I'm talking less about outcomes than I am the cognitive dissonance on the left, who are for example vociferous supporters of sexual rights and freedoms up to and including mental illnesses like gender dysphoria and who portray anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest degree as backwater fundamentalist christian bigots while at the same time championing unfettered immigration from countries that punish homosexuality by death, at least some of which immigrants would be happy were the laws under which they live'd previously imported along with them.
Understood and excuse the quote dysfunctionality in me. In the age of doublethink, that is, the unfathomable level of indoctrination like the slow drip drop of Chinese water torture has almost completely discombobulated my own measure of reasoning, and has me thinking that it has to be me who is a lunatic. Because how can you be so willing to accept the exception in Muslims but not even remotely close to allowing any concession in Christians. Today's brief exchange with a liberal white male on FB played out exactly the same way ... with him saying that the profile of real terrorists is White, Racist, Gun-loving Conservative Male and very very few are Muslims. To his consternation, I said "I am a Muslim and you are full of shit. While you allow all sorts passes to Muslims, your egregious definition has transmogrified a massively diverse population of people into a homogeneous whole, and you should be ashamed of yourself."
From this point of view, the homogeneity (overall liberal) project nears completion, and reminds me of Arndt's book Eichmann in Jerusalem (I know it is controversial). In the book, Arndt likened Eichmann's behaviour to a "joiner" who needed to belong and with full conviction bought into the Nazi ideology in that it gave him the conviction needed to carry out the most heinous of crimes but he justified them as the ends justified the means - meaning it is not that he couldnt tell the diffrence between right and wrong anymore but his conviction ruled supreme. This is precisely to me is what a Jihadi mentality is, and the bulk of the left now. This to me is the essence of cognitive dissonance or doublethink.
Homogeneity and globalization are going to have different outcomes depending where you are when the process started, because in the end it's just a regression toward the mean. Poor people will get richer and rich people will get poorer until everyone has the same amount - except the ruling class obviously, they cannot be expected to rule wisely in the absence of luxury.
I agree with this, and just to add that there is an average among the economic, social and cultural managers class, and average of the people who actually work class. On my visits to the developing world you can see the reach of the media outlets in forming people opinions, their tastes in food, clothing, housing and so on, and its power is unbelievable at the global scale.
Where I find incongruence is the rise of sub-national identities, witness the Bosnian war, Rwandan Genocide, and especially here - the white male or white female tea party members, and the rest of the identities. Is it because the liberal project needs these straw(wo)man enemies as a way to cohere the rest of us into submission?
And according to Chairman Mao "What is work? Work is struggle.