How can Trump unify when you and from what you say millions of others will not even give him a chance? Impossible. Which is why I hope he unifies whoever he can and the rest of the won't give him a chance crowd can continue their misery fest.I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.
I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.
Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?
Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?
Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).
Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.
So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.
Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.
It is not a philosophy, it is an opinion. You have a different one. Yours carries no more weight than mine does. Neither does that of the cast of Hamilton. They picked the wrong time to voice their opinion IMO. They will now deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I hope they are severe, but I doubt it considering this is NYC where anything the left does or says is supported. Brace yourself for more pushback, rest assured it will come.
I agree with you, everyone is entitled to their opinion which carries equal weight. I doubt there will be any consequences since the show is sold out for the next 18 months (at least), and more than half of the country does not support Trump.
Brace myself for more pushback? From who, what? People don't care anymore. Instead of unifying, Trump has decided to go in the opposite direction. The social decency movement is about to get steam rolled and has nothing to lose. The hysterical part is the Trump camp is busy whining about the cast of Hamilton. Not exactly inspiring.
There are plenty who do not want to see Trump succeed. He will never win those people over. He will also not pander to the rabble rousers on the left. As well he shouldn't. We saw some of the push back yesterday when a Trump supporter got up in the middle of a Chicago Hamilton performance and started yelling pro Trump things. Allegedly the cast started to cry when this happened. Not surprising. Not condoning that man' s behavior by any means, but it was bound to happen.
Yes, I agree something like that was bound to happen. I don't condone it either, but in the big picture it is not a big deal.