Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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Sorry but your response is likely to be based on the message content and not the matter at hand.

I am constitutionally permitted to stand up at Hamilton and tead a response but there would have been a partisan motivated response.

You could read a politically motivated sentiment in your workplace and be constitutionally protected. However you would be disciplined appropriately and lefally.

The pronlem is that the left is undisciplined. Should a member of the cast begin the next performance with a manifesto supporting the new administration as a breath of fresh air, that actor wluld be dismissed immediately.
Ironically, Trump is asking for an apology from the cast of Hamilton. The guy completely doesn't get it. Does he actually think this will resonate?

Please don't wonder why folks won't give him a chance. He is nealry illiterate when it comes to domestic diplomacy.

I really want my president to be above tweeting about every time he gets criticized. In the last couple of days he's tweeted to complain about the NY Times, people complaining about the Electoral College,The Trump U case and now a broadway musical that spoke out against him. He needs to be above that for the good of the country. Please let your surrogates or press security defend you.

Also probably not a good look to demand an apology from a cast of minority performers because they politely & peacfully spoke out against a powerful white guy. Although I've gotta say, not a bad move to shift the news story to your VP being booed on a day that you settle a fraud case.

People go to a play to be entertained. Boycott Hamilton!

I agree with that sentiment and not because its a partisan statement that was issued at Hamilton. When i go to a concert, play, sporting event, I'm not paying or interested in hearing political messages and certainly not partisan ones. This was not only oartisan but pointed

I have no problem with anyone wanting to boycott Hamilton if you don't like what they did. I love that this is a country where artists (and all of us) can speak out and address concerns with government and we also all have the right to disagree with those artists/corporations/whoever and spend our money elsewhere. While you may disagree with the message the cast read or be annoyed that they did it, I would hope none of us would ever question their right to do so.

My concern wasn't with the audiences reaction or your reaction but with the President-Elect's reaction (and also not Pence's who I've heard did not exit the scene quickly but instead stood in the hallway and listened which I appreciate and find admirable). Anytime the President of our country is demanding an apology for someone expressing their 1st amendment rights I get concerned. Especially when it wasn't inflammatory. It was political and it was partisan, but it certainly wasn't angry or antagonistic. And even if it was, he should have the constitutional knowledge and historical perspective to understand that this is an important part of our country. The leader of our democracy expressing outrage over reading a written statement at the end of a play is unsettling.
Agree with your twitter comments.

I found what the cast did annoying but it's a free country. I had more of an issue with morons on the crowd booing because it's disrespectful and I think when someone goes to a broadway show there should be some civiilty involved. I wouldn't have cared if they booed at a football game or something ( heck the eagle fans booed Santa Claus ) but if idiots are going to start booing at broadway shows to me that's over the line and immature. I am glad that Pence stayed at the hallway door and listened to their speech because even though it might been in poor taste ( just my opinion ) it is a message that some people do have concerns about
I fully expect Trump to mess up more than once as he learns on the job, but remember Bill Clinton's first year in office was woefully non-productive also.

I also expect Trump to say the wrong thing on occasion especially before he learns to silence his tongue when the urge is to hit back.

I also expect that many of his platform promises will fall flat and not come close to being enacted.

But then again, I expect him to be beholden to no one, and really try like hell to improve life for the least among us. If he is just a little bit successful, he will have exceeded the accomplishments of many who have held the office over the past 50 years.

I do consider policy that encourages businesses here to stay and hire US citizens first, policies to bring manufacturing back to the US, policies to stop china from manipulating their dollar, jobs programs in inner cities, and many other common sense approaches that could help get the economy back on track

I have doubts that he will be truly focused on this. Unless, of course, you consider implementing a supply-side economics approach (Reaganomics) as trying like hell. It is difficult to find an apolitical economist that will acknowledge this as effective.....or as even a remotely viable strategy.

I do agree with you. You named a number of initiatives that would indeed help the working class. My fear is that he will cut personal income taxes, deepen corporate tax breaks and call it a day. That would not be enough to meet his promise. Only time will tell.

