Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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Yesterday's developments are right out of a TV sitcom. Unimaginable.

Trump wins...Commey is gone
Hillary wins Comey is gone
Trump wins Loretta Lynch is gone
Hillary wins Loretta Lynch to the Supreme Court

The FBI now has all the integrity of the VA and IRS and the State Dept.

CNN - No longer a news channel..Nothing more than a democratic mouth piece. I was laughing so hard watching Wolf Blitzer support Clinton. Note to Wolf...the NEWS is not supposed to be opinionated. The NEWS is supposed to be factual. In previous decades, the editorial section is where the newspapers presented their poltical views. Them days be gone. Wolf, there are shows on Sunday morning where you can express your views. I wonder if they change the name from Cable News Network (CNN) to Cable Opinion Network (CON).

Who wins the election? Clinton...I imagine, most people are so numb by this election that their minds are made up. Additional accusations of sexual impropriety or indictments will not change them. Clinton has the early lead and with more people registered as democrats, Hillary wins.

Can a presidential pardon be on the horizon? Obama's pardoned turkeys before...

The only thing that could add to the farce that this election is, is to have Hillary take the oath of office in an orange jump suit and stainless steel bracelets. That might make Tim Cain President, uh boy...

Please, just get this thing over with. I've had more than enough.
How could anyone vote for a liar and crooked Hillary is beyond me.? CNN is not a News channel. This will be the first president to be impeach in her first year.
Of course now the Clinton team is attacking Comey, the guys they were praising prior to this.

All along Hillary said that using a private email server was a mistake and that she takes full responsibilty. Accrpting a criminal investigation is part of the responsibilty.
Both candidates are deplorable, in fact criminal. If either party could somehow replace their candidate (with anyone) I would vote for them.

In the end, Trump does not have the patience and focus to be briefed and properly prepare for the job. He also suffers from narcissism on a level that I have not seen before. Finally, I can't imagine relentlessly offending groups of people will result in a productive presidency.

Therefore, Hillary is my lesser of two evils. She will be the worst presidential candidate I have voted for in my lifetime.
Both candidates are deplorable, in fact criminal. If either party could somehow replace their candidate (with anyone) I would vote for them.

In the end, Trump does not have the patience and focus to be briefed and properly prepare for the job. He also suffers from narcissism on a level that I have not seen before. Finally, I can't imagine relentlessly offending groups of people will result in a productive presidency.

Therefore, Hillary is my lesser of two evils. She will be the worst presidential candidate I have voted for in my lifetime.

If HRC wins this election, just think about who will succeed her if/when she resigns or is impeached, or unable to fulfill her term. Tim Kaine---freaking scary!!!
Both candidates are deplorable, in fact criminal. If either party could somehow replace their candidate (with anyone) I would vote for them.

In the end, Trump does not have the patience and focus to be briefed and properly prepare for the job. He also suffers from narcissism on a level that I have not seen before. Finally, I can't imagine relentlessly offending groups of people will result in a productive presidency.

Therefore, Hillary is my lesser of two evils. She will be the worst presidential candidate I have voted for in my lifetime.

If HRC wins this election, just think about who will succeed her if/when she resigns or is impeached, or unable to fulfill her term. Tim Kaine---freaking scary!!!

I hear you. There is no good option. Thus, the title of this thread.
Of course now the Clinton team is attacking Comey, the guys they were praising prior to this.

All along Hillary said that using a private email server was a mistake and that she takes full responsibilty. Accrpting a criminal investigation is part of the responsibilty.

Not if you're a clinton it's not. If you're a Clinton, (begrudgingly) accepting responsibility is a far cry from accepting consequences. Different set of rules for them. Amazing to me that so many people who despise entitlement are so supportive of her.
Both candidates are deplorable, in fact criminal. If either party could somehow replace their candidate (with anyone) I would vote for them.

In the end, Trump does not have the patience and focus to be briefed and properly prepare for the job. He also suffers from narcissism on a level that I have not seen before. Finally, I can't imagine relentlessly offending groups of people will result in a productive presidency.

Therefore, Hillary is my lesser of two evils. She will be the worst presidential candidate I have voted for in my lifetime.

