Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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One of these folks was doing their job as court appointed attorney. One was sexually assaulting women. Even stevens?
BTW I'm pretty sure the Russians hacked your fantasy football game last night because that last 10 minutes of the Arizona game was surreal because I thought you had locked the win up

Don't even talk to me about it, but I brought it upon myself. If the punt isn't blocked or Catanzaro doesn't doink it I win, or at least tie - can't remember now, but I made a couple of very bad roster moves. It shouldn't have been that close. I have the 2nd most points in the league - despite leaving 35 points on the bench with my stupidity yesterday, and when tonight is over I'll be 2-5. Incredible.
I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to my team tonight. Solid lead with Broncos D but our North of the Border Redmen guy other than Aubie had Miller and Thomas playing so nothing is safe. I've lost too many close ones over the years because of monday night football
One of these folks was doing their job as court appointed attorney. One was sexually assaulting women. Even stevens?
BTW I'm pretty sure the Russians hacked your fantasy football game last night because that last 10 minutes of the Arizona game was surreal because I thought you had locked the win up

Don't even talk to me about it, but I brought it upon myself. If the punt isn't blocked or Catanzaro doesn't doink it I win, or at least tie - can't remember now, but I made a couple of very bad roster moves. It shouldn't