Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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BTW when I voted today they didnt even check my ID or ask for it. Anyone else have that ?

Same thing happened to me. There has to be a small level of voter fraud esp for local elections without these volunteers checking if you are who you say you are.

Didn't ask for ID and were about to check me off under the wrong name until I corrected them. Has to be a better way.

It's not a great system, and hard to believe that the only check they have in place is to see if your signature somewhat matches the one they have. I need to show my drivers license and my membership card when I pull into the parking lot at the Bronx Zoo. Odd...
Hillary lied about her Emails, destroyed evidence after getting a subpoena. The DOJ blocked a grand jury, etc . I think even the democrats knew she was guilty. Do people think Coomey reopened the investigation a week before the election for no good reason, only to conclude that there was nothing new? IMO, many Americans not only saw our political system as corrupt, but our justice dept as well. Hence, the vote for change,
The American people are hurting. There are a lot of miles between the two coasts that are being ignored. When the current President was elected people voted for change and they got more of the same. Then the democrat party nominated a liar and one of the most corrupt candidates ever. Last night, those same people who the democrat candidate referred to as "deplorables" sent a very clear message. Change. If Trump doesn't deliver he will face the same fate.
BTW when I voted today they didnt even check my ID or ask for it. Anyone else have that ?

Democrats have fought hard and taken some states to court over a requirement to show identification. They argues that showing ID was inherently racist and designed to block poor voters who don't have driver's licenses and any form of government ID. It was a ridiculous assertion - Even welfare recipients have to show ID to cash a check - they wanted to be able to register as many votes as possible and reckoned that those without ID would be much more likely to vote Democratic.
Panther, ask many of the men and women of law enforcement how much better off they are over the last 8 years......glad you are enjoying life, many aren't and that's not to say life will be peaches and cream under trump. But like 8 years ago many people want change

I understand about police, have some family and friends in law enforcement. I only asked the people on this board. Strange that no one has stated how their life has been destroyed over the past 8 years. Just something to think about.
Panther, ask many of the men and women of law enforcement how much better off they are over the last 8 years......glad you are enjoying life, many aren't and that's not to say life will be peaches and cream under trump. But like 8 years ago many people want change

I understand about police, have some family and friends in law enforcement. I only asked the people on this board. Strange that no one has stated how their life has been destroyed over the past 8 years. Just something to think about.

I've done okay the past 8 years, but it was due to a culmination of the effort I've put in over the prior 20 plus years, and not anything to do with any leadership or legislative action coming from Washington. If anything the poor economy prevented me from having certain business successes because of budget challenged municipalities and businesses that I would work with. Your question is narrow and myopic, because in my middle class community neighbors in the 50s on either side of my home both lost good paying jobs and were unable to recover. One sold his house and moved away to a place with lower taxes and a smaller home. The other has banged around in a succession of jobs, enduring low pay, and stretches of unemployment. I know many people like this above the age of 50. I know many college graduates mired in pt jobs, and unable to secure employment in a field related to their majors. Only the cream of the crop are getting good jobs out of college.

I'm not sure where your question is rooted? Is it the liberal elite that looks at their successes and thinks everything is ok, even in our poorest neighborhoods where unemployment is soaring, a good job is a security job at Walmarts, and welfare and food stamps programs have wildly expanded over the past 8 years? Or is it just a more limited view, as in, I'm doing okay, so I guess things are really pretty good?
BTW when I voted today they didnt even check my ID or ask for it. Anyone else have that ?

Where I voted on the upper east side, they were not checking anyone's IDs.
I understand about police, have some family and friends in law enforcement. I only asked the people on this board. Strange that no one has stated how their life has been destroyed over the past 8 years. Just something to think about.