When you read the chilling accounts of pay for play, revealed in emails, how clintons used cga donations for vacations, private jets and other improprieties and how 2 people who left the whitehouse "dead broke" yet now are hundred millionaires and when you throw in criminal mishandling of confidential government information she isnt qualified to be dog catcher
Bush's biggest evil was that he was the biggest spender in history in the areas of education, healthcare and the arts. But instead of making the Democrats in high places happy, this embarrassed them. These are sacred cash cows as long as they are problems but solving real issues is not in the game plan. And of course this also angered the fiscal conservatives who considered him a traitor.
That's exactly my problem with him other than the iraq war also

I don't favor either party
G.W. Bush and Carter were the two worst presidents in my lifetime
Both candidates are deplorable, in fact criminal. If either party could somehow replace their candidate (with anyone) I would vote for them.

In the end, Trump does not have the patience and focus to be briefed and properly prepare for the job. He also suffers from narcissism on a level that I have not seen before. Finally, I can't imagine relentlessly offending groups of people will result in a productive presidency.

Therefore, Hillary is my lesser of two evils. She will be the worst presidential candidate I have voted for in my lifetime.

When you read the chilling accounts of pay for play, revealed in emails, how clintons used cga donations for vacations, private jets and other improprieties and how 2 people who left the whitehouse "dead broke" yet now are hundred millionaires and when you throw in criminal mishandling of confidential government information she isnt qualified to be dog catcher
How did Huma have a job with Hillary as whatever designation when Hillary was there and also gets paid salary from Clinton Foundation and Teneo all at the same time. It's freaking insane.
Bush's biggest evil was that he was the biggest spender in history in the areas of education, healthcare and the arts. But instead of making the Democrats in high places happy, this embarrassed them. These are sacred cash cows as long as they are problems but solving real issues is not in the game plan. And of course this also angered the fiscal conservatives who considered him a traitor.
That's exactly my problem with him other than the iraq war also

I don't favor either party
G.W. Bush and Carter were the two worst presidents in my lifetime
That just got you a +1 :)
It looks like Hillary is going to win. What a disaster, will she survive the first year ? Within a year, we will find out how corrupt and false the Clinton machine has been. We will also find our Justice department and IRS have been used by the Clinton machine. Do we not have an Attorney General that has taken the 5th now?
I lived thru Watergate . Nixon did what he did for power, money was not his motives. The Country was paralyze during Watergate . This has the potential being worst than Watergate. The Clintons want money and power. We can not afford this with all the problems we now are going thru.
The entire Clinton campaign, which includes the entire Obama administration and subordinates are now blowing an enormous amount of smoke to create doubt and to discredit the same FBI director who just two months ago they were praising even as he read a litany of criminal offenses but refused to recommend criminal charges against Hillary. Even Eric Holder is trashing the FBI - the same Holder who has been trashing the police who protect us and risk their lives every day. It seems that the Clintons and Obamas only uphold the law when it benefits them and their cronies.

When incredibly damaging wikileaks emails were released, the Clinton subterfuge instead make a Russian hack the main story as she accused them of aiding and abetting Trump. Now she is being brought down by Carlos Danger, and in true Clinton/Obama fashion, they take a deep breath, strategize, and then come out with talking points to delude their followers.

They are demanding the release of all the emails, which is incredibly funny being that they are Clinton emails of which they were the authors or recipients of. Now the claim is that Houma forwarded them to her yahoo account so they could be printed. What a joke - a high ranking Clinton subordinate also will play dumb and say she din't realize how careless that was.

Meanwhile the charges against Trump's "abuse" of women are horribly pale compared to charges against Bill Clinton of actual rape, and assaults culminating in his ejaculation. Anything Trump is accused of happens in clubs across the city every single night, with lecherous pickup lines or suggestions, or accusations of touching that at most result in a slap in the face or a drink tossed. Clinton's accusers, some of which were validated, have his pants down and committing sexual crimes.

Best comment I've heard is that the Republican party, right or wrong, has an ideology, and the Democratic party sells itself out to causes that will keep them in power.
Now, the question of "supreme" interest is why would a sitting President continue to campaign strongly for a candidate who could conceivably end up with criminal charges and a conviction?