This is only my impression, but to me Reagan's greatest accomplishment was restoring confidence in American ideals, give Americans faith that we will come out of the horrible inflationary times, and that spirit helped get us out of that mess. Believe it or not, Hitler did the same thing for Germany's economy simply by instilling confidence in Germans that their economy would imbprove by their sheer will to improve it BECAUSE they were German. Now of course, the rest of his legacy was worse than horrific (there isn't an adequate word to describe Hitler), but economic upswing is often a result of confidence in an economy and direction, and not necessarily policy driven (although that helps immeasurably also).

I am pretty impressed that Trump is reaching out to Republican Party adversaries and detractors to build bridges. I would expect that once complete, he will do the same with Democrats. IF people give him a chance, this just may work better than many of us expected.

Beast........while I disagree with a great majority of your views, I appreciate the discussion. For me, I can buy into the consumer confidence and belief in country effect, but only to a minimal degree. More substantially, I consider tangible economic factors.

Regarding people giving Trump a chance, it seems highly unlikely. He does not seem to have any interest in acknowledging and apologizing for his extraordinarily offensive comments. In fact, he is further flaming the fire by appointing Stephen Bannon. People can think whatever they want about this, but the fact is that if he does not do a better job of reaching out to those he offended, he will never be given a chance. It's just a fact.
I don't think he is going to apologize for much if anything of what he said but I think he is going to pretty much ignore what he said but I think he is going to try and tone it down going forward and surprise people with being reasonable

The fact that he is considering Romney for SOS stunned me with how those 2 went back and forth this year but if he is going to ignore what Romney said about him during the election and still consider him for that spot then to me that's a sign that he is going to be doing a lot of compromising

Yes, I too was surprised about him meeting with Romney. The compromising approach may prove to be good for new policy. I sure hope so.

As far as the unapologetic approach, unaccompanied by further inflaming mass demographics with polarizing adviser appointments, that is his prerogative. However, if this is the direction he chooses, there should be no surprise that he is not gaining an open mind from half the country.

A significant % of that half the country has no intention of keeping an open mind, as proven by the absolute lies the mainstream media still insist on putting forth. The left have an agenda and losing the election hasn't changed that agenda or their tactics one bit. BTW, Obama won and put his radical compatriots in position of power; now you expect Trump to appoint people appeasing the left; it doesn't work that what. FWIW, you seem very intelligent, I respectfully suggest you watch something other than CNN and read something besides the NYT, they are lying to you.
Sorry but your response is likely to be based on the message content and not the matter at hand.

I am constitutionally permitted to stand up at Hamilton and tead a response but there would have been a partisan motivated response.

You could read a politically motivated sentiment in your workplace and be constitutionally protected. However you would be disciplined appropriately and lefally.

The pronlem is that the left is undisciplined. Should a member of the cast begin the next performance with a manifesto supporting the new administration as a breath of fresh air, that actor wluld be dismissed immediately.

I agree with all of that. If the production reads the statement at the performance then they should be prepared to deal with any fallout from it (Monetarily, legally, whatever) And if I'm okay with the reading of the statement, then I must also be okay with the reaction of those who feel it was disrespectful, annoying or inappropriate. Everyone has a right to feel and react the way they want to as long as it's not harming others or breaking the law. Again, my issue is not with the reaction of Trump supporters. It is with the reaction of Trump.

The President is not a private citizen. When Green Day released "American Idiot" in 2004 it was a #1 album and those were much angrier and inflammatory words. The band would encourage the crowd to chant "F**k George W Bush" at their concerts. Not once did President Bush ask for an apology or imply that there was anything wrong with their expression. He was above it for the good of the country. I'm obviously a big Obama fan, yet I will admit that I thought some of his weakest public moments were when he complained about Fox News' coverage of him. Those moments made him look small.