People generally don't post about how their life sucks online. Just the opposite. People post glamour shots and pose... There is even a recent discussion in psychology about depression being common for people obsessed with Facebook, Instagram etc because they see everyone else living great (illusion) while they don't. A better indicator would be to think of the people that you haven't heard from over the past several years who before that were regular fixtures in your life. That takes a little effort though and most of us have our own stuff to deal with and don't want to add more bad news into our life so it is easier just to ignore.
Panther, ask many of the men and women of law enforcement how much better off they are over the last 8 years......glad you are enjoying life, many aren't and that's not to say life will be peaches and cream under trump. But like 8 years ago many people want change

I understand about police, have some family and friends in law enforcement. I only asked the people on this board. Strange that no one has stated how their life has been destroyed over the past 8 years. Just something to think about.

I've done okay the past 8 years, but it was due to a culmination of the effort I've put in over the prior 20 plus years, and not anything to do with any leadership or legislative action coming from Washington. If anything the poor economy prevented me from having certain business successes because of budget challenged municipalities and businesses that I would work with. Your question is narrow and myopic, because in my middle class community neighbors in the 50s on either side of my home both lost good paying jobs and were unable to recover. One sold his house and moved away to a place with lower taxes and a smaller home. The other has banged around in a succession of jobs, enduring low pay, and stretches of unemployment. I know many people like this above the age of 50. I know many college graduates mired in pt jobs, and unable to secure employment in a field related to their majors. Only the cream of the crop are getting good jobs out of college.

I'm not sure where your question is rooted? Is it the liberal elite that looks at their successes and thinks everything is ok, even in our poorest neighborhoods where unemployment is soaring, a good job is a security job at Walmarts, and welfare and food stamps programs have wildly expanded over the past 8 years? Or is it just a more limited view, as in, I'm doing okay, so I guess things are really pretty good?

In answer to your condescending remarks, the loss of jobs and business being sent overseas did not start with Obama, it started with Bush. The decimation of union labor started under Bush. We are still dealing with the fallout of runaway Capitalism started under Bush. I am definitely not as eloquent as you, but I am more realistic.
I am not defending Obama, just stated that I did not understand the amount of animosity shown towards him by the members of this board.
In closing, I would like to commend you on the concern that you have for all the members of our society. Peace & Blessings.
What I see is WAY more homeless people. In California and I imagine other places, metros are putting homeless people en masse on Greyhound to other cities as a pathetic band-aid/vicious cycle of classic limousine liberal political solutions. Families losing their homes in massive numbers. Family/ small businesses some of which have been around for decades going bankrupt / out of business. Tent cities growing across the country and in stark contrast to places like Silicon Valley where millions of people live and most make average or lower salaries but a dumpy house goes for literally $1million +. A surging disparity between the ultra rich and everyone else with almost no one in the middle any more. As far as healthcare, people are treated like cattle. There is almost zero actual care any more that treats people like individuals with unique needs. Everything is playbook and it is rare that anything is dealt with other than with a pharmaceutic solution. Diseases and maladies are marginalized for financial and political reasons while others get massive publicity and funding. The largest healthcare provider in the country doesn't even recognize Lyme Disease as a real disease worthy of treatment.

I could write several more paragraphs about small business and industries that have been killed and how the quality of life has diminished for most, but I am happy for anyone doing better. Most people are not and there are a LOT more people in desperate situations. I don't blame this on Obama but while the media was busy labeling Trump a racist, what people were hearing was one thing: The Swamp. This is why going back to the first Clinton election you have people like Ross Perot, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, and now Trump resonating with increasing numbers of people across partisanship. Even Obama in some misguided way is part of that same sentiment. Misguided only in that he is a party dogma schill rather than any type of actual agent of change. You could go back even further. Mother Jones used the same Swamp language as did even Ronald Reagan. I am not enthusiastic about Trump and find it sort of surreal that he was elected. I started yesterday assuming Hillary was President and even wondered if Trump would win a single state. On the other hand, I find it encouraging that people are not so apathetic as I assumed even if we are stuck with a poor choice. Things do need to ACTUALLY change and there will always be scoundrels but people need to stop turning a blind eye for partisan reasons. Now if both parties could get a message from this instead of entrenching we could make some progress. I doubt it.
BTW when I voted today they didnt even check my ID or ask for it. Anyone else have that ?