The answer is, that Obama is committed to doing everything legally and illegally to prevent that from happening, and if it does, make sure it happens far after the election and he gets his end of the deal.

What would Obama's end of the deal be? Well, this relationship between the fabled scorpion and the frog has each doing their part to get out of an otherwise hateful relationship will at some point end in the demise of the frog, but:

1) Hillary campaigned for the hated Obama in 2008 when she was promised SOS. She turned down a Obama/Clinton ticket because a VP is an impotent as Bernie Sanders without viagra. Obama then relegated her to an almost powerless SOS and handled international affairs on his own.

2) In 2012, Obama was sinking like a rock vs. Romney, when Bill Clinton makes a deal to help out and rescue Obama's campaign. The trade? I will help you and you will help Hillary, although it was calculated anyways. Obama wins and Hillary can run in 2016. Obama loses and Hillary's time would have passed in she waits till 2020 when no amount of plastic surgery could rescue her sagging 73 year old looks.

3) So, 2016 rolls around, and Obama knows he can screw Hillary if only a Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren decide to enter the race. His administration is even the orchestrator of the email server leaks that started this all. Hillary supposedly burst into the White House, and dropping all decorum of addressing Obama as Mr. President, shrieked at him "Call off the f---ing digs Barack" as he feigned not to know what she was talking about. Biden's son dies and Warren isn't ready so Obama makes a deal to help the hated Hillary. The big prize I am guessing is a Supreme Court nomination for Obama, or some assistance for Michelle to enter politics, maybe in NY. So we shall see.

The only thing for certain is that dirty politics are in play. Obama will make sure that Clinton is not charged anytime before the inauguration if she is elected. If she loses, any support of her will sink faster than the Obamacare failed initiative.
It looks like Hillary is going to win. What a disaster, will she survive the first year ? Within a year, we will find out how corrupt and false the Clinton machine has been. We will also find our Justice department and IRS have been used by the Clinton machine. Do we not have an Attorney General that has taken the 5th now?
I lived thru Watergate . Nixon did what he did for power, money was not his motives. The Country was paralyze during Watergate . This has the potential being worst than Watergate. The Clintons want money and power. We can not afford this with all the problems we now are going thru.

Agree it is a disaster but at least we will still have a democracy we can use to correct her mistakes, or Kaine's if that is what materializes. Between paid Russian (or probably more specifically KGB) agent as Trumps campaign manager followed by alt-right (we'll tell you who to fear and hate) Breitbart crew, I still think that the group with awareness, if not fidelity to that which we could lose, is the lesser of two evils. Giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, he may be unaware of the subversion with which he has surrounded himself, but that lack of awareness belongs nowhere near the Presidency of the United States of America.
It looks like Hillary is going to win. What a disaster, will she survive the first year ? Within a year, we will find out how corrupt and false the Clinton machine has been. We will also find our Justice department and IRS have been used by the Clinton machine. Do we not have an Attorney General that has taken the 5th now?
I lived thru Watergate . Nixon did what he did for power, money was not his motives. The Country was paralyze during Watergate . This has the potential being worst than Watergate. The Clintons want money and power. We can not afford this with all the problems we now are going thru.

Agree it is a disaster but at least we will still have a democracy we can use to correct her mistakes, or Kaine's if that is what materializes. Between paid Russian (or probably more specifically KGB) agent as Trumps campaign manager followed by alt-right (we'll tell you who to fear and hate) Breitbart crew, I still think that the group with awareness, if not fidelity to that which we could lose, is the lesser of two evils. Giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, he may be unaware of the subversion with which he has surrounded himself, but that lack of awareness belongs nowhere near the Presidency of the United States of America.

Obama was schooled his entire life by communists in Hawaii, and then subversives like Bill Ayres in Chicago and Reverend Wright's racist "liberation theology". Nothing could be worse than that. At least Trump is not trying to establish a new world order that diminishes America, and will certainly do his best to get our economy going, put people back to work and not continue to put the White House and political power up for sale as Clinton has done..
But the people around him specifically are. All of us have been schooled by life, some good lessons and some bad. The old guys like me are embarrassed if we get to old age and still hire three dollar bills as subordinates. Understand political leadership is not Trump's field but the people he has allowed close to his campaign suggest he is being played.
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