Also mjmaherjr...I agree about the booing. I didn't like it either and actually thought it distracted from the statement that was read. Some restraint from the crowd there would have been wise I think. Clearly it was also not the preference of the performers who asked them to stop. I think the crowd's reaction also supports Beast's observation of the left being undisciplined.
Dear liberals: Start practicing the empathy you preach
By Michael Goodwin

Elections have consequences and an obvious one now is your distress. Your grief over Hillary Clinton’s defeat is understandable, but your rage over Donald Trump’s victory is not.

Yet instead of searching for the reasons, you embarrass the city by booing Mike Pence at “Hamilton.” You screech over Trump’s personnel picks and reflexively smear people you don’t know. Too often, your argument is “shut up.”

You are playing with fire by hardening the very polarization you decry. Please stop before you burn down the American house.

By all means, mourn Clinton’s loss and the probability that you will never again see her name on a ballot. Her concession speech felt like “goodbye” and someone else will shatter the final glass ceiling.

While I am relieved Clinton will not be president, it is impossible not to feel for her on a personal level. Twice she was denied victory when it seemed inevitable, and there is no joy in imagining her pain.

But neither is there any appetite for her politics. Back in February, I wrote that, win or lose the nomination, Bernie Sanders “has already won the future of the Democratic Party.” My only mistake was in underestimating the extent of his victory.

With the Clintons out of the way, Dems are making a ferocious socialist turn, led by Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and presumed party boss Rep. Keith Ellison. Excepting Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Dem leadership is embracing radical policies that make President Obama look like a centrist. With unrestrained ideology, it’s leftward, march.

That way lies more madness and defeat, and Republicans already hold more federal and state power than they’ve held in nearly 100 years. I urge you to open your eyes and hearts to better understand the revolution taking place in the America outside your bubble.

That’s not to deny that your rejection of Trump was reasonable. His thin skin is a concern and things he said and did were offensive.

His lack of experience presents a steep learning curve at a very dangerous time.

But the election is over, so let’s be fully honest: You don’t just reject Trump, you also hold contempt for his supporters. You belittle their concerns and demonize their resistance to your power. Among yourselves, you ask, how can they be so stupid to elect such a stupid man?

I hear such things, and it confuses me. I know you as warm and generous people, full of passion for your families and friends. You love America and share its bounty through charitable good works.

And yet, that contempt for certain less fortunate Americans is real. Such hate is anathema to the classical meaning of liberalism, and is often directed at an unknown adversary. So it is here, because most of you don’t actually know Trump supporters.

They are everywhere. They are checkout clerks in supermarkets, they fix your car, deliver your packages and maybe watch your kids.

Some are doctors and many own small businesses. Too many are unemployed.
Declare your independence from partisan propaganda and go see for yourselves the truth about America.

They are the soldiers who defend you, the farmers who produce your food and the cops you trust. When you call 911, the first responders are probably Trump voters.

They are essential to your lives, but you are ignorant about theirs. Except when you need them, you probably don’t notice them.

Actually, you don’t really hate them, either. What you hate is the caricature of them the Democratic Party and the national liberal media created, and that you swallowed, hook, line and sinker.

You fell for the oldest trick in the propaganda playbook. Obama, Clinton, Hollywood, and their media handmaidens “otherized” tens of millions of hardworking, God-fearing Americans, and you said amen.

These hucksters turned anecdotes into universal truths. They found a racist or heard an anti-Muslim comment at a Trump rally and bingo, declared an entire movement bitter clingers, deplorables and irredeemables.

You accepted the caricature because it fit the stereotypes reinforced in your closed circle. It has ever been thus for the smart set.

Here’s Time magazine describing the 1932 Democratic convention that nominated FDR: “Like Irish potatoes and more noxious growths were the city delegations — Tammany’s full-blown ward heelers, micks from Brooklyn and Boston, hybrids from Chicago . . . lusty bumpkins from Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana and drooping-gone-to-seed specimens from the country roadsides.”

Minus the flair, that’s pretty much how the New York Times, MSNBC and this year’s version of Time described Trump supporters. They lied to you.

If you must be angry, be angry at them. They are the great deceivers, and they haven’t stopped.

You are better people than that. Declare your independence from partisan propaganda and go see for yourselves the truth about America.