Where I voted on the upper east side, they were not checking anyone's IDs.

It is illegal to check ID's. It's a big talking point for each party.

My ID has been for as long as I can remember, including yesterday, often by someone who has personally known me for years.
Panther, ask many of the men and women of law enforcement how much better off they are over the last 8 years......glad you are enjoying life, many aren't and that's not to say life will be peaches and cream under trump. But like 8 years ago many people want change

I understand about police, have some family and friends in law enforcement. I only asked the people on this board. Strange that no one has stated how their life has been destroyed over the past 8 years. Just something to think about.

I've done okay the past 8 years, but it was due to a culmination of the effort I've put in over the prior 20 plus years, and not anything to do with any leadership or legislative action coming from Washington. If anything the poor economy prevented me from having certain business successes because of budget challenged municipalities and businesses that I would work with. Your question is narrow and myopic, because in my middle class community neighbors in the 50s on either side of my home both lost good paying jobs and were unable to recover. One sold his house and moved away to a place with lower taxes and a smaller home. The other has banged around in a succession of jobs, enduring low pay, and stretches of unemployment. I know many people like this above the age of 50. I know many college graduates mired in pt jobs, and unable to secure employment in a field related to their majors. Only the cream of the crop are getting good jobs out of college.

I'm not sure where your question is rooted? Is it the liberal elite that looks at their successes and thinks everything is ok, even in our poorest neighborhoods where unemployment is soaring, a good job is a security job at Walmarts, and welfare and food stamps programs have wildly expanded over the past 8 years? Or is it just a more limited view, as in, I'm doing okay, so I guess things are really pretty good?

In answer to your condescending remarks, the loss of jobs and business being sent overseas did not start with Obama, it started with Bush. The decimation of union labor started under Bush. We are still dealing with the fallout of runaway Capitalism started under Bush. I am definitely not as eloquent as you, but I am more realistic.
I am not defending Obama, just stated that I did not understand the amount of animosity shown towards him by the members of this board.
In closing, I would like to commend you on the concern that you have for all the members of our society. Peace & Blessings.

I understand your anger and frustration. The blame game after 8 years of Obama still pointing the finger at Bush angered enough Americans that it helped Trump.

You are a good man, (and a great SJU Fan) so don't take my comments personally. They aren't meant to be.

Let's not be totally foolish here. Outsourcing here was a not a Bush initiative, it has been largely the result of improved and cheap telecommunications that allowed remote workers to be in other countries at a lower cost. My company has hired foreign workers since the late 90's, but I wouldn't blame Clinton for that. Bush was not a shill for big banks and Wall Street. He didn't accept millions in payoffs (in the form of ridiculous speaking fees) for access to the state department. He didn't speak out of both sides of his mouth promising to reel in Wall Street, while privately telling them you need to have a public and private face (wink wink, Abraham Lincoln)

The first time I heard Obama speak, in 2007, I thought he was a breath of fresh air. Then stuff about his past stuff surfacing, such as dealings with Tony Rezko, that he sealed his so called prestigious academic records (that someday will reveal a very average guy), and other quesitonable dealings and relationships (Bill Ayres, Rev. Wright).

Obama speaks a good game, but the only problem is that he is another guy who will totally lie through his teeth whenever convenient. He will tell people "Obama created jobs. Obama gave you healthcare. Obama fixed the economy". Meanwhile he publicly said "I found out about Hillary's private email account when you did", but only a couple of weeks ago, Wikileaks revealed that he communicated to that account with a private email account of his own. Chicago lying politician.

When he came out stumping for Clinton, he threw around such vitriol that he looked remarkably unpresidential. Certainly in the last 50 years and likely much further, no sitting President came out slinging such mud against a candidate that now will succeed him. My guess is that he had a Supreme Court nomination waiting for him.

