As far as total deaths I agree the trend is lower although Bush did lose something like 60 on 9/11Panther, ask many of the men and women of law enforcement how much better off they are over the last 8 years......glad you are enjoying life, many aren't and that's not to say life will be peaches and cream under trump. But like 8 years ago many people want change
Police officer deaths during GWB's 8 year term: 1,212, So far during Obama's term: 1,062. And yes I have NYPD officers in my family and know how hard the job is but just quoting facts.
To me the thing to be concerned about and I'm not blaming Obama but Police Officer deaths by shootings are up this year markedly over last year
My brother used to work in a really bad area of Brooklyn and then he finally moved to aviation probably 10 years ago and then after he moved his partner was murdered while working. Now even as a helicopter pilot you aren't out of the woods because there are these jackoffs trying to blind him and the other pilots with the laser pointers. Literally just happened again a couple of days ago to him from some asshole they caught doing it before. Luckily my brother spotted him and put the spotlights on him so police on the ground could arrest the f*ck
G d bless your brother and his partner as well as every other member of our law enforcement and military. Hope they throw the book at that piece of crap and that he rots in jail for a long time. His actions could have killed two officers.