Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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I can vouch that the majority of these protesters aren't professionals. I personally know at least 15-20, if not more, friends/family/acquaintances who have attended protests across multiple cities. None of whom I've ever known to psychically show up to protest anything. This feels unique. Also the majority of those I've spoken with do understand that the result is legitimate and accept that Donald Trump is going to be our president. They're simply enacting their right to express outrage over the character of the man who is assuming the office. I support these protests, as I do all protests, as long as they are peaceful. There certainly are a smaller number who because of the popular vote are pushing for the Electoral College to vote Hillary into office against the will of their individual states (which I agree is not only ridiculously far-fetched but dangerous for our democracy). There are an even smaller number who talk about revolution. I've only seen these people on television. They make for good tv so I assume that's why they're being shown. I wouldn't mistake them for the majority of the crowd. The Democrats just suffered a major setback because they underestimated a large chunk of the electorate that Trump was listening to and speaking to. For Trump and his supporters to immediately write off all of these protestors as sore-losers & whiners would be a mistake (politically but also just a mistake for national unity). Learn from the Democrats in 2008: Big electoral success led to smugness which led to a spanking in midterms that crippled Obama's ability to be effective.

I was hesitant to post something political here because I don't know any of you guys personally and it seems I'm in the minority, so I'd like to add that although I'm a liberal Democrat (if that isn't somehow apparent from this post) I don't believe that all Trump supporters are racists or misogynists and I would never make those sort of judgments about someone without knowing them first. I've got a dad, uncles and a grandmother who voted for Trump and I would hope that nobody would call them those things without actually knowing them. I fear that a Trump presidency will lead to a very dark time for our nation but I genuinely hope that I'm proved wrong and President Trump leaves the country in a better state than he found it. In the end we hopefully all agree on the stuff that actually matters (The Big East is a top 3 conference, UConn sucks, Boheim is a baby, etc)

And UConn will always suck no matter who is in the White House!! ;)
I can vouch that the majority of these protesters aren't professionals. I personally know at least 15-20, if not more, friends/family/acquaintances who have attended protests across multiple cities. None of whom I've ever known to psychically show up to protest anything. This feels unique. Also the majority of those I've spoken with do understand that the result is legitimate and accept that Donald Trump is going to be our president. They're simply enacting their right to express outrage over the character of the man who is assuming the office. I support these protests, as I do all protests, as long as they are peaceful. There certainly are a smaller number who because of the popular vote are pushing for the Electoral College to vote Hillary into office against the will of their individual states (which I agree is not only ridiculously far-fetched but dangerous for our democracy). There are an even smaller number who talk about revolution. I've only seen these people on television. They make for good tv so I assume that's why they're being shown. I wouldn't mistake them for the majority of the crowd. The Democrats just suffered a major setback because they underestimated a large chunk of the electorate that Trump was listening to and speaking to. For Trump and his supporters to immediately write off all of these protestors as sore-losers & whiners would be a mistake (politically but also just a mistake for national unity). Learn from the Democrats in 2008: Big electoral success led to smugness which led to a spanking in midterms that crippled Obama's ability to be effective.

I was hesitant to post something political here because I don't know any of you guys personally and it seems I'm in the minority, so I'd like to add that although I'm a liberal Democrat (if that isn't somehow apparent from this post) I don't believe that all Trump supporters are racists or misogynists and I would never make those sort of judgments about someone without knowing them first. I've got a dad, uncles and a grandmother who voted for Trump and I would hope that nobody would call them those things without actually knowing them. I fear that a Trump presidency will lead to a very dark time for our nation but I genuinely hope that I'm proved wrong and President Trump leaves the country in a better state than he found it. In the end we hopefully all agree on the stuff that actually matters (The Big East is a top 3 conference, UConn sucks, Boheim is a baby, etc)