Don't worry though. Obama will not leave the public stage. There will be public schools named after him, speaking engagements (paid) everywhere, and he will speaking loudly against Republicans for his entire life. Look for Michelle to enter politics soon, and perhaps become first woman President.

All in all, all the stuff coming from the left completely turned off most of the US, except for the Northeast, Illinois, California and liberal Pacific northwest, and isolated pockets around the country. Just about everywhere else, the vote was solidly red.

Huge sums of money spent, a great ground game, a compliant liberal mainstream media, and all kind of shenanigans behind the scenes couldn't overcome the incredible dislike for the shrill, corrupt, and criminal Hillary.

For her sake Trump and the justice dept (maybe Rudy as Attorney General) will likely back off criminal charges to let the nation heal. It won't, but I bet that will be the plan.
I have to hand it to you Beast, you stuck to your guns I thought you were delusional that Trump could win. I hope you are right about him being a good business man/leader too.

And I'm pretty sure that if Hillary had won, we'd have a bunch of threads blaming Steve Lavin, so that's something... ;)
I must acknowledge that I did not peruse all of the sterling posts above and some of what follows is tongue in cheek: voting decision was not to vote because HC is corrupt and arrogant and her deplorables comment IMO came from her heart - and - what she did any federal or
military person would face charges, jail, perhaps the guillotine! :)
2.DT has his own well known baggage but I'm
pleased he's an outsider & not a politician. AND DT - like him or not - touched a chord deep within the breast of many Americans.
3.SO as I reflected on the choices it was clear we did not have Washington versus Lincoln running here;
4.I was tempted to write in Rutherford B. Hayes name one of the "coolest" names of all presidents...needed a bit of humor most of my adult life in NY and CT only "democratic liberal" votes matter...moderate and conservative folks don't matter! Deplorable.
6.Hence I and some people dear to me made our voting decision, which was not to vote.
7. I hope the victor grows into the position and surrounds himself with good people.
8.By the way I'm all for a woman president just not HC and I'd like to see an Italian, Jewish, Asian, Latino man/woman elected one day.

God will continue to bless us because America though not a perfect nation but it is IMHO the best nation. Those fleeing to Canada - maybe you can find another Bill Wennington recruit for us. lol

Thanks for listening - SS& G
Pardon typos :)
Panther, ask many of the men and women of law enforcement how much better off they are over the last 8 years......glad you are enjoying life, many aren't and that's not to say life will be peaches and cream under trump. But like 8 years ago many people want change

I understand about police, have some family and friends in law enforcement. I only asked the people on this board. Strange that no one has stated how their life has been destroyed over the past 8 years. Just something to think about.

I've done okay the past 8 years, but it was due to a culmination of the effort I've put in over the prior 20 plus years, and not anything to do with any leadership or legislative action coming from Washington. If anything the poor economy prevented me from having certain business successes because of budget challenged municipalities and businesses that I would work with. Your question is narrow and myopic, because in my middle class community neighbors in the 50s on either side of my home both lost good paying jobs and were unable to recover. One sold his house and moved away to a place with lower taxes and a smaller home. The other has banged around in a succession of jobs, enduring low pay, and stretches of unemployment. I know many people like this above the age of 50. I know many college graduates mired in pt jobs, and unable to secure employment in a field related to their majors. Only the cream of the crop are getting good jobs out of college.

I'm not sure where your question is rooted? Is it the liberal elite that looks at their successes and thinks everything is ok, even in our poorest neighborhoods where unemployment is soaring, a good job is a security job at Walmarts, and welfare and food stamps programs have wildly expanded over the past 8 years? Or is it just a more limited view, as in, I'm doing okay, so I guess things are really pretty good?

In answer to your condescending remarks, the loss of jobs and business being sent overseas did not start with Obama, it started with Bush. The decimation of union labor started under Bush. We are still dealing with the fallout of runaway Capitalism started under Bush. I am definitely not as eloquent as you, but I am more realistic.
I am not defending Obama, just stated that I did not understand the amount of animosity shown towards him by the members of this board.
In closing, I would like to commend you on the concern that you have for all the members of our society. Peace & Blessings.