For its sake, and yours.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.
Johnny Fan ,why are you so hate full ? Do you remember how hate full your side was toward Nixon ? Yet Nixon passed affirmative action which gave minorities a great advantage and appointed the most liberal judges to the supreme court. He passed price controls and made inroads with China . You asked any liberal from that generation and they would still respond with hate towards Nixon.
You heard Trump say "he wants to be the President for all the people". Why not give him a chance , he maybe the most liberal President since Nixon.
No matter what., he has to be better than corrupt Hillary.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.
Johnny Fan ,why are you so hate full ? Do you remember how hate full your side was toward Nixon ? Yet Nixon passed affirmative action which gave minorities a great advantage and appointed the most liberal judges to the supreme court. He passed price controls and made inroads with China . You asked any liberal from that generation and they would still respond with hate towards Nixon.
You heard Trump say "he wants to be the President for all the people". Why not give him a chance , he maybe the most liberal President since Nixon.
No matter what., he has to be better than corrupt Hillary.

Frank, you're not hearing me. I have been very consistent. For me, this is about hate speech, prejudice and racism. I am not going to regurgitate his campaign comments, we all know what they are. Many pages back in this thread, I posted a suggested approach that could persuade the disenfranchised to give him a chance. Instead, he has said and done the antithesis. You might be forgiving of his comments (if you're a white male, I am not impressed) and you might be okay with Bannon, Sessions and Flynn. That's your right. But don't then wonder why he is not being given a chance.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.

Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.

Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.

It is not a philosophy, it is an opinion. You have a different one. Yours carries no more weight than mine does. Neither does that of the cast of Hamilton. They picked the wrong time to voice their opinion IMO. They will now deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I hope they are severe, but I doubt it considering this is NYC where anything the left does or says is supported. Brace yourself for more pushback, rest assured it will come.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.

Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.

It is not a philosophy, it is an opinion. You have a different one. Yours carries no more weight than mine does. Neither does that of the cast of Hamilton. They picked the wrong time to voice their opinion IMO. They will now deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I hope they are severe, but I doubt it considering this is NYC where anything the left does or says is supported. Brace yourself for more pushback, rest assured it will come.

I agree with you, everyone is entitled to their opinion which carries equal weight. I doubt there will be any consequences since the show is sold out for the next 18 months (at least), and more than half of the country does not support Trump.

Brace myself for more pushback? From who, what? People don't care anymore. Instead of unifying, Trump has decided to go in the opposite direction. The social decency movement is about to get steam rolled and has nothing to lose. The hysterical part is the Trump camp is busy whining about the cast of Hamilton. Not exactly inspiring.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.
JF is giving himself an excuse to behave and say anything he wants much like the looters and rioters do during their so called protesting, marching or demonstrating.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.

Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.

It is not a philosophy, it is an opinion. You have a different one. Yours carries no more weight than mine does. Neither does that of the cast of Hamilton. They picked the wrong time to voice their opinion IMO. They will now deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I hope they are severe, but I doubt it considering this is NYC where anything the left does or says is supported. Brace yourself for more pushback, rest assured it will come.

I agree with you, everyone is entitled to their opinion which carries equal weight. I doubt there will be any consequences since the show is sold out for the next 18 months (at least), and more than half of the country does not support Trump.

Brace myself for more pushback? From who, what? People don't care anymore. Instead of unifying, Trump has decided to go in the opposite direction. The social decency movement is about to get steam rolled and has nothing to lose. The hysterical part is the Trump camp is busy whining about the cast of Hamilton. Not exactly inspiring.
How can Trump unify when you and from what you say millions of others will not even give him a chance? Impossible. Which is why I hope he unifies whoever he can and the rest of the won't give him a chance crowd can continue their misery fest.
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.

Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.

It is not a philosophy, it is an opinion. You have a different one. Yours carries no more weight than mine does. Neither does that of the cast of Hamilton. They picked the wrong time to voice their opinion IMO. They will now deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I hope they are severe, but I doubt it considering this is NYC where anything the left does or says is supported. Brace yourself for more pushback, rest assured it will come.