I supported neither of the candidates because BOTH were characters seemingly unbecoming of the office of the presidency. Trump for his endless crass verbal jabs at his opponents and Hillary for not her words but actions over the course of her checkered career in public service. Frankly I don't think Hillary would have accomplished much with a Republican House and Senate.
You are right, most of these protesters are not professional. What I witnessed in the Manhattan protest was mostly college age young people and mostly under 30 groups of far left wing nuts from LGBT people of all ages, anarchist groups and fringe freaks most of whom would have found an excuse to avoid military service given this was Veterans Day. None of them impressed me as the types to be offended by words like pussy as most of what I heard were chants of Fck Trump, Pigs Kill and obscene signs.
Most disturbing was that none of them looked like basketball fans but more like Hookah Lounge fans with purple hair and nose rings. :p :lol:
I can vouch that the majority of these protesters aren't professionals. I personally know at least 15-20, if not more, friends/family/acquaintances who have attended protests across multiple cities. None of whom I've ever known to psychically show up to protest anything. This feels unique. Also the majority of those I've spoken with do understand that the result is legitimate and accept that Donald Trump is going to be our president. They're simply enacting their right to express outrage over the character of the man who is assuming the office. I support these protests, as I do all protests, as long as they are peaceful. There certainly are a smaller number who because of the popular vote are pushing for the Electoral College to vote Hillary into office against the will of their individual states (which I agree is not only ridiculously far-fetched but dangerous for our democracy). There are an even smaller number who talk about revolution. I've only seen these people on television. They make for good tv so I assume that's why they're being shown. I wouldn't mistake them for the majority of the crowd. The Democrats just suffered a major setback because they underestimated a large chunk of the electorate that Trump was listening to and speaking to. For Trump and his supporters to immediately write off all of these protestors as sore-losers & whiners would be a mistake (politically but also just a mistake for national unity). Learn from the Democrats in 2008: Big electoral success led to smugness which led to a spanking in midterms that crippled Obama's ability to be effective.

I was hesitant to post something political here because I don't know any of you guys personally and it seems I'm in the minority, so I'd like to add that although I'm a liberal Democrat (if that isn't somehow apparent from this post) I don't believe that all Trump supporters are racists or misogynists and I would never make those sort of judgments about someone without knowing them first. I've got a dad, uncles and a grandmother who voted for Trump and I would hope that nobody would call them those things without actually knowing them. I fear that a Trump presidency will lead to a very dark time for our nation but I genuinely hope that I'm proved wrong and President Trump leaves the country in a better state than he found it. In the end we hopefully all agree on the stuff that actually matters (The Big East is a top 3 conference, UConn sucks, Boheim is a baby, etc)

I supported neither of the candidates because BOTH were characters seemingly unbecoming of the office of the presidency. Trump for his endless crass verbal jabs at his opponents and Hillary for not her words but actions over the course of her checkered career in public service. Frankly I don't think Hillary would have accomplished much with a Republican House and Senate.
You are right, most of these protesters are not professional. What I witnessed in the Manhattan protest was mostly college age young people and mostly under 30 groups of far left wing nuts from LGBT people of all ages, anarchist groups and fringe freaks most of whom would have found an excuse to avoid military service given this was Veterans Day. None of them impressed me as the types to be offended by words like pussy as most of what I heard were chants of Fck Trump, Pigs Kill and obscene signs.
Most disturbing was that none of them looked like basketball fans but more like Hookah Lounge fans with purple hair and nose rings. :p :lol:
The first night of protests a friend of mine was in that area and at the time he went he said it was something like 75% spoiled nyu and columbia kids. Then I see the news and I see a bunch of wannabe hipsters. I guarantee a bunch of the new york contingent was part of the occupy wall street stuff
No mention of hills praise of a know clan member in Byrd, no mention of bill saying Barry should be carrying his bags, no mention of hills super predator comments. No mention of the divisive words spoken by rev wright who Barry sat and praised for 20 plus yrs no mention of the rev al and his divisive words no mention of the words in jay z lyrics about gays and women....I could go on w the total hypocrisy of the left, as the words of Barry " elections have consequences" guess what a third of Latino men voted for trump, and guess who won high school drop outs, that's right Hillary did. If your so upset go out and volunteer at a shelter, go into east New York or Brownsville and volunteer some time with kids or go to the VA and help a vet instead of crying and blocking traffic for hard working individuals who are trying to do something productive with their lives.
I have to admit and I think Beast touched on this earlier but I'm pretty impressed with how for the most part the thread has stayed civil. In the old days of R&P we'd be throwing verbal bombs at each other ( I kinda liked that since it made for fun reading ) but maybe we are just older and wiser but I love reading the different viewpoints ( just like I did in the R&P days )

As an outsider (Canadian) with no dog in this fight, I've enjoyed this thread tremendously.

FWIW, I found the anti-Trump bias in the mainstream media infuriating – not because I agree with or support most of what he says; but because of the utter absence of balance in reporting on the two campaigns. To someone living outside your borders, it seemed the media was committed to painting a surface-level picture of Trump with no effort to create understanding of why his campaign appealed to so many people.

Reading this forum provided much better insights of how real Americans on both sides viewed the election. Very insightful and much appreciated...

Well put. All sides of the media were out of control on this. Election Reality TV became a bigger seller than actual news, facts, platforms, policies, and genuine human interest stories... so they ran with it and the networks cleaned up. Facebook is in the blame line as well. No matter who ended up winning, it was all very embarrassing, and to some level continues to be. As a Canadian, you may not technically have a dog in the race, but you should definitely keep an eye on your neighbors new dog.

