the 2020 Presidential Campaign began even before final election results came in. The left will commend nothing that Trump does, and will distort every single thing that he does trying to persuade Americans to swing to the left. The problem with this strategy is that people that pay attention see through this and it solidifies the vote that turned away from the left of Obama Hillary.
Here's the real problem for Democrats. A generation ago, in the fallout from sweeping civil rights legislation from Truman to LBJ, millions of Southern Democrats moved to the right. Since the GWB win in 2000 and 2004, which marked 20 of 28 Presidential years going to Republicans, (and 28 of 40), the left decided that to tild the electorate back to them, we need unfettered immigration of mostly poor latino voters to not only balance the equation, but tilt favor back in their direction. Throw in a black candidate in 2008 that got black voters out in mass voting 98% for Obama, and that was all that was needed to swing the vote back. What the left didn't count on was that Latinos who started living the American dream also start voting Republican (30% for Trump).
What could be the next cataclysmic shift in voters may be that union voters, enthused over Trump's pro-American labor stance, may leave the Democratic party that favors open borders (and the lower wages that come with it), and bad trade deals that take jobs away from America. There is no doubt that middle America union voters moved towards Trump in this last election. If Trump has success keeping jobs here, organized labor may also move strongly to the right. Even if union leaders don't, Trump proved that a candidate can get to the electorate without endorsements and party backing.