I agree with you, everyone is entitled to their opinion which carries equal weight. I doubt there will be any consequences since the show is sold out for the next 18 months (at least), and more than half of the country does not support Trump.

Brace myself for more pushback? From who, what? People don't care anymore. Instead of unifying, Trump has decided to go in the opposite direction. The social decency movement is about to get steam rolled and has nothing to lose. The hysterical part is the Trump camp is busy whining about the cast of Hamilton. Not exactly inspiring.
How can Trump unify when you and from what you say millions of others will not even give him a chance? Impossible. Which is why I hope he unifies whoever he can and the rest of the won't give him a chance crowd can continue their misery fest.

Bama, much like the entire country, we're not going to solve this. You ask how can Trump unify when people won't give him a chance? He had his chance. He should have came out and made a statement of apology and a declaration that there is no place for hate speech in this country. The 60 Minutes interview would have been perfect for that. He did not do this. He could have appointed people that don't have a history of making racially insensitive comments. He did not do this either. Those are the two definitive reasons that he will not be given an opportunity by roughly half of this country. No matter how much he and his supporters whine about it.

Imagine, just for a moment, how you would feel if a candidate for president made ugly, disparaging comments about your race. Additionally, when elected, appointed other individuals who have also made such comments. Would you be in the spirit of "giving him a chance"?
I am very sorry that people feel the vice president was disrespected. I also hope Mr. [strike]Thin Skin[/strike] Trump gets his apology.

I know the Mexican, Muslim, Female, African American and disabled community must feel very badly for the president-elect.

Does anyone see the irony? Anyone?

Let's put Trump and his reaction aside for a moment, you honestly feel that this was the right time and place for the Hamilton cast to make a political statement? And if you do, how would you feel if a Republican cast chose to address Obama or Hillary in the same manner?

Honestly, I enjoy Broadway and detest when the performers take advantage of a captive audience to advocate for any position (even charity). That said, I could care less in this case. Trump, Pence and his minions have shown an unapologetic, reckless level of disrespect. If their own medicine is tough to be it. And consider my response an example of the division that Trump has widened post election (no apology for rhetoric and appointing exceptionally polarizing figures).

Again, it is absolutely laughable that Trump is asking for an apology and his supporter are complaining of disrespect. While folks try to make a case that the theater plea is somehow worse than the racial, antisemitic and misogynist rhetoric, just know it will be found absolutely laughable.

So in other words, because you abhor the target you condone the behavior. I see clearly where you're coming from.

Monte, it's simple. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender and defining characteristics (disabilities) "trumps" everything. You can explain your philosophy seven ways to Sunday, but there will be no compromise on bigotry. Never.

It is not a philosophy, it is an opinion. You have a different one. Yours carries no more weight than mine does. Neither does that of the cast of Hamilton. They picked the wrong time to voice their opinion IMO. They will now deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I hope they are severe, but I doubt it considering this is NYC where anything the left does or says is supported. Brace yourself for more pushback, rest assured it will come.

I agree with you, everyone is entitled to their opinion which carries equal weight. I doubt there will be any consequences since the show is sold out for the next 18 months (at least), and more than half of the country does not support Trump.

Brace myself for more pushback? From who, what? People don't care anymore. Instead of unifying, Trump has decided to go in the opposite direction. The social decency movement is about to get steam rolled and has nothing to lose. The hysterical part is the Trump camp is busy whining about the cast of Hamilton. Not exactly inspiring.
How can Trump unify when you and from what you say millions of others will not even give him a chance? Impossible. Which is why I hope he unifies whoever he can and the rest of the won't give him a chance crowd can continue their misery fest.

There are plenty who do not want to see Trump succeed. He will never win those people over. He will also not pander to the rabble rousers on the left. As well he shouldn't. We saw some of the push back yesterday when a Trump supporter got up in the middle of a Chicago Hamilton performance and started yelling pro Trump things. Allegedly the cast started to cry when this happened. Not surprising. Not condoning that man' s behavior by any means, but it was bound to happen.
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