As the other known Canadian on the site , who graduated SJU with a degree in government and politics by the way :) , I found the race up to Tuesday deplorable and the conduct of tens of thousands since also deplorable.
Where I disagree with my fellow Canuck is that we have a huge stake in your election. As is often said when the US sneezes Canada catches a cold.
I disliked both candidates but I too found the treatment your president elect received from the media and President Obama shamefull. Obama was openly campaigning not for Hillary but against Trump. I have been following US elections for close to 40 years and never seen anything remotely similar. It seemed to me that Hillary had a huge advantage having a current president openly campaigning for her.
I can tell you that the results are similar in that Canadians voted for change and ousted a Prime Minister who had done a good job, though not without fault , and elected a very good looking , selfie taking , former high school teacher. Was I upset with the results , you bet. However, the next day the country united behind him and while running up massive deficits I must say has done some very good things.
I advise you all to unite behind the president elect come January 20 th , put down your gloves and stop the vitriol , and perhaps, just perhaps you too will be pleasantly surprised like I and many other Canadians are.
Believe me that is the much better route than continuing to talk down to one another and create further division.
If I over stepped my boundaries I apologise.

All well said, North.

And, to be clear, I couldn't agree more about the impact US politics has on Canada. Trump's stance on NAFTA holds big implications for Canada. My point was that I have no ties to either US party and no innate reason to support either candidate.

I have a great deal of faith that our friends south of the border will gets sorted in due course.
Heard two women interviewed tonight at a protest sight (was having dinner out so don't know where it was) who advocated a revolution stating that lives would have to be sacrificed. One of them was holding a baby. God help us all.

One was that fat pg that the media outlets keep showing the video of. Her parents did a hell of a job raising her. They must be so proud. As for the revolution, these losers couldn't start a revolution if their lives depended on it. They talk a good game, but they have been given free reign. The push back is about to happen.
Just using the quote function here to bring this topic back because there were quite a few posts kind of poo pooing this threat. But while many of those protesters might not be capable of a violent revolution if the rhetoric and anti Trump frenzy continues it could lead to something like what happened in Dallas with the shooting of 5 policemen. A friend of mine sent me a video of a white male being dragged out of his car by a group of black men and beaten to a pulp because he had a Trump bumper sticker on his car. Of course the main stream media buries this story because it doesn't fit the narrative of the agenda. Would hate to see any innocent people attacked and maybe killed. By the way watching a late night episode of Stephen Colbert the other night because he had on a quest I was interested in seeing. His monologue was totally anti Trump and Republican and pro Clinton, Obama and the Democrats. It was beyond ridiculous and he obviously packed the audience with only liberals as they howled and applauded everything he said without any booing or catcalls coming from the audience.
Heard two women interviewed tonight at a protest sight (was having dinner out so don't know where it was) who advocated a revolution stating that lives would have to be sacrificed. One of them was holding a baby. God help us all.

One was that fat pg that the media outlets keep showing the video of. Her parents did a hell of a job raising her. They must be so proud. As for the revolution, these losers couldn't start a revolution if their lives depended on it. They talk a good game, but they have been given free reign. The push back is about to happen.
Just using the quote function here to bring this topic back because there were quite a few posts kind of poo pooing this threat. But while many of those protesters might not be capable of a violent revolution if the rhetoric and anti Trump frenzy continues it could lead to something like what happened in Dallas with the shooting of 5 policemen. A friend of mine sent me a video of a white male being dragged out of his car by a group of black men and beaten to a pulp because he had a Trump bumper sticker on his car. Of course the main stream media buries this story because it doesn't fit the narrative of the agenda. Would hate to see any innocent people attacked and maybe killed. By the way watching a late night episode of Stephen Colbert the other night because he had on a quest I was interested in seeing. His monologue was totally anti Trump and Republican and pro Clinton, Obama and the Democrats. It was beyond ridiculous and he obviously packed the audience with only liberals as they howled and applauded everything he said without any booing or catcalls coming from the audience.
Colbert is a smart guy and witty and I loved when he make Ted Cruz look like the idiot fool that he is but he is so far left I rarely find him funny anymore and I watch Fallon most nights
Heard two women interviewed tonight at a protest sight (was having dinner out so don't know where it was) who advocated a revolution stating that lives would have to be sacrificed. One of them was holding a baby. God help us all.