I understand your anger and frustration. The blame game after 8 years of Obama still pointing the finger at Bush angered enough Americans that it helped Trump.

You are a good man, (and a great SJU Fan) so don't take my comments personally. They aren't meant to be.

Let's not be totally foolish here. Outsourcing here was a not a Bush initiative, it has been largely the result of improved and cheap telecommunications that allowed remote workers to be in other countries at a lower cost. My company has hired foreign workers since the late 90's, but I wouldn't blame Clinton for that. Bush was not a shill for big banks and Wall Street. He didn't accept millions in payoffs (in the form of ridiculous speaking fees) for access to the state department. He didn't speak out of both sides of his mouth promising to reel in Wall Street, while privately telling them you need to have a public and private face (wink wink, Abraham Lincoln)

The first time I heard Obama speak, in 2007, I thought he was a breath of fresh air. Then stuff about his past stuff surfacing, such as dealings with Tony Rezko, that he sealed his so called prestigious academic records (that someday will reveal a very average guy), and other quesitonable dealings and relationships (Bill Ayres, Rev. Wright).

Obama speaks a good game, but the only problem is that he is another guy who will totally lie through his teeth whenever convenient. He will tell people "Obama created jobs. Obama gave you healthcare. Obama fixed the economy". Meanwhile he publicly said "I found out about Hillary's private email account when you did", but only a couple of weeks ago, Wikileaks revealed that he communicated to that account with a private email account of his own. Chicago lying politician.

When he came out stumping for Clinton, he threw around such vitriol that he looked remarkably unpresidential. Certainly in the last 50 years and likely much further, no sitting President came out slinging such mud against a candidate that now will succeed him. My guess is that he had a Supreme Court nomination waiting for him.

Don't worry though. Obama will not leave the public stage. There will be public schools named after him, speaking engagements (paid) everywhere, and he will speaking loudly against Republicans for his entire life. Look for Michelle to enter politics soon, and perhaps become first woman President.

All in all, all the stuff coming from the left completely turned off most of the US, except for the Northeast, Illinois, California and liberal Pacific northwest, and isolated pockets around the country. Just about everywhere else, the vote was solidly red.

Huge sums of money spent, a great ground game, a compliant liberal mainstream media, and all kind of shenanigans behind the scenes couldn't overcome the incredible dislike for the shrill, corrupt, and criminal Hillary.

For her sake Trump and the justice dept (maybe Rudy as Attorney General) will likely back off criminal charges to let the nation heal. It won't, but I bet that will be the plan.

I am definitely not angry, I just have a realistic view of my life and do not suffer from delusions of grandeur. I have no control over what goes on outside of my environment. As my life became better, I was able to have a positive influence on those in my family and my community. If you know me at all, you would know that it was never about me. I was able to have an effect on the youth I came in contact with through basketball and encourage them to focus on their academics as well as sports. I am proud that many of them having begun life in less than ideal circumstances, are now productive members of society.
I have been retired for over five years and while I am enjoying my life, I continue to help our youth with obtaining basketball scholarships, internships, and employment and educational opportunities through connections that I have been fortunate to make.
Additionally, I spend one day a week volunteering at an outpatient substance abuse program helping individuals who are caught up in the vicious cycle of alcoholism and drug abuse.
So rather than my view being "myopic", I see it as recognizing what is going on around me and attempting to assist those that I can, attain a better lifestyle.
I learned a long time ago that anger is a very destructive emotion so I choose not entertain it. Am I disappointed, yes, but that is part of life.
Panther, ask many of the men and women of law enforcement how much better off they are over the last 8 years......glad you are enjoying life, many aren't and that's not to say life will be peaches and cream under trump. But like 8 years ago many people want change

I understand about police, have some family and friends in law enforcement. I only asked the people on this board. Strange that no one has stated how their life has been destroyed over the past 8 years. Just something to think about.

