Heard two women interviewed tonight at a protest sight (was having dinner out so don't know where it was) who advocated a revolution stating that lives would have to be sacrificed. One of them was holding a baby. God help us all.
One was that fat pg that the media outlets keep showing the video of. Her parents did a hell of a job raising her. They must be so proud. As for the revolution, these losers couldn't start a revolution if their lives depended on it. They talk a good game, but they have been given free reign. The push back is about to happen.
Just using the quote function here to bring this topic back because there were quite a few posts kind of poo pooing this threat. But while many of those protesters might not be capable of a violent revolution if the rhetoric and anti Trump frenzy continues it could lead to something like what happened in Dallas with the shooting of 5 policemen. A friend of mine sent me a video of a white male being dragged out of his car by a group of black men and beaten to a pulp because he had a Trump bumper sticker on his car. Of course the main stream media buries this story because it doesn't fit the narrative of the agenda. Would hate to see any innocent people attacked and maybe killed. By the way watching a late night episode of Stephen Colbert the other night because he had on a quest I was interested in seeing. His monologue was totally anti Trump and Republican and pro Clinton, Obama and the Democrats. It was beyond ridiculous and he obviously packed the audience with only liberals as they howled and applauded everything he said without any booing or catcalls coming from the audience.
The flip side is that during the past week, 5 white males have shot 10 police officers killing 6 and 2 more are in critical condition. Why aren't conservatives talking about this???
Can you imagine the outcry if 5 Black, Mexican, or Muslim males had shot 10 police officers killing 6 of them, let's be real, shit stinks on both sides of the fence.
The problem as I see it, is that no one is listening to understand. People are listening to respond, therefore missing the point of what is being stated.