One was that fat pg that the media outlets keep showing the video of. Her parents did a hell of a job raising her. They must be so proud. As for the revolution, these losers couldn't start a revolution if their lives depended on it. They talk a good game, but they have been given free reign. The push back is about to happen.
Just using the quote function here to bring this topic back because there were quite a few posts kind of poo pooing this threat. But while many of those protesters might not be capable of a violent revolution if the rhetoric and anti Trump frenzy continues it could lead to something like what happened in Dallas with the shooting of 5 policemen. A friend of mine sent me a video of a white male being dragged out of his car by a group of black men and beaten to a pulp because he had a Trump bumper sticker on his car. Of course the main stream media buries this story because it doesn't fit the narrative of the agenda. Would hate to see any innocent people attacked and maybe killed. By the way watching a late night episode of Stephen Colbert the other night because he had on a quest I was interested in seeing. His monologue was totally anti Trump and Republican and pro Clinton, Obama and the Democrats. It was beyond ridiculous and he obviously packed the audience with only liberals as they howled and applauded everything he said without any booing or catcalls coming from the audience.

The flip side is that during the past week, 5 white males have shot 10 police officers killing 6 and 2 more are in critical condition. Why aren't conservatives talking about this???
Can you imagine the outcry if 5 Black, Mexican, or Muslim males had shot 10 police officers killing 6 of them, let's be real, shit stinks on both sides of the fence.
The problem as I see it, is that no one is listening to understand. People are listening to respond, therefore missing the point of what is being stated.
Those who bought Trump's promises of anti-establishment and change have to be wondering right about now.

He now says......

*He will keep some of Obamacare
*He will find a pathway to legalize some undocumented workers
*He will not tear up the Iran Deal. Rather, he will look to make adjustments

He is also tapping several "establishment" people for transition.

These are all probably smart moves, but it is a far cry from the tough guy everyone voted for.
The simple fact is, the left is terrified that Trump will succeed. A successful Trump presidency would spell the end for the ultra left, thus they aren't even willing to give it a chance. Let's face it, an African American male shot into protesters in Portland striking would the coverage be if it were a "white male trump supporter" ?
Those who bought Trump's promises of anti-establishment and change have to be wondering right about now.

He now says......

*He will keep some of Obamacare
*He will find a pathway to legalize some undocumented workers
*He will not tear up the Iran Deal. Rather, he will look to make adjustments

He is also tapping several "establishment" people for transition.

These are all probably smart moves, but it is a far cry from the tough guy everyone voted for.

I don't get it Johnny. It is clear that you are looking for reason to pick on the guy and find fault. Everything he is saying and what you point out shows that he is trying to improve things and unify the country and not create further division. You and others should be happy, he is trying to calm the tension not heighten the fears and division within the country. You should be applauding your president elect for softening his stance and looking to retain the positive elements of certain packs while simultaneously asking how he can improve. I certainly don't see the far right raising the issues you have so if they don't it leaves me scratching my head as to why the left is ???
Those who bought Trump's promises of anti-establishment and change have to be wondering right about now.

He now says......

*He will keep some of Obamacare
*He will find a pathway to legalize some undocumented workers
*He will not tear up the Iran Deal. Rather, he will look to make adjustments

He is also tapping several "establishment" people for transition.

These are all probably smart moves, but it is a far cry from the tough guy everyone voted for.

I don't get it Johnny. It is clear that you are looking for reason to pick on the guy and find fault. Everything he is saying and what you point out shows that he is trying to improve things and unify the country and not create further division. You and others should be happy, he is trying to calm the tension not heighten the fears and division within the country. You should be applauding your president elect for softening his stance and looking to retain the positive elements of certain packs while simultaneously asking how he can improve. I certainly don't see the far right raising the issues you have so if they don't it leaves me scratching my head as to why the left is ???

Because the left is not concerned about improving the country, the lefts only goal is to seize power and essentially create a one party country. That's why they plotted against Sanders, while I disagree with him on most issues, he was his own man to a large degree and they don't want that.
Those who bought Trump's promises of anti-establishment and change have to be wondering right about now.

He now says......

*He will keep some of Obamacare
*He will find a pathway to legalize some undocumented workers
*He will not tear up the Iran Deal. Rather, he will look to make adjustments

He is also tapping several "establishment" people for transition.

These are all probably smart moves, but it is a far cry from the tough guy everyone voted for.