I've done okay the past 8 years, but it was due to a culmination of the effort I've put in over the prior 20 plus years, and not anything to do with any leadership or legislative action coming from Washington. If anything the poor economy prevented me from having certain business successes because of budget challenged municipalities and businesses that I would work with. Your question is narrow and myopic, because in my middle class community neighbors in the 50s on either side of my home both lost good paying jobs and were unable to recover. One sold his house and moved away to a place with lower taxes and a smaller home. The other has banged around in a succession of jobs, enduring low pay, and stretches of unemployment. I know many people like this above the age of 50. I know many college graduates mired in pt jobs, and unable to secure employment in a field related to their majors. Only the cream of the crop are getting good jobs out of college.

I'm not sure where your question is rooted? Is it the liberal elite that looks at their successes and thinks everything is ok, even in our poorest neighborhoods where unemployment is soaring, a good job is a security job at Walmarts, and welfare and food stamps programs have wildly expanded over the past 8 years? Or is it just a more limited view, as in, I'm doing okay, so I guess things are really pretty good?

In answer to your condescending remarks, the loss of jobs and business being sent overseas did not start with Obama, it started with Bush. The decimation of union labor started under Bush. We are still dealing with the fallout of runaway Capitalism started under Bush. I am definitely not as eloquent as you, but I am more realistic.
I am not defending Obama, just stated that I did not understand the amount of animosity shown towards him by the members of this board.
In closing, I would like to commend you on the concern that you have for all the members of our society. Peace & Blessings.

I understand your anger and frustration. The blame game after 8 years of Obama still pointing the finger at Bush angered enough Americans that it helped Trump.

You are a good man, (and a great SJU Fan) so don't take my comments personally. They aren't meant to be.

Let's not be totally foolish here. Outsourcing here was a not a Bush initiative, it has been largely the result of improved and cheap telecommunications that allowed remote workers to be in other countries at a lower cost. My company has hired foreign workers since the late 90's, but I wouldn't blame Clinton for that. Bush was not a shill for big banks and Wall Street. He didn't accept millions in payoffs (in the form of ridiculous speaking fees) for access to the state department. He didn't speak out of both sides of his mouth promising to reel in Wall Street, while privately telling them you need to have a public and private face (wink wink, Abraham Lincoln)

The first time I heard Obama speak, in 2007, I thought he was a breath of fresh air. Then stuff about his past stuff surfacing, such as dealings with Tony Rezko, that he sealed his so called prestigious academic records (that someday will reveal a very average guy), and other quesitonable dealings and relationships (Bill Ayres, Rev. Wright).

Obama speaks a good game, but the only problem is that he is another guy who will totally lie through his teeth whenever convenient. He will tell people "Obama created jobs. Obama gave you healthcare. Obama fixed the economy". Meanwhile he publicly said "I found out about Hillary's private email account when you did", but only a couple of weeks ago, Wikileaks revealed that he communicated to that account with a private email account of his own. Chicago lying politician.

When he came out stumping for Clinton, he threw around such vitriol that he looked remarkably unpresidential. Certainly in the last 50 years and likely much further, no sitting President came out slinging such mud against a candidate that now will succeed him. My guess is that he had a Supreme Court nomination waiting for him.

Don't worry though. Obama will not leave the public stage. There will be public schools named after him, speaking engagements (paid) everywhere, and he will speaking loudly against Republicans for his entire life. Look for Michelle to enter politics soon, and perhaps become first woman President.

All in all, all the stuff coming from the left completely turned off most of the US, except for the Northeast, Illinois, California and liberal Pacific northwest, and isolated pockets around the country. Just about everywhere else, the vote was solidly red.

Huge sums of money spent, a great ground game, a compliant liberal mainstream media, and all kind of shenanigans behind the scenes couldn't overcome the incredible dislike for the shrill, corrupt, and criminal Hillary.

