I can vouch that the majority of these protesters aren't professionals. I personally know at least 15-20, if not more, friends/family/acquaintances who have attended protests across multiple cities. None of whom I've ever known to psychically show up to protest anything. This feels unique. Also the majority of those I've spoken with do understand that the result is legitimate and accept that Donald Trump is going to be our president. They're simply enacting their right to express outrage over the character of the man who is assuming the office. I support these protests, as I do all protests, as long as they are peaceful. There certainly are a smaller number who because of the popular vote are pushing for the Electoral College to vote Hillary into office against the will of their individual states (which I agree is not only ridiculously far-fetched but dangerous for our democracy). There are an even smaller number who talk about revolution. I've only seen these people on television. They make for good tv so I assume that's why they're being shown. I wouldn't mistake them for the majority of the crowd. The Democrats just suffered a major setback because they underestimated a large chunk of the electorate that Trump was listening to and speaking to. For Trump and his supporters to immediately write off all of these protestors as sore-losers & whiners would be a mistake (politically but also just a mistake for national unity). Learn from the Democrats in 2008: Big electoral success led to smugness which led to a spanking in midterms that crippled Obama's ability to be effective.
I was hesitant to post something political here because I don't know any of you guys personally and it seems I'm in the minority, so I'd like to add that although I'm a liberal Democrat (if that isn't somehow apparent from this post) I don't believe that all Trump supporters are racists or misogynists and I would never make those sort of judgments about someone without knowing them first. I've got a dad, uncles and a grandmother who voted for Trump and I would hope that nobody would call them those things without actually knowing them. I fear that a Trump presidency will lead to a very dark time for our nation but I genuinely hope that I'm proved wrong and President Trump leaves the country in a better state than he found it. In the end we hopefully all agree on the stuff that actually matters (The Big East is a top 3 conference, UConn sucks, Boheim is a baby, etc)
And UConn will always suck no matter who is in the White House!!