I don't get it Johnny. It is clear that you are looking for reason to pick on the guy and find fault. Everything he is saying and what you point out shows that he is trying to improve things and unify the country and not create further division. You and others should be happy, he is trying to calm the tension not heighten the fears and division within the country. You should be applauding your president elect for softening his stance and looking to retain the positive elements of certain packs while simultaneously asking how he can improve. I certainly don't see the far right raising the issues you have so if they don't it leaves me scratching my head as to why the left is ???
This is exactly what I'vee been saying for months. I think Trump is going to negotiate a lot with the other side and I think he takes extreme positions beforehand with the purpose of negotiating and eventually finding common ground somewhere in between

The thing I would agree with is he has surrounded himself with a lot of the establishment so far but these aren't cabinet positions yet but the bottom line is the final decision rests with him and leaders need to lead and if they don't vote them out in 4 years.
Those who bought Trump's promises of anti-establishment and change have to be wondering right about now.

He now says......

*He will keep some of Obamacare
*He will find a pathway to legalize some undocumented workers
*He will not tear up the Iran Deal. Rather, he will look to make adjustments

He is also tapping several "establishment" people for transition.

These are all probably smart moves, but it is a far cry from the tough guy everyone voted for.

I don't get it Johnny. It is clear that you are looking for reason to pick on the guy and find fault. Everything he is saying and what you point out shows that he is trying to improve things and unify the country and not create further division. You and others should be happy, he is trying to calm the tension not heighten the fears and division within the country. You should be applauding your president elect for softening his stance and looking to retain the positive elements of certain packs while simultaneously asking how he can improve. I certainly don't see the far right raising the issues you have so if they don't it leaves me scratching my head as to why the left is ???

Because the left is not concerned about improving the country, the lefts only goal is to seize power and essentially create a one party country. That's why they plotted against Sanders, while I disagree with him on most issues, he was his own man to a large degree and they don't want that.
to be fair to my friends who are dems I think it's more of the establishment of dems in washington and elsewhere

Agree with you on Bernie too. I might not have liked him ( mainly because he didnt have plan to pay for any pie in the sky ideas ) but I did actually agree with him on some things and totally respect him for being his own person

Better to be respected than liked so he impressed me with that
Johnny Fan, what liberal would have thought that Reagan would eliminate the cold war after the left advertised that if he as elected the world blow up the world. Did the left improve the conditions in the Cities ? Give Trump a chance, maybe he will do more for the cities than you think. Jobs not hand outs will be the answer . Trade and tax policies that favor American Companies not to leave and come back home could be the answer ,think about it.
Those who bought Trump's promises of anti-establishment and change have to be wondering right about now.

He now says......

*He will keep some of Obamacare
*He will find a pathway to legalize some undocumented workers
*He will not tear up the Iran Deal. Rather, he will look to make adjustments

He is also tapping several "establishment" people for transition.

These are all probably smart moves, but it is a far cry from the tough guy everyone voted for.

I don't get it Johnny. It is clear that you are looking for reason to pick on the guy and find fault. Everything he is saying and what you point out shows that he is trying to improve things and unify the country and not create further division. You and others should be happy, he is trying to calm the tension not heighten the fears and division within the country. You should be applauding your president elect for softening his stance and looking to retain the positive elements of certain packs while simultaneously asking how he can improve. I certainly don't see the far right raising the issues you have so if they don't it leaves me scratching my head as to why the left is ???

I agree with that and I much prefer him to soften and attempt to unify. I am just pointing out the irony in the softening, since many Trump voters fell in love with his tough talk and uncompromising approach.

He is far from the first president elect to back away from his promises, but given his campaign bravado, I find it more interesting.
Listen to him during campaign, he repeatedly stated he would keep parts of plan, 26 years old and pre existing conditions.

I don't remember that. I only remember him chanting "repeal and replace", but I will take your word for it.

That said, it has been established that insurance companies cannot survive if they are required to accept pre-existing conditions, unless there is a mitigating factor such as requiring everyone to purchase health insurance (essentially Obamacare). My guess is that, after destroying Obamacare, he ends up keeping most of the "disaster". He will use the word "repeal" to pacify his supporter.
Johnny Fan, what liberal would have thought that Reagan would eliminate the cold war after the left advertised that if he as elected the world blow up the world. Did the left improve the conditions in the Cities ? Give Trump a chance, maybe he will do more for the cities than you think. Jobs not hand outs will be the answer . Trade and tax policies that favor American Companies not to leave and come back home could be the answer ,think about it.

Frank, I appreciate you stance. For me, this election was about human decency and not about issues. I went through it (in this thread) a few pages ago. In the end, I do not support a president who openly disrespects citizens based on their race, religion, gender, ethnicity or physical disability. I feel it is classless, incentive, beneath the office of president and an absolute deal breaker for me. That's is just how I feel. I do not judge you or any Trump voter. However, if you think people are upset simply because their candidate lost, or because they are just misguided liberals, you are missing the point. Our word history on this is clear. In 2016, people are not going to stand for bigotry.
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