Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.

Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.

It is not a philosophy, it is an opinion. You have a different one. Yours carries no more weight than mine does. Neither does that of the cast of Hamilton. They picked the wrong time to voice their opinion IMO. They will now deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I hope they are severe, but I doubt it considering this is NYC where anything the left does or says is supported. Brace yourself for more pushback, rest assured it will come.

I agree with you, everyone is entitled to their opinion which carries equal weight. I doubt there will be any consequences since the show is sold out for the next 18 months (at least), and more than half of the country does not support Trump.

Brace myself for more pushback? From who, what? People don't care anymore. Instead of unifying, Trump has decided to go in the opposite direction. The social decency movement is about to get steam rolled and has nothing to lose. The hysterical part is the Trump camp is busy whining about the cast of Hamilton. Not exactly inspiring.
How can Trump unify when you and from what you say millions of others will not even give him a chance? Impossible. Which is why I hope he unifies whoever he can and the rest of the won't give him a chance crowd can continue their misery fest.

There are plenty who do not want to see Trump succeed. He will never win those people over. He will also not pander to the rabble rousers on the left. As well he shouldn't. We saw some of the push back yesterday when a Trump supporter got up in the middle of a Chicago Hamilton performance and started yelling pro Trump things. Allegedly the cast started to cry when this happened. Not surprising. Not condoning that man' s behavior by any means, but it was bound to happen.

Yes, I agree something like that was bound to happen. I don't condone it either, but in the big picture it is not a big deal.
Johnny Fan ,why are you so hate full ? Do you remember how hate full your side was toward Nixon ? Yet Nixon passed affirmative action which gave minorities a great advantage and appointed the most liberal judges to the supreme court. He passed price controls and made inroads with China . You asked any liberal from that generation and they would still respond with hate towards Nixon.
You heard Trump say "he wants to be the President for all the people". Why not give him a chance , he maybe the most liberal President since Nixon.
No matter what., he has to be better than corrupt Hillary.

Frank, you're not hearing me. I have been very consistent. For me, this is about hate speech, prejudice and racism. I am not going to regurgitate his campaign comments, we all know what they are. Many pages back in this thread, I posted a suggested approach that could persuade the disenfranchised to give him a chance. Instead, he has said and done the antithesis. You might be forgiving of his comments (if you're a white male, I am not impressed) and you might be okay with Bannon, Sessions and Flynn. That's your right. But don't then wonder why he is not being given a chance.

Do you know anything real about any of those people or have you just swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lies the media liars fed you. They are not perfect, far from it, but they are not demons, they just have a different point of view than you. Name calling and lying are fine with you as long as they are coming from your side. Your sophomoric, simplistic, and immature posts are ridiculous. And stop with the white / black nonsense; you come off as so consumed by white guilt you can't think clearly.
Johnny Fan ,why are you so hate full ? Do you remember how hate full your side was toward Nixon ? Yet Nixon passed affirmative action which gave minorities a great advantage and appointed the most liberal judges to the supreme court. He passed price controls and made inroads with China . You asked any liberal from that generation and they would still respond with hate towards Nixon.
You heard Trump say "he wants to be the President for all the people". Why not give him a chance , he maybe the most liberal President since Nixon.
No matter what., he has to be better than corrupt Hillary.

Frank, you're not hearing me. I have been very consistent. For me, this is about hate speech, prejudice and racism. I am not going to regurgitate his campaign comments, we all know what they are. Many pages back in this thread, I posted a suggested approach that could persuade the disenfranchised to give him a chance. Instead, he has said and done the antithesis. You might be forgiving of his comments (if you're a white male, I am not impressed) and you might be okay with Bannon, Sessions and Flynn. That's your right. But don't then wonder why he is not being given a chance.

Do you know anything real about any of those people or have you just swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lies the media liars fed you. They are not perfect, far from it, but they are not demons, they just have a different point of view than you. Name calling and lying are fine with you as long as they are coming from your side. Your sophomoric, simplistic, and immature posts are ridiculous. And stop with the white / black nonsense; you come off as so consumed by white guilt you can't think clearly.

Here's the biggest lie that the left continues to perpetuate: That Trump voters are only white, middle aged, Christian men. They couldnt be further from the truth. I personally know countless minorities, females, non-Christians, etc who voted for and who support Trump. Many who confided in me because they were fearful of criticism/reprisals from friends and family. I have seen or heard of children being chastised for their political beliefs. Including my daughter when she was in high school in NYC, and a friend's daughter who is an athlete at NYU. How doesn't that fall under the heading of "bullying"? Oh right, it doesn't because it goes against the left's views, so it is tolerated. F'in ridiculous!
:Johnny Fan, your not hearing me, what was important to me is as follows:
!] Unfunding planed parenthood for abortions even to the extent of tearing the unborn child on the last day for any reason. If you don't consider that murder ,we will never agree .Corrupt Hillary was in full support of murder. Even now the Democrats are more in support of Planned Parenthood than Jobs and condemning the poor sisters with Obama's illegal executive order.
2] The right to bear arms to defend against enemies.
3] Maintaining the balance of powers with conservative judges. Laws were meant to be created by Congress .
The majority of Americans outside of New York agree with me and if the Democrats change their ways maybe more of us would vote that way .But not for corrupt Hillary who would say anything to get elected.
New flash: whether you voted for him or not.. its over and I can't help but pray he's the best President that has ever served whether I like him or not.. now let's get back to some real issues that maybe we can do something about like Mussini actually getting in front of someone before the kids runs to the basket!!!!
Very glad to see Obama will speak out against Trump and support the disrespect shown to Pence under the guise of the 1st Amendment but will not say WORD ONE about the targeting of police officers. BTW, I fully support the right of the cast to act like immature babies, but I don't like it.
Look, here's one of the biggest and most aggravating lies that the liberal left haters have put out - that Trump is a racist. Not to say that Trump didn't help this along with some gross generalizations, but here's the reality:

First let me pre-empt myself and say that when it comes to Latinos, I've had massive construction projects over the past 15 years where most of the workers were Latino. To a person they were skilled, hardworking, polite, and everything they did was exemplary. I completely understand that legal or not, they are here to make a living and typically to send money back home where their standard of living was considerably below what we would consider the poverty line here in the US. I harbor no animosity.

