I do not consider myself lacking in sense of humor, civility, reasoned analysis and any grasp of the policy debate let alone reality. I am a Democrat. The fact that the whining self-interest only side of my party is temporarily ascendant can be viewed as an insurmountable obstacle or a great challenge. I choose the latter.
I hear you and agree that these whiny rallies are worthless and not at all examples of how to get involved in a meaningful way. However, it is not going to go away. I said it on this thread about 50 pages ago. It's true, Democrats completely missed the boat on why Trump won. However, conversely, republicans are likely underestimating the depth and endurance of this resistance
(which I personally do not participate in). This is because when you offend people by attacking their defining characteristics (such race, religion, gender, disability, ethnicity, etc) you awaken a very personal pride. Like it or not, this is not going away for as long as Trump is on office.
Fuchsia and JF, i truly appreciate your sincereity and your open-mindedness on this topic. While I agree on attacking defining characteristics, i feel there are a couple of related anamolies. First, sometimes these attacks are more myth than reality, e.g., travel ban for 7 countries is not a Muslim ban. Second, the whiners arent simply whining, they attack Trump and non-Trump supporters for any slight disagreement with racist, misoygynist, xenophobic, homophic, fascistic ... and the list could go on. I think this is happening is because debate is at the ideological level rather than policy level. So im going to share a list of 10 policy issues later and would be very interested in your views
So I will include myself in the category of folks that didn't understand how Trump could possibly get elected. I admit, just for a moment, that I started to go down the road of declaring everyone who voted for him a racist (ridiculous). However, what I do think about Trump supporters is that they do not at all understand the resistance.
I do agree that some of the attacks are myth or exaggerated. But the problem is that these instances are subsequent to an onslaught of offending rhetoric that is well documented......heck, it's him on audio and video. I know half the country cheers the discarding of political correctness, but a majority of the other half is not going to give him a pass on this. Trump touched the third rail of social decency and it is a deal breaker for many Americans. Waiting for this outrage to dissipate is futile. Again, I have no interest in participating in this so called "resistance". My point is only that Trump will never shake it. He is best served by partnering with congress while he has cooperation from both houses. This way, Trump and Bannon
(who have absolutely no trust) are not the face of every initiative.
If Bill Clinton can shake the multiple sexual assaults, affairs and a sexual relationship with a 21 year old intern, then Trump can overcome the assault orchestrated and manipulated by left wing operatives.
You call Trump a racist, but can you name a single racist comment against African Amercians? If he he racist against latinos, then why did 32% of Latinos vote for him? Believe it or not, there are Latinos who are against unfettered immigration, and want latinos to wait in line like every other immigrant from other countries?
If Trump is Anti-women, why then does Trump have many female executives in the Trump orgniazation and pays them on an equal scale to men. In Hillary's own campaign organization, women earned less than men. If Trump had the record of sexual assaults that Clinton has, he'd be in jail.
You are a smart guy, but I fear you are letting partisan politics cloud your vision. I'm not a Trump supporter. but I will be if he does 1/2 the thyings he has promised, which include rebuilding our inner cities by providing opportunities for African Americans and lowering unemployment rates in that community, bringing jobs back to America, and restoring us as the ONLY superpower in the world. I think he is a political neophyte as Obama was and is, but he doesn't hate America, which Obama does, and Trump is by all means an America first President. I expect there will be many bumps and bruises for a neophyte politician but I think the left wing media is being ignored by all except the left, and while they will never give him credit for a single accomplishment, try as they might, they won't derail his successes.