I once thought the rise of another Hitler was impossible. But, yesterday, I witnessed the United States of America elect a president who openly campaigned with hate speech. He singled out specific races, ethnicities and religions. The former Imperial Wizard of the Klu Klux Clan, as well as one of our most feared foreign leaders (Vladimir Putin) are publicly expressing approval.
Before anyone pounces, I am aware that Donald Trump has not committed the atrocities of Hitler. I am just saying, as long as hate speech is acceptable to half of all americans, perhaps another Hitler is not so impossible.
Words bother you to no end but you would support and vote for a woman who left people to die under her watch because saving them didn't fit her politics?
I don't see Benghazi like you and I also don't like Hilary Clinton. But, absolutey, she was my lesser of two evils. History tells us that hate speech is very dangerous.
So how do you see Benghazi? It seems that words mean much more to you than deeds. I would think that those killed would disagree with your interpretation about what is "very dangerous."
I see Benghazi, and the email scandal for that matter, as gross incompetence. Hillary was an awful candidate, yet, I do not believe Hillary is an evil person.
On the other hand, I believe Donald Trump to be of exceptionally poor character. I think he is a racist and I think 50 million Americans are fine with that.
I respect your opinion, but making a conscious decision to ignore your sworn responsibility and leave people depending on you to protect them defenseless to be murdered is not gross incompetence. You have every right to feel what you feel and while I do think Clinton is conniving and evil, I don't know her soul any more than you do. Again, I respect your opinion, I just don't understand giving words more power than deeds.
One final word about racism, what would your thoughts be if Trump makes good on his vow to create an urban "New Deal" to revitalize our cities? Deeds more important than words? Now, if he doesn't follow through, he is no better than Obama, who won two terms aided immensely by the huge black turnout, after which he did the same thing Democrats (and Republicans) have been doing forever for minorities, nothing. We shall see.
I understand your opinion, but just disagree on how Benghazi unfolded. I agree that she blew it, but probably not on exactly how and exactly what her intentions were.
Regarding the revitalization, I think you may be underestimating the impact of being prejudged and insulted based on your race or religion. No building is going to appease.
What I know is that you don't put your head down and moan because someone calls you a name. What happened to consider the source and take it for what it's worth? Name calling, prejudice, prejudging are an ugly part of life but you learn to deal or you let something completely out of your control define you. I don't judge people by what they say but rather what they do. Funny but your last comment says it all; it doesn't matter what one does but you insulted me and that is forever. Appeasement is crap; do yourself a favor, Google Sonnie Johnson. We have raised a generation of wimps, whiners and moaners. Me, I don't give a FF what someone calls me and I feel the same about political correctness. And believe me, while I am not comparing playing basketball to real life, I grew up a small white kid determined to become the best player I could be. For me, that meant going to the black playgrounds in Elizabeth, Linden, Plainfield, NJ. I took a ton of abuse, physical and verbal, just for being white and earned respect because I got up when I got knocked down, because I fought when someone crossed the line, not because I went home crying to Mama.