Trump was correct to indicate that along with the types of people I encountered, which I believe is the vast majority of Latinos, there are criminals also coming across the border - drug dealers, violent offenders, gang members that are terrorizing some of our worst communities and making our streets unsafe. On Long Island, not a week or two goes by without some kid in Brentwood or Hempstead getting mowed down as a result of Latino gang activity, sometimes as gang initiation rites, other times for simply refusing to join a gang. I am on board 100,000% with ridding our country of these violent types, and it has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trump stupidly cast a wider net than necessary, possibly for effect, possibly with loose language, and taken out of context, those comments are just dumb.

Build a wall: In my comments about all these great skilled Latino laborers, I have never had a plumber, electrician, carpenter, HVAC contractor, painter, roofer, etc show up with a single African American worker. Why? Well, why should you when you can hire cheap, off the books, hard working skilled laborers that flood across the borders. I've often thought that if some of these jobs went to African Americans, it would provide a path to solid blue collar careers when a college education isn't the right path. So, while a wall is just symbolic of stopping this flood of workers coming across the border illegally and being permitted to stay here, we should take care of our own first - which includes many men and women mired in poverty, many unemployed, if we are ever going to raise the plight of the poor in our country. There are many solid talented people waiting in line - Toronto has several million educated and talented workers who would love to come here but can't legally, so why should the preference be towards Latinos?

The Muslim issue: Islam is a religion and not a race, and there are over 1 billion Muslims, not I don't think racism applies here. Trump made a bold statement, which at worst was insensitive to Muslims, by offering that we should not accept Muslims into this country until we find a better way to separate the vast majority of peaceful law abiding Muslims from those radicalized Muslims intent on coming here to perpetrate horrific acts of mass violence. The Obama administration, particularly John Kerry, was particularly disingenuous when promising that each and every Syrian refugee would be vetted, when Hillary Clinton was offering that we should admit 150,000 refugees. The FBI says it take 20 agents to vet a single person, so what they offered was an impossibility. Trump did NOT castigate all of Islam, did not call on deporting American Muslims, but did correctly identify the problem of numbers of radicalized Muslims coming here to do harm. Some communities in the US have become isolated Islamic strongholds, and within those communities where assimilation into the US population does not occur (such as in Little Mogadishu, in MN), radicalization has occurred in mainstream mosques. Our current administration has not responded to this threat, and instead of supporting Trump's focus on this, the far left liberal media instead call Trump racist for suggesting closer scrutiny of those wanting to come here.

Racism? Funny, but when racially motivated attacks on Caucasians are committed by blacks, some African American civil rights leaders, support by the far left mainstream media, have said it's impossible for a black person to be racist, and racism can only be whites against blacks in this country. I have not heard Trump utter a single racially insensitive remark to African Americans, yet the liberal left, including Barack and Michelle, called Trump racist for suggesting that unemployment is high in black communities and that blacks aren't doing just fine. All in all a verifiable load of crap. Trump's platform includes focusing on our poorest communities, including those heavily populated by African Americans and Latinos, and creating jobs and success there. Racist? Hardly.

Will the left give Trump a chance to succeed? Of course not. They haven't even licked their wounds before taking to the streets and kicking off the 2020 campaign to dislodge him. No, that's a lie. They took to the streets to try to reverse the results. A republican has only won the popular vote once since 2000 (2004), and if Dems had control of Congress would already be pressing to dismember the electoral college to make sure it never happens again.

Do I like Trump? No. Do I think he is intellectually smarter than even a single one of his predecessors going all the way back to Kennedy? No. But if you stop right there, John F. Kennedy was a fairly unintelligent guy, even if he was charismatic and possessed leadership qualities. So the hope here is that Trump, a guy who was able to bring in public works projects under budget and on time, may actually know how to get stuff done, and will bring in top talent around him to advise him.

Brilliant guy? No. Apt to say inappropriate things at time? Yes. Take away his Twitter account? Well, I'd say yes but it gives him a pipeline to the American public without filters. But without question to me, he will try to do a great job for all Americans, whether I (or you) like him personally or not.
Look, here's one of the biggest and most aggravating lies that the liberal left haters have put out - that Trump is a racist. Not to say that Trump didn't help this along with some gross generalizations, but here's the reality:

First let me pre-empt myself and say that when it comes to Latinos, I've had massive construction projects over the past 15 years where most of the workers were Latino. To a person they were skilled, hardworking, polite, and everything they did was exemplary. I completely understand that legal or not, they are here to make a living and typically to send money back home where their standard of living was considerably below what we would consider the poverty line here in the US. I harbor no animosity.

Trump was correct to indicate that along with the types of people I encountered, which I believe is the vast majority of Latinos, there are criminals also coming across the border - drug dealers, violent offenders, gang members that are terrorizing some of our worst communities and making our streets unsafe. On Long Island, not a week or two goes by without some kid in Brentwood or Hempstead getting mowed down as a result of Latino gang activity, sometimes as gang initiation rites, other times for simply refusing to join a gang. I am on board 100,000% with ridding our country of these violent types, and it has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trump stupidly cast a wider net than necessary, possibly for effect, possibly with loose language, and taken out of context, those comments are just dumb.

Build a wall: In my comments about all these great skilled Latino laborers, I have never had a plumber, electrician, carpenter, HVAC contractor, painter, roofer, etc show up with a single African American worker. Why? Well, why should you when you can hire cheap, off the books, hard working skilled laborers that flood across the borders. I've often thought that if some of these jobs went to African Americans, it would provide a path to solid blue collar careers when a college education isn't the right path. So, while a wall is just symbolic of stopping this flood of workers coming across the border illegally and being permitted to stay here, we should take care of our own first - which includes many men and women mired in poverty, many unemployed, if we are ever going to raise the plight of the poor in our country. There are many solid talented people waiting in line - Toronto has several million educated and talented workers who would love to come here but can't legally, so why should the preference be towards Latinos?