For her sake Trump and the justice dept (maybe Rudy as Attorney General) will likely back off criminal charges to let the nation heal. It won't, but I bet that will be the plan.

Additionally, I spend one day a week volunteering at an outpatient substance abuse program helping individuals who are caught up in the vicious cycle of alcoholism and drug abuse.
Holy crap you are going to be real busy with that volunteering with liberals now based on my friends freaking out Facebook posts today :)
Panther, ask many of the men and women of law enforcement how much better off they are over the last 8 years......glad you are enjoying life, many aren't and that's not to say life will be peaches and cream under trump. But like 8 years ago many people want change

I understand about police, have some family and friends in law enforcement. I only asked the people on this board. Strange that no one has stated how their life has been destroyed over the past 8 years. Just something to think about.

I've done okay the past 8 years, but it was due to a culmination of the effort I've put in over the prior 20 plus years, and not anything to do with any leadership or legislative action coming from Washington. If anything the poor economy prevented me from having certain business successes because of budget challenged municipalities and businesses that I would work with. Your question is narrow and myopic, because in my middle class community neighbors in the 50s on either side of my home both lost good paying jobs and were unable to recover. One sold his house and moved away to a place with lower taxes and a smaller home. The other has banged around in a succession of jobs, enduring low pay, and stretches of unemployment. I know many people like this above the age of 50. I know many college graduates mired in pt jobs, and unable to secure employment in a field related to their majors. Only the cream of the crop are getting good jobs out of college.

I'm not sure where your question is rooted? Is it the liberal elite that looks at their successes and thinks everything is ok, even in our poorest neighborhoods where unemployment is soaring, a good job is a security job at Walmarts, and welfare and food stamps programs have wildly expanded over the past 8 years? Or is it just a more limited view, as in, I'm doing okay, so I guess things are really pretty good?

In answer to your condescending remarks, the loss of jobs and business being sent overseas did not start with Obama, it started with Bush. The decimation of union labor started under Bush. We are still dealing with the fallout of runaway Capitalism started under Bush. I am definitely not as eloquent as you, but I am more realistic.
I am not defending Obama, just stated that I did not understand the amount of animosity shown towards him by the members of this board.
In closing, I would like to commend you on the concern that you have for all the members of our society. Peace & Blessings.

I understand your anger and frustration. The blame game after 8 years of Obama still pointing the finger at Bush angered enough Americans that it helped Trump.

You are a good man, (and a great SJU Fan) so don't take my comments personally. They aren't meant to be.

Let's not be totally foolish here. Outsourcing here was a not a Bush initiative, it has been largely the result of improved and cheap telecommunications that allowed remote workers to be in other countries at a lower cost. My company has hired foreign workers since the late 90's, but I wouldn't blame Clinton for that. Bush was not a shill for big banks and Wall Street. He didn't accept millions in payoffs (in the form of ridiculous speaking fees) for access to the state department. He didn't speak out of both sides of his mouth promising to reel in Wall Street, while privately telling them you need to have a public and private face (wink wink, Abraham Lincoln)

The first time I heard Obama speak, in 2007, I thought he was a breath of fresh air. Then stuff about his past stuff surfacing, such as dealings with Tony Rezko, that he sealed his so called prestigious academic records (that someday will reveal a very average guy), and other quesitonable dealings and relationships (Bill Ayres, Rev. Wright).

Obama speaks a good game, but the only problem is that he is another guy who will totally lie through his teeth whenever convenient. He will tell people "Obama created jobs. Obama gave you healthcare. Obama fixed the economy". Meanwhile he publicly said "I found out about Hillary's private email account when you did", but only a couple of weeks ago, Wikileaks revealed that he communicated to that account with a private email account of his own. Chicago lying politician.

When he came out stumping for Clinton, he threw around such vitriol that he looked remarkably unpresidential. Certainly in the last 50 years and likely much further, no sitting President came out slinging such mud against a candidate that now will succeed him. My guess is that he had a Supreme Court nomination waiting for him.

