that you mention your affiliations you're virtue signalling and I don't buy it.
I am happy to accept immigration reform, realize the ACA cannot remain as presently constituted, and desperately support a debt conscious budget. These initiative were not going to happen under President Obama or, frankly, any democrat. I do almost always side with democrats on social issues. I was someone who did not want to vote for Hillary (I did), but in the end could not support the reality tv star.
I don't care who you voted for: that's a matter of conscience. But let me ask you based upon my experience with the left. Which of the liberties guaranteed by the bill of rights do you agree with? I agree with freedom of speech: you can say whatever you want to whoever you want whenever you want, even if like the former titular head of the democratic party Robert Byrd you want to drop an N bomb on national television in prime time. I might not associate with you, as did so many like you who give "deference to the left" but I would protect your right to do so. I am very much for freedom of association: I believe you should be able to operate a restaurant that excludes blacks in a country club that excludes jews, although I might not eat there, unless the food was very good. Guessing you don't. I believe that anyone should be able to own whatever gun they want up to and including a tank, depending on where they live and subject to reasonable regulation. I believe that everyone - even Donald Trump - should be free from government intrusion into his privacy, even if they have not released their tax returns. I believe that no one should have their property taken by the government absent compensation, even Christians who don't want to bake cakes for homosexuals and muslims who dont want to carry seeing service dogs in their cabs because dogs are dirty. Guessing you disagree. And I believe that every right and liberty that is not mentioned explicitly in the Constitution and granted to the federal government is reserved to the people - from abortion, which I am in favor of because the fewer people there are the better, to prostitution, because the more pussy there is the better, to freely available drugs, especially for me, to fewer crimes and prisons, to a smaller military and foreign policy footprint, and fewer taxes and in general the smaller boot in the face of the people, forever. And I don't believe you believe in any of that or at least most of it, despite your claims of independence and I'd be happy to have you on the record defying my predictions and you can start with school choice which you oppose because the government does such a good job at educating our ignorant youth. Sure, you believe in immigration reform - meaning that not everyone who decides to cross the border is entitled to citizenship - and the ACA - which mandates that the government can force citizens to enter into private contractual relationships - and recognize that a 20 trillion dollar budget is unsustainable: how reasonable of you. Good grief, who do you think you're fooling other than yourself, to the extent you believe your own prose.
I am getting the sense you do not believe it is possible to distrust both sides equally, have a specific lean, and remain open minded. I understand that.
I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. I don't trust anyone. I'm such a cynic that I don't even believe in my own skepticism anymore. I didn't trust my parents, or my teachers, or Santy Claus, or the baby Jesus, or my first several wives. All I have learned 50 years on this earth is that the more anyone says something the more likely it is to be false and especially the louder the voice in which it is proclaimed. I don't believe in anything. Which is why I believe [sic] that in this political climate - where the media and academia and the arts walk in lockstep - that what is presumed to be common knowledge is false. Which is why I support DJ Trump to the extent hat I support any politician: because if so many people announce that he's dangerous so loudly he must not be so bad after all.
My wife always says she likes both Yankees and the Mets. She also says she roots for the Giants, Jets and Bills (don't forget them) because they are "New York teams". I say BS, you pick one and stick with it.....for life!
For me, politics has never been like that. I voted for Reagan and three times I pulled the lever for the last name Bush.
So you "hate" GW Bush but you voted for him at least once and assuming that's true for his father twice? Seeing that I don't believe anything I don't believe that. No offense.