The Muslim issue: Islam is a religion and not a race, and there are over 1 billion Muslims, not I don't think racism applies here. Trump made a bold statement, which at worst was insensitive to Muslims, by offering that we should not accept Muslims into this country until we find a better way to separate the vast majority of peaceful law abiding Muslims from those radicalized Muslims intent on coming here to perpetrate horrific acts of mass violence. The Obama administration, particularly John Kerry, was particularly disingenuous when promising that each and every Syrian refugee would be vetted, when Hillary Clinton was offering that we should admit 150,000 refugees. The FBI says it take 20 agents to vet a single person, so what they offered was an impossibility. Trump did NOT castigate all of Islam, did not call on deporting American Muslims, but did correctly identify the problem of numbers of radicalized Muslims coming here to do harm. Some communities in the US have become isolated Islamic strongholds, and within those communities where assimilation into the US population does not occur (such as in Little Mogadishu, in MN), radicalization has occurred in mainstream mosques. Our current administration has not responded to this threat, and instead of supporting Trump's focus on this, the far left liberal media instead call Trump racist for suggesting closer scrutiny of those wanting to come here.

Racism? Funny, but when racially motivated attacks on Caucasians are committed by blacks, some African American civil rights leaders, support by the far left mainstream media, have said it's impossible for a black person to be racist, and racism can only be whites against blacks in this country. I have not heard Trump utter a single racially insensitive remark to African Americans, yet the liberal left, including Barack and Michelle, called Trump racist for suggesting that unemployment is high in black communities and that blacks aren't doing just fine. All in all a verifiable load of crap. Trump's platform includes focusing on our poorest communities, including those heavily populated by African Americans and Latinos, and creating jobs and success there. Racist? Hardly.

Will the left give Trump a chance to succeed? Of course not. They haven't even licked their wounds before taking to the streets and kicking off the 2020 campaign to dislodge him. No, that's a lie. They took to the streets to try to reverse the results. A republican has only won the popular vote once since 2000 (2004), and if Dems had control of Congress would already be pressing to dismember the electoral college to make sure it never happens again.

Do I like Trump? No. Do I think he is intellectually smarter than even a single one of his predecessors going all the way back to Kennedy? No. But if you stop right there, John F. Kennedy was a fairly unintelligent guy, even if he was charismatic and possessed leadership qualities. So the hope here is that Trump, a guy who was able to bring in public works projects under budget and on time, may actually know how to get stuff done, and will bring in top talent around him to advise him.

Brilliant guy? No. Apt to say inappropriate things at time? Yes. Take away his Twitter account? Well, I'd say yes but it gives him a pipeline to the American public without filters. But without question to me, he will try to do a great job for all Americans, whether I (or you) like him personally or not.

Agree with most everything you say beast, but do not underestimate his intelligence, in spite of the fact that he oftentimes shoots from the hip and says offensive things. You really think Obama or Hillary or Bernie(I could keep going) have the intelligence and skill sets to build and run a multi-billion dollar business empire? Not to mention figure out how to become the star of a TV show, and then get elected President????? There is much to question about Trump, but his intelligence is not one of those things.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.

Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.

It is not a philosophy, it is an opinion. You have a different one. Yours carries no more weight than mine does. Neither does that of the cast of Hamilton. They picked the wrong time to voice their opinion IMO. They will now deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I hope they are severe, but I doubt it considering this is NYC where anything the left does or says is supported. Brace yourself for more pushback, rest assured it will come.

I agree with you, everyone is entitled to their opinion which carries equal weight. I doubt there will be any consequences since the show is sold out for the next 18 months (at least), and more than half of the country does not support Trump.

Brace myself for more pushback? From who, what? People don't care anymore. Instead of unifying, Trump has decided to go in the opposite direction. The social decency movement is about to get steam rolled and has nothing to lose. The hysterical part is the Trump camp is busy whining about the cast of Hamilton. Not exactly inspiring.
How can Trump unify when you and from what you say millions of others will not even give him a chance? Impossible. Which is why I hope he unifies whoever he can and the rest of the won't give him a chance crowd can continue their misery fest.

There are plenty who do not want to see Trump succeed. He will never win those people over. He will also not pander to the rabble rousers on the left. As well he shouldn't. We saw some of the push back yesterday when a Trump supporter got up in the middle of a Chicago Hamilton performance and started yelling pro Trump things. Allegedly the cast started to cry when this happened. Not surprising. Not condoning that man' s behavior by any means, but it was bound to happen.

Yes, I agree something like that was bound to happen. I don't condone it either, but in the big picture it is not a big deal.

Little Stevie, a pretty liberal guy in his own right, summed it up best:
Look, here's one of the biggest and most aggravating lies that the liberal left haters have put out - that Trump is a racist. Not to say that Trump didn't help this along with some gross generalizations, but here's the reality:

First let me pre-empt myself and say that when it comes to Latinos, I've had massive construction projects over the past 15 years where most of the workers were Latino. To a person they were skilled, hardworking, polite, and everything they did was exemplary. I completely understand that legal or not, they are here to make a living and typically to send money back home where their standard of living was considerably below what we would consider the poverty line here in the US. I harbor no animosity.

Trump was correct to indicate that along with the types of people I encountered, which I believe is the vast majority of Latinos, there are criminals also coming across the border - drug dealers, violent offenders, gang members that are terrorizing some of our worst communities and making our streets unsafe. On Long Island, not a week or two goes by without some kid in Brentwood or Hempstead getting mowed down as a result of Latino gang activity, sometimes as gang initiation rites, other times for simply refusing to join a gang. I am on board 100,000% with ridding our country of these violent types, and it has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trump stupidly cast a wider net than necessary, possibly for effect, possibly with loose language, and taken out of context, those comments are just dumb.

