I once thought the rise of another Hitler was impossible. But, yesterday, I witnessed the United States of America elect a president who openly campaigned with hate speech. He singled out specific races, ethnicities and religions. The former Imperial Wizard of the Klu Klux Clan, as well as one of our most feared foreign leaders (Vladimir Putin) are publicly expressing approval.
Before anyone pounces, I am aware that Donald Trump has not committed the atrocities of Hitler. I am just saying, as long as hate speech is acceptable to half of all americans, perhaps another Hitler is not so impossible.
I'll assume you missed Netenyahu's emphatic endorsement of Trump today. Think I'll trust the PM of Israel on this one.
Not the point. We all know Netenyahu's allegiance is to whoever he perceives will provide his country with the most support and protection. He is not at all motivated by our domestic decorum.
While Truman almost stood alone among major US politicians in advocating the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine (Israel), SOS Marshall correctly warned him that if such a country was created the US must provide military support for the foreseeable future (he may have said 200 years) so that their middle east enemies wouldn't seek to destroy them. Iran has constantly threatened to "blow Israel off the map" and may just do that when they have a nuclear weapon. That kind of hate speech with an intent to put into action is pretty dangerous.
I agree with you that Trump's rhetoric in the campaign was reckless. Was it intentionally reckless as a ploy to get free media attention, or was it simply ignorantly painting with too broad a brush. Would it have been better to say that along with law abiding latin americans illegally crossing the Mexican border were violent criminals? I didn't like the comment but do feel that most reasonable people did not think he was saying that of the 12 million illegal immigrants (liberals refuse to use the term illegal) here in the states, all were violent criminals. I will say though based on recent violent murders in Brentwood and Hempstead by Salvadoran gang members, I would hesitate to drive through either area at night.
The Muslim ban comment was certainly not interpreted as all Muslims are dangerous, but that among unvetted Muslims who visit or immigrate here (legally or by overstaying visas) radical Islamic terrorists are also crossing. Keep in mind that atrocities in France and Germany were committed by radical Islamic terrorists granted sanctuary by those countries. The Boston Marathon bombings were committed by 2 brothers given sanctuary here - one given scholarships to Ringe and Latin (made famous by Patrick Ewing), the other living on the gratuity of the state on welfare. Some of the 9-11 terrorists were here on student visas, and before the events would have been classified as peaceful, loving Muslims here to live the American dream. What most Americans who voted for Trump understood those comments to mean was that he'd be serious about vetting Muslim immigrant for association to terrorist groups.
Hate language is dangerous, and fanning the flames of divisive hate can have devastating consequences. You were offended rightfully by Trump comments. I've been offended by the far left too readily inciting hatred against our police officers, and such rhetoric I believe has directly inspired hatred to the extent of cops being ambushed and murdered even as they were working to protect our most violent communities. So it works both ways.
I'm sure you can cite hate speech causing violence against Latinos or Muslims. I'm aware of some well publicized instances here on LI. Such language divides us all, marginalizes groups, and makes us all less than we should be as humans.
You see, what I find particularly distasteful is that I believe the Democratic party embarked on a strategy to enlarge the tent of Democratic voters by advocating open borders to pander to the latino vote, refusal to call acts of terrorism committed by radical Islamic terrorists what it is, and many other examples. I believe they would sell out America for their own personal political gain - power. Such actions is what Americans ending the Clinton saga were voting against Tuesday, and remarkably they prevailed.