Don't worry though. Obama will not leave the public stage. There will be public schools named after him, speaking engagements (paid) everywhere, and he will speaking loudly against Republicans for his entire life. Look for Michelle to enter politics soon, and perhaps become first woman President.

All in all, all the stuff coming from the left completely turned off most of the US, except for the Northeast, Illinois, California and liberal Pacific northwest, and isolated pockets around the country. Just about everywhere else, the vote was solidly red.

Huge sums of money spent, a great ground game, a compliant liberal mainstream media, and all kind of shenanigans behind the scenes couldn't overcome the incredible dislike for the shrill, corrupt, and criminal Hillary.

For her sake Trump and the justice dept (maybe Rudy as Attorney General) will likely back off criminal charges to let the nation heal. It won't, but I bet that will be the plan.

I am definitely not angry, I just have a realistic view of my life and do not suffer from delusions of grandeur. I have no control over what goes on outside of my environment. As my life became better, I was able to have a positive influence on those in my family and my community. If you know me at all, you would know that it was never about me. I was able to have an effect on the youth I came in contact with through basketball and encourage them to focus on their academics as well as sports. I am proud that many of them having begun life in less than ideal circumstances, are now productive members of society.
I have been retired for over five years and while I am enjoying my life, I continue to help our youth with obtaining basketball scholarships, internships, and employment and educational opportunities through connections that I have been fortunate to make.
Additionally, I spend one day a week volunteering at an outpatient substance abuse program helping individuals who are caught up in the vicious cycle of alcoholism and drug abuse.
So rather than my view being "myopic", I see it as recognizing what is going on around me and attempting to assist those that I can, attain a better lifestyle.
I learned a long time ago that anger is a very destructive emotion so I choose not entertain it. Am I disappointed, yes, but that is part of life.

I know you didn't write this to get accolades, but no question you are a good man, and if you approach coaching basketball like I did, used it as a way to try to instill some values in young men and women. Sometimes they taught us a few things, no?

I guess we should be somewhat thankful that in our Republic civilians can make choices and each vote counts equally. Of course there are those that will try to engineer results in elections, and that has been going on in one form or another since communities put social decisions to a vote.

Those of us who've been around awhile have become frustrated with the decline of civility, the nonchalance at which we accept corruption, and how we've allowed divisiveness to become a tool to advance a political agenda.

Those of good heart and spirit want nothing more than to see a country united by common goals and values, for all of our citizens to thrive, and for peace and prosperity to reign.

We have a lot of wounds to heal, a lot of hatred and vitriol. We've been told the other side is destroying us and wants to work against us. Maybe some if its true. I'm not sure that Trump is a leader to will adapt a different tone now elected, who can become a uniter, but we can only hope and pray that he does.
I have to hand it to you Beast, you stuck to your guns I thought you were delusional that Trump could win. I hope you are right about him being a good business man/leader too.

And I'm pretty sure that if Hillary had won, we'd have a bunch of threads blaming Steve Lavin, so that's something... ;)

Thanks, Paul. I have a nutty friend, who is my insurance agent. He's Jewish and Conservative (how crazy is that) and insisted just 2 weeks ago that Trump was going to win big.

I simply made a case for Trump over Clinton. Contrary to popular belief, I'd be shocked as hell if he tried to profit off of the Presidency. I also believe that he will stick to his promises of trying to improve our inner cities, improve our economy, bring home manufacturing jobs, and lower taxes. I'm not sure it is possible, but I do believe he will try.

Is he a neophyte? Yes, politically, but unlike Obama, who had never even managed a crew at McDonalds, Trump has thousands in his employ, understands building an organization infrastructure, and trusting those in his inner circle for leadership and counsel. Didn't Bloomberg prove as mayor of NYC, perhaps the second toughest job in America, that being a businessman is a great asset in government?

In any case, God bless us all - even Austour. We all need it.
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