Build a wall: In my comments about all these great skilled Latino laborers, I have never had a plumber, electrician, carpenter, HVAC contractor, painter, roofer, etc show up with a single African American worker. Why? Well, why should you when you can hire cheap, off the books, hard working skilled laborers that flood across the borders. I've often thought that if some of these jobs went to African Americans, it would provide a path to solid blue collar careers when a college education isn't the right path. So, while a wall is just symbolic of stopping this flood of workers coming across the border illegally and being permitted to stay here, we should take care of our own first - which includes many men and women mired in poverty, many unemployed, if we are ever going to raise the plight of the poor in our country. There are many solid talented people waiting in line - Toronto has several million educated and talented workers who would love to come here but can't legally, so why should the preference be towards Latinos?

The Muslim issue: Islam is a religion and not a race, and there are over 1 billion Muslims, not I don't think racism applies here. Trump made a bold statement, which at worst was insensitive to Muslims, by offering that we should not accept Muslims into this country until we find a better way to separate the vast majority of peaceful law abiding Muslims from those radicalized Muslims intent on coming here to perpetrate horrific acts of mass violence. The Obama administration, particularly John Kerry, was particularly disingenuous when promising that each and every Syrian refugee would be vetted, when Hillary Clinton was offering that we should admit 150,000 refugees. The FBI says it take 20 agents to vet a single person, so what they offered was an impossibility. Trump did NOT castigate all of Islam, did not call on deporting American Muslims, but did correctly identify the problem of numbers of radicalized Muslims coming here to do harm. Some communities in the US have become isolated Islamic strongholds, and within those communities where assimilation into the US population does not occur (such as in Little Mogadishu, in MN), radicalization has occurred in mainstream mosques. Our current administration has not responded to this threat, and instead of supporting Trump's focus on this, the far left liberal media instead call Trump racist for suggesting closer scrutiny of those wanting to come here.

Racism? Funny, but when racially motivated attacks on Caucasians are committed by blacks, some African American civil rights leaders, support by the far left mainstream media, have said it's impossible for a black person to be racist, and racism can only be whites against blacks in this country. I have not heard Trump utter a single racially insensitive remark to African Americans, yet the liberal left, including Barack and Michelle, called Trump racist for suggesting that unemployment is high in black communities and that blacks aren't doing just fine. All in all a verifiable load of crap. Trump's platform includes focusing on our poorest communities, including those heavily populated by African Americans and Latinos, and creating jobs and success there. Racist? Hardly.

Will the left give Trump a chance to succeed? Of course not. They haven't even licked their wounds before taking to the streets and kicking off the 2020 campaign to dislodge him. No, that's a lie. They took to the streets to try to reverse the results. A republican has only won the popular vote once since 2000 (2004), and if Dems had control of Congress would already be pressing to dismember the electoral college to make sure it never happens again.

Do I like Trump? No. Do I think he is intellectually smarter than even a single one of his predecessors going all the way back to Kennedy? No. But if you stop right there, John F. Kennedy was a fairly unintelligent guy, even if he was charismatic and possessed leadership qualities. So the hope here is that Trump, a guy who was able to bring in public works projects under budget and on time, may actually know how to get stuff done, and will bring in top talent around him to advise him.

Brilliant guy? No. Apt to say inappropriate things at time? Yes. Take away his Twitter account? Well, I'd say yes but it gives him a pipeline to the American public without filters. But without question to me, he will try to do a great job for all Americans, whether I (or you) like him personally or not.

Agree with most everything you say beast, but do not underestimate his intelligence, in spite of the fact that he oftentimes shoots from the hip and says offensive things. You really think Obama or Hillary or Bernie(I could keep going) have the intelligence and skill sets to build and run a multi-billion dollar business empire? Not to mention figure out how to become the star of a TV show, and then get elected President????? There is much to question about Trump, but his intelligence is not one of those things.

Savvy and street smart, which is what you need to succeed in the construction business, but def not academically elite. It doesn't discount your point though.
Look, here's one of the biggest and most aggravating lies that the liberal left haters have put out - that Trump is a racist. Not to say that Trump didn't help this along with some gross generalizations, but here's the reality:

First let me pre-empt myself and say that when it comes to Latinos, I've had massive construction projects over the past 15 years where most of the workers were Latino. To a person they were skilled, hardworking, polite, and everything they did was exemplary. I completely understand that legal or not, they are here to make a living and typically to send money back home where their standard of living was considerably below what we would consider the poverty line here in the US. I harbor no animosity.

Trump was correct to indicate that along with the types of people I encountered, which I believe is the vast majority of Latinos, there are criminals also coming across the border - drug dealers, violent offenders, gang members that are terrorizing some of our worst communities and making our streets unsafe. On Long Island, not a week or two goes by without some kid in Brentwood or Hempstead getting mowed down as a result of Latino gang activity, sometimes as gang initiation rites, other times for simply refusing to join a gang. I am on board 100,000% with ridding our country of these violent types, and it has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trump stupidly cast a wider net than necessary, possibly for effect, possibly with loose language, and taken out of context, those comments are just dumb.

Build a wall: In my comments about all these great skilled Latino laborers, I have never had a plumber, electrician, carpenter, HVAC contractor, painter, roofer, etc show up with a single African American worker. Why? Well, why should you when you can hire cheap, off the books, hard working skilled laborers that flood across the borders. I've often thought that if some of these jobs went to African Americans, it would provide a path to solid blue collar careers when a college education isn't the right path. So, while a wall is just symbolic of stopping this flood of workers coming across the border illegally and being permitted to stay here, we should take care of our own first - which includes many men and women mired in poverty, many unemployed, if we are ever going to raise the plight of the poor in our country. There are many solid talented people waiting in line - Toronto has several million educated and talented workers who would love to come here but can't legally, so why should the preference be towards Latinos?

