seems to me that calling someone a racist and comparing them to Hitler is hate speech. you are inciting others to hate this person and the people that voted for him. The irony is that far left wing ideologies are direct descendants of the Nazis and Margaret Sanger one of Hilary's heroes and a patron saint of the far left, was a big fan of Adolph Hitler. Partied with him, promoted him in the U.S. and Europe to raise money for him and the Nazis and idolized him especially the nazi ideals of racial purity and eugenics. Hilary wants her to be classified as an American hero.
When I say hate speech, I am operating under the definition below. I disagree that by categorizing Trump's comments that I, too,am practicing hate speech. That's just not accurate.
In end, we will never settle the argument. I just hope that those who marginalize Trump's comments could take a moment and try to imagine if he was talking about your race or your religion. Would you still vote for him? If not, how would you feel if 50 million people did?
Hate speech
-speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.
You know of course that Hilary has her share of these types of comments both public and private. For example you know that she said that she wanted to build the same wall that Trump got vilified for? But for her she can say one thing to one group, then the exact opposite to another and no one in the media calls her out on it. Calling a large segment of the US population deplorable basement dwellers?
My wife is an immigrant by the way. My children are Hispanic. Several of my primary father figures were black men when I lived in a boys' home as a child. I've worked with many immigrants and illegal aliens and I admire these people much more than I admire entitled, self satisfied people that mock our country and the hard working people - deplorable or not, white, black hispanic or otherwise. I know some of their personal stories of sacrifice and hard work just to get to this country that would make most of us blush and then working and sacrificing here to have a very modest life for themselves and their children. These things are important to me. I didn't vote for Trump. I couldn't vote fore either of them. I guess I took the coward's way out but I'm not giving Trump a pass. But at least be consistent otherwise it is just hypocrisy that serves no good purpose. This is the same America that voted for 8 years of Obama. They want a change but now everyone who doesn't want what you want is a racist? Hitler? That is the language of hate and divisiveness. You can cut and paste dictionary definitions to justify it just like some Bible thumper could cut an paste Bible quotes. Justify away but it is two sides of the same coin.
Thank you, Paul. I appreciate hearing your background and can tell you were thoughtful about your decision to cast no vote. I know Hillary speaks out of both sides of her mouth. She makes robotic decisions based on perceived voter support. I simply cannot make a case for her. However, I can tell you that I was willing to have more of the same government in order to block an openly racist, sexist individual to the office of the President of the United States. Yes, our president elect is a racist. There is more evidence of this than with any other public figure.
A large group of voters decided that a chance for change on the coat tails of a racist was an acceptable price to pay. Not surprisingly, the exact demographics that were not attacked by Trump were most willing to overlooked his racism. White america
(I am a white, Irish, Catholic) has sent a very strong and clear message to women and minorities. I am embarrassed by that, and I do not look forward to the extreme division it will cause.
But why did he get something like 29% of the Spanish vote which was more than Romney ? My fiancée definitely didn't vote for him but a lot more Spanish did that I thought would
That really is a good point and it is difficult to explain. Regardless, the remaining 71% feel offended, disenfranchised and fear. That is not a good thing.
Not necessarily.
The pew report showed that only 51% of latinos favored Clinton, with 24% favoring Sanders.
Only 14% of latinos, compared to 57% said they were voting Republican. Clearly Trump struck a chord with many Latinos, and he actually got a disproprtionate % of their vote by Latinos registered with a party.
You cannot group all Latinos together. Cubans are vastly different from Mexicans in many demographics, including education, and Latinos often vote independent of what leaders tell them to vote. In 2012 Obama got 95% of the black vote - does that mean blacks didn't like Romney - probably not.
First off, you are talking about a couple os pretty isolated positions:
1) Trump wanting to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants (which has nothing to do with being racist). His example of illegals coming here to commit crime was a poor rationale, but he did tone down that rhetoric as the campaign wen ton.
2) His comments about halting mass immigration of Muslims until "we can figure out what the hell is going on" did not cast aspersions on all Muslims, but was correctly identifying that nearly all terrorist attacks were done by radical Islamic murderers. He did not rant on endlessly that Muslims in general were terrorists or any other disparaging comments. So the charges of racism were products of the Democratic party and liberal media attempting to demonize Trump and they did a great job.
3) Comments about Trump's lecherous behavior did not even approach the things Bill Clinton has actually verifiably done and been accused of, which is rape and aggravated sexual assault. If the charges against Trump were true, why weren't they raised over his 40 year public career, instead of loaded up as bombshells in a Presidential, This wasn't exactly Bill Cosby, although liberals tried to paint him that way.
Finally, after liberals went off the wall when Trump implied that if he thought the election was rigged, he might challenge the results and not concede, instead they are silent as morons flood the streets to protest Trump's election. they aren't going to accomplish a damned thing, and most of them are so inarticulate that when stopped by News interviewers, they mumble an obscenity and run away. Not a single Democratic Leader, not Obama and not Clinton, has told them to go home and accept that Trump was fairly elected, and to now work to make this country better.