The Muslim issue: Islam is a religion and not a race, and there are over 1 billion Muslims, not I don't think racism applies here. Trump made a bold statement, which at worst was insensitive to Muslims, by offering that we should not accept Muslims into this country until we find a better way to separate the vast majority of peaceful law abiding Muslims from those radicalized Muslims intent on coming here to perpetrate horrific acts of mass violence. The Obama administration, particularly John Kerry, was particularly disingenuous when promising that each and every Syrian refugee would be vetted, when Hillary Clinton was offering that we should admit 150,000 refugees. The FBI says it take 20 agents to vet a single person, so what they offered was an impossibility. Trump did NOT castigate all of Islam, did not call on deporting American Muslims, but did correctly identify the problem of numbers of radicalized Muslims coming here to do harm. Some communities in the US have become isolated Islamic strongholds, and within those communities where assimilation into the US population does not occur (such as in Little Mogadishu, in MN), radicalization has occurred in mainstream mosques. Our current administration has not responded to this threat, and instead of supporting Trump's focus on this, the far left liberal media instead call Trump racist for suggesting closer scrutiny of those wanting to come here.

Racism? Funny, but when racially motivated attacks on Caucasians are committed by blacks, some African American civil rights leaders, support by the far left mainstream media, have said it's impossible for a black person to be racist, and racism can only be whites against blacks in this country. I have not heard Trump utter a single racially insensitive remark to African Americans, yet the liberal left, including Barack and Michelle, called Trump racist for suggesting that unemployment is high in black communities and that blacks aren't doing just fine. All in all a verifiable load of crap. Trump's platform includes focusing on our poorest communities, including those heavily populated by African Americans and Latinos, and creating jobs and success there. Racist? Hardly.

Will the left give Trump a chance to succeed? Of course not. They haven't even licked their wounds before taking to the streets and kicking off the 2020 campaign to dislodge him. No, that's a lie. They took to the streets to try to reverse the results. A republican has only won the popular vote once since 2000 (2004), and if Dems had control of Congress would already be pressing to dismember the electoral college to make sure it never happens again.

Do I like Trump? No. Do I think he is intellectually smarter than even a single one of his predecessors going all the way back to Kennedy? No. But if you stop right there, John F. Kennedy was a fairly unintelligent guy, even if he was charismatic and possessed leadership qualities. So the hope here is that Trump, a guy who was able to bring in public works projects under budget and on time, may actually know how to get stuff done, and will bring in top talent around him to advise him.

Brilliant guy? No. Apt to say inappropriate things at time? Yes. Take away his Twitter account? Well, I'd say yes but it gives him a pipeline to the American public without filters. But without question to me, he will try to do a great job for all Americans, whether I (or you) like him personally or not.

Agree with most everything you say beast, but do not underestimate his intelligence, in spite of the fact that he oftentimes shoots from the hip and says offensive things. You really think Obama or Hillary or Bernie(I could keep going) have the intelligence and skill sets to build and run a multi-billion dollar business empire? Not to mention figure out how to become the star of a TV show, and then get elected President????? There is much to question about Trump, but his intelligence is not one of those things.

Savvy and street smart, which is what you need to succeed in the construction business, but def not academically elite. It doesn't discount your point though.

UPenn ain't exactly chopped liver ;) .In any event book smarts is one kind of intelligence, but I'll take street smart and savvy any day of the week.
Look, here's one of the biggest and most aggravating lies that the liberal left haters have put out - that Trump is a racist. Not to say that Trump didn't help this along with some gross generalizations, but here's the reality:

First let me pre-empt myself and say that when it comes to Latinos, I've had massive construction projects over the past 15 years where most of the workers were Latino. To a person they were skilled, hardworking, polite, and everything they did was exemplary. I completely understand that legal or not, they are here to make a living and typically to send money back home where their standard of living was considerably below what we would consider the poverty line here in the US. I harbor no animosity.

Trump was correct to indicate that along with the types of people I encountered, which I believe is the vast majority of Latinos, there are criminals also coming across the border - drug dealers, violent offenders, gang members that are terrorizing some of our worst communities and making our streets unsafe. On Long Island, not a week or two goes by without some kid in Brentwood or Hempstead getting mowed down as a result of Latino gang activity, sometimes as gang initiation rites, other times for simply refusing to join a gang. I am on board 100,000% with ridding our country of these violent types, and it has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trump stupidly cast a wider net than necessary, possibly for effect, possibly with loose language, and taken out of context, those comments are just dumb.

Build a wall: In my comments about all these great skilled Latino laborers, I have never had a plumber, electrician, carpenter, HVAC contractor, painter, roofer, etc show up with a single African American worker. Why? Well, why should you when you can hire cheap, off the books, hard working skilled laborers that flood across the borders. I've often thought that if some of these jobs went to African Americans, it would provide a path to solid blue collar careers when a college education isn't the right path. So, while a wall is just symbolic of stopping this flood of workers coming across the border illegally and being permitted to stay here, we should take care of our own first - which includes many men and women mired in poverty, many unemployed, if we are ever going to raise the plight of the poor in our country. There are many solid talented people waiting in line - Toronto has several million educated and talented workers who would love to come here but can't legally, so why should the preference be towards Latinos?

The Muslim issue: Islam is a religion and not a race, and there are over 1 billion Muslims, not I don't think racism applies here. Trump made a bold statement, which at worst was insensitive to Muslims, by offering that we should not accept Muslims into this country until we find a better way to separate the vast majority of peaceful law abiding Muslims from those radicalized Muslims intent on coming here to perpetrate horrific acts of mass violence. The Obama administration, particularly John Kerry, was particularly disingenuous when promising that each and every Syrian refugee would be vetted, when Hillary Clinton was offering that we should admit 150,000 refugees. The FBI says it take 20 agents to vet a single person, so what they offered was an impossibility. Trump did NOT castigate all of Islam, did not call on deporting American Muslims, but did correctly identify the problem of numbers of radicalized Muslims coming here to do harm. Some communities in the US have become isolated Islamic strongholds, and within those communities where assimilation into the US population does not occur (such as in Little Mogadishu, in MN), radicalization has occurred in mainstream mosques. Our current administration has not responded to this threat, and instead of supporting Trump's focus on this, the far left liberal media instead call Trump racist for suggesting closer scrutiny of those wanting to come here.

Racism? Funny, but when racially motivated attacks on Caucasians are committed by blacks, some African American civil rights leaders, support by the far left mainstream media, have said it's impossible for a black person to be racist, and racism can only be whites against blacks in this country. I have not heard Trump utter a single racially insensitive remark to African Americans, yet the liberal left, including Barack and Michelle, called Trump racist for suggesting that unemployment is high in black communities and that blacks aren't doing just fine. All in all a verifiable load of crap. Trump's platform includes focusing on our poorest communities, including those heavily populated by African Americans and Latinos, and creating jobs and success there. Racist? Hardly.

Will the left give Trump a chance to succeed? Of course not. They haven't even licked their wounds before taking to the streets and kicking off the 2020 campaign to dislodge him. No, that's a lie. They took to the streets to try to reverse the results. A republican has only won the popular vote once since 2000 (2004), and if Dems had control of Congress would already be pressing to dismember the electoral college to make sure it never happens again.

Do I like Trump? No. Do I think he is intellectually smarter than even a single one of his predecessors going all the way back to Kennedy? No. But if you stop right there, John F. Kennedy was a fairly unintelligent guy, even if he was charismatic and possessed leadership qualities. So the hope here is that Trump, a guy who was able to bring in public works projects under budget and on time, may actually know how to get stuff done, and will bring in top talent around him to advise him.

Brilliant guy? No. Apt to say inappropriate things at time? Yes. Take away his Twitter account? Well, I'd say yes but it gives him a pipeline to the American public without filters. But without question to me, he will try to do a great job for all Americans, whether I (or you) like him personally or not.

Agree with most everything you say beast, but do not underestimate his intelligence, in spite of the fact that he oftentimes shoots from the hip and says offensive things. You really think Obama or Hillary or Bernie(I could keep going) have the intelligence and skill sets to build and run a multi-billion dollar business empire? Not to mention figure out how to become the star of a TV show, and then get elected President????? There is much to question about Trump, but his intelligence is not one of those things.

Savvy and street smart, which is what you need to succeed in the construction business, but def not academically elite. It doesn't discount your point though.

UPenn ain't exactly chopped liver ;) .In any event book smarts is one kind of intelligence, but I'll take street smart and savvy any day of the week.

I think of Trump as Fordham for 2 years and a big assist from being a transfer student into junior year with a brother who knew the head of admissions. Most very good students can hop up to Ivy on transfer since few kids apply into a school after freshman year.
Look, here's one of the biggest and most aggravating lies that the liberal left haters have put out - that Trump is a racist. Not to say that Trump didn't help this along with some gross generalizations, but here's the reality:

First let me pre-empt myself and say that when it comes to Latinos, I've had massive construction projects over the past 15 years where most of the workers were Latino. To a person they were skilled, hardworking, polite, and everything they did was exemplary. I completely understand that legal or not, they are here to make a living and typically to send money back home where their standard of living was considerably below what we would consider the poverty line here in the US. I harbor no animosity.

Trump was correct to indicate that along with the types of people I encountered, which I believe is the vast majority of Latinos, there are criminals also coming across the border - drug dealers, violent offenders, gang members that are terrorizing some of our worst communities and making our streets unsafe. On Long Island, not a week or two goes by without some kid in Brentwood or Hempstead getting mowed down as a result of Latino gang activity, sometimes as gang initiation rites, other times for simply refusing to join a gang. I am on board 100,000% with ridding our country of these violent types, and it has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trump stupidly cast a wider net than necessary, possibly for effect, possibly with loose language, and taken out of context, those comments are just dumb.

Build a wall: In my comments about all these great skilled Latino laborers, I have never had a plumber, electrician, carpenter, HVAC contractor, painter, roofer, etc show up with a single African American worker. Why? Well, why should you when you can hire cheap, off the books, hard working skilled laborers that flood across the borders. I've often thought that if some of these jobs went to African Americans, it would provide a path to solid blue collar careers when a college education isn't the right path. So, while a wall is just symbolic of stopping this flood of workers coming across the border illegally and being permitted to stay here, we should take care of our own first - which includes many men and women mired in poverty, many unemployed, if we are ever going to raise the plight of the poor in our country. There are many solid talented people waiting in line - Toronto has several million educated and talented workers who would love to come here but can't legally, so why should the preference be towards Latinos?

The Muslim issue: Islam is a religion and not a race, and there are over 1 billion Muslims, not I don't think racism applies here. Trump made a bold statement, which at worst was insensitive to Muslims, by offering that we should not accept Muslims into this country until we find a better way to separate the vast majority of peaceful law abiding Muslims from those radicalized Muslims intent on coming here to perpetrate horrific acts of mass violence. The Obama administration, particularly John Kerry, was particularly disingenuous when promising that each and every Syrian refugee would be vetted, when Hillary Clinton was offering that we should admit 150,000 refugees. The FBI says it take 20 agents to vet a single person, so what they offered was an impossibility. Trump did NOT castigate all of Islam, did not call on deporting American Muslims, but did correctly identify the problem of numbers of radicalized Muslims coming here to do harm. Some communities in the US have become isolated Islamic strongholds, and within those communities where assimilation into the US population does not occur (such as in Little Mogadishu, in MN), radicalization has occurred in mainstream mosques. Our current administration has not responded to this threat, and instead of supporting Trump's focus on this, the far left liberal media instead call Trump racist for suggesting closer scrutiny of those wanting to come here.

Racism? Funny, but when racially motivated attacks on Caucasians are committed by blacks, some African American civil rights leaders, support by the far left mainstream media, have said it's impossible for a black person to be racist, and racism can only be whites against blacks in this country. I have not heard Trump utter a single racially insensitive remark to African Americans, yet the liberal left, including Barack and Michelle, called Trump racist for suggesting that unemployment is high in black communities and that blacks aren't doing just fine. All in all a verifiable load of crap. Trump's platform includes focusing on our poorest communities, including those heavily populated by African Americans and Latinos, and creating jobs and success there. Racist? Hardly.

Will the left give Trump a chance to succeed? Of course not. They haven't even licked their wounds before taking to the streets and kicking off the 2020 campaign to dislodge him. No, that's a lie. They took to the streets to try to reverse the results. A republican has only won the popular vote once since 2000 (2004), and if Dems had control of Congress would already be pressing to dismember the electoral college to make sure it never happens again.

Do I like Trump? No. Do I think he is intellectually smarter than even a single one of his predecessors going all the way back to Kennedy? No. But if you stop right there, John F. Kennedy was a fairly unintelligent guy, even if he was charismatic and possessed leadership qualities. So the hope here is that Trump, a guy who was able to bring in public works projects under budget and on time, may actually know how to get stuff done, and will bring in top talent around him to advise him.

Brilliant guy? No. Apt to say inappropriate things at time? Yes. Take away his Twitter account? Well, I'd say yes but it gives him a pipeline to the American public without filters. But without question to me, he will try to do a great job for all Americans, whether I (or you) like him personally or not.

Agree with most everything you say beast, but do not underestimate his intelligence, in spite of the fact that he oftentimes shoots from the hip and says offensive things. You really think Obama or Hillary or Bernie(I could keep going) have the intelligence and skill sets to build and run a multi-billion dollar business empire? Not to mention figure out how to become the star of a TV show, and then get elected President????? There is much to question about Trump, but his intelligence is not one of those things.

Savvy and street smart, which is what you need to succeed in the construction business, but def not academically elite. It doesn't discount your point though.

UPenn ain't exactly chopped liver ;) .In any event book smarts is one kind of intelligence, but I'll take street smart and savvy any day of the week.

I think of Trump as Fordham for 2 years and a big assist from being a transfer student into junior year with a brother who knew the head of admissions. Most very good students can hop up to Ivy on transfer since few kids apply into a school after freshman year.

He would not be the only Pres who had help, in one form or another, gaining admission to an Ivy
Look, here's one of the biggest and most aggravating lies that the liberal left haters have put out - that Trump is a racist. Not to say that Trump didn't help this along with some gross generalizations, but here's the reality:

First let me pre-empt myself and say that when it comes to Latinos, I've had massive construction projects over the past 15 years where most of the workers were Latino. To a person they were skilled, hardworking, polite, and everything they did was exemplary. I completely understand that legal or not, they are here to make a living and typically to send money back home where their standard of living was considerably below what we would consider the poverty line here in the US. I harbor no animosity.

Trump was correct to indicate that along with the types of people I encountered, which I believe is the vast majority of Latinos, there are criminals also coming across the border - drug dealers, violent offenders, gang members that are terrorizing some of our worst communities and making our streets unsafe. On Long Island, not a week or two goes by without some kid in Brentwood or Hempstead getting mowed down as a result of Latino gang activity, sometimes as gang initiation rites, other times for simply refusing to join a gang. I am on board 100,000% with ridding our country of these violent types, and it has nothing to do with ethnicity. Trump stupidly cast a wider net than necessary, possibly for effect, possibly with loose language, and taken out of context, those comments are just dumb.

Build a wall: In my comments about all these great skilled Latino laborers, I have never had a plumber, electrician, carpenter, HVAC contractor, painter, roofer, etc show up with a single African American worker. Why? Well, why should you when you can hire cheap, off the books, hard working skilled laborers that flood across the borders. I've often thought that if some of these jobs went to African Americans, it would provide a path to solid blue collar careers when a college education isn't the right path. So, while a wall is just symbolic of stopping this flood of workers coming across the border illegally and being permitted to stay here, we should take care of our own first - which includes many men and women mired in poverty, many unemployed, if we are ever going to raise the plight of the poor in our country. There are many solid talented people waiting in line - Toronto has several million educated and talented workers who would love to come here but can't legally, so why should the preference be towards Latinos?

The Muslim issue: Islam is a religion and not a race, and there are over 1 billion Muslims, not I don't think racism applies here. Trump made a bold statement, which at worst was insensitive to Muslims, by offering that we should not accept Muslims into this country until we find a better way to separate the vast majority of peaceful law abiding Muslims from those radicalized Muslims intent on coming here to perpetrate horrific acts of mass violence. The Obama administration, particularly John Kerry, was particularly disingenuous when promising that each and every Syrian refugee would be vetted, when Hillary Clinton was offering that we should admit 150,000 refugees. The FBI says it take 20 agents to vet a single person, so what they offered was an impossibility. Trump did NOT castigate all of Islam, did not call on deporting American Muslims, but did correctly identify the problem of numbers of radicalized Muslims coming here to do harm. Some communities in the US have become isolated Islamic strongholds, and within those communities where assimilation into the US population does not occur (such as in Little Mogadishu, in MN), radicalization has occurred in mainstream mosques. Our current administration has not responded to this threat, and instead of supporting Trump's focus on this, the far left liberal media instead call Trump racist for suggesting closer scrutiny of those wanting to come here.

Racism? Funny, but when racially motivated attacks on Caucasians are committed by blacks, some African American civil rights leaders, support by the far left mainstream media, have said it's impossible for a black person to be racist, and racism can only be whites against blacks in this country. I have not heard Trump utter a single racially insensitive remark to African Americans, yet the liberal left, including Barack and Michelle, called Trump racist for suggesting that unemployment is high in black communities and that blacks aren't doing just fine. All in all a verifiable load of crap. Trump's platform includes focusing on our poorest communities, including those heavily populated by African Americans and Latinos, and creating jobs and success there. Racist? Hardly.

Will the left give Trump a chance to succeed? Of course not. They haven't even licked their wounds before taking to the streets and kicking off the 2020 campaign to dislodge him. No, that's a lie. They took to the streets to try to reverse the results. A republican has only won the popular vote once since 2000 (2004), and if Dems had control of Congress would already be pressing to dismember the electoral college to make sure it never happens again.

Do I like Trump? No. Do I think he is intellectually smarter than even a single one of his predecessors going all the way back to Kennedy? No. But if you stop right there, John F. Kennedy was a fairly unintelligent guy, even if he was charismatic and possessed leadership qualities. So the hope here is that Trump, a guy who was able to bring in public works projects under budget and on time, may actually know how to get stuff done, and will bring in top talent around him to advise him.

Brilliant guy? No. Apt to say inappropriate things at time? Yes. Take away his Twitter account? Well, I'd say yes but it gives him a pipeline to the American public without filters. But without question to me, he will try to do a great job for all Americans, whether I (or you) like him personally or not.

Agree with most everything you say beast, but do not underestimate his intelligence, in spite of the fact that he oftentimes shoots from the hip and says offensive things. You really think Obama or Hillary or Bernie(I could keep going) have the intelligence and skill sets to build and run a multi-billion dollar business empire? Not to mention figure out how to become the star of a TV show, and then get elected President????? There is much to question about Trump, but his intelligence is not one of those things.

Savvy and street smart, which is what you need to succeed in the construction business, but def not academically elite. It doesn't discount your point though.

UPenn ain't exactly chopped liver ;) .In any event book smarts is one kind of intelligence, but I'll take street smart and savvy any day of the week.

I think of Trump as Fordham for 2 years and a big assist from being a transfer student into junior year with a brother who knew the head of admissions. Most very good students can hop up to Ivy on transfer since few kids apply into a school after freshman year.

He would not be the only Pres who had help, in one form or another, gaining admission to an Ivy

Ummm... let's see: Obama, Bush, Kennedy to name a few.
Well, alas, I give up. I am clearly out numbered here and after just 12 hours away from the site there are just too many points to respond to. Here are my final thoughts, before I opt out of the thread.

1. As previously mentioned, YOU may not have been offended by the campaign rhetoric, but millions of legal American citizens were. That is a fact.

2. Trump has decided not to issue a retraction, apology, or even a pledge to be more respectful in his speech. That, too, is a fact.

3. Trump has chosen at least three polarizing figures that will exacerbate the extreme division in our country. You may believe that all liberals are mindless media puppets and are simply overreacting to quality appointments. However, unless one was completely void of any strategic consideration, you would have to know that choosing these individuals would ensure that a major segment would not "give you a chance". He has sent a message that he doesn't care. Now, you might think this is ridiculous, but the fact that millions of people feel this way is not a good thing. Dismissing them as foolish or brainwashed will not spur progress.

4. When I continuously here, "why doesn't everyone just give him a chance?", I am afraid people don't understand the destruction Trump's comments and actions have caused. You're free to your opinion, but given #s 2 and 3 above, don't be surprised when people don't give him a chance.

5. As I have said before, I appreciate being able to have this explosive discussion in a respectful manner. I can tell you are all well-informed and passionate. are most convincing when you stick to attacking the issue.
Well, alas, I give up. I am clearly out numbered here and after just 12 hours away from the site there are just too many points to respond to. Here are my final thoughts, before I opt out of the thread.

1. As previously mentioned, YOU may not have been offended by the campaign rhetoric, but millions of legal American citizens were. That is a fact.

2. Trump has decided not to issue a retraction, apology, or a pledge to be more respectful in his speech.

3. Trump has chosen at least three polarizing figures that will exacerbate the extreme division in our country. You may believe that all liberals are mindless media puppets and overreacting to quality appointments. However, unless one was completely void of any strategic consideration, you would have to know that choosing these individuals would ensure that a major segment will not "give you a chance". He has sent a message that he doesn't care. Now, you might think this is ridiculous, but the fact that millions of people feel this way is not a good thing.

4. When I continuously here, "why doesn't everyone just give him a chance?", I am afraid people don't understand the destruction Trump's comments and actions have caused. You're free to your opinion, but given #s 2 and 3 above, don't be surprised when people don't give him a chance.

5. As I have said before, I appreciate being able to have this explosive discussion in a respectful manner. I can tell you are all well-informed and passionate. are most convincing when you stick to attacking the issue.

I understand how and why you feel the way you do. We are all on the same side. Good and fair debater you are.
Well, alas, I give up. I am clearly out numbered here and after just 12 hours away from the site there are just too many points to respond to. Here are my final thoughts, before I opt out of the thread.

1. As previously mentioned, YOU may not have been offended by the campaign rhetoric, but millions of legal American citizens were. That is a fact.

2. Trump has decided not to issue a retraction, apology, or a pledge to be more respectful in his speech.

3. Trump has chosen at least three polarizing figures that will exacerbate the extreme division in our country. You may believe that all liberals are mindless media puppets and overreacting to quality appointments. However, unless one was completely void of any strategic consideration, you would have to know that choosing these individuals would ensure that a major segment will not "give you a chance". He has sent a message that he doesn't care. Now, you might think this is ridiculous, but the fact that millions of people feel this way is not a good thing.

4. When I continuously here, "why doesn't everyone just give him a chance?", I am afraid people don't understand the destruction Trump's comments and actions have caused. You're free to your opinion, but given #s 2 and 3 above, don't be surprised when people don't give him a chance.

5. As I have said before, I appreciate being able to have this explosive discussion in a respectful manner. I can tell you are all well-informed and passionate. are most convincing when you stick to attacking the issue.

I understand how and why you feel the way you do. We are all on the same side. Good and fair debater you are.

Who woulda thunk you would find more intelligent and civil debate on an Internet forum than in the presidential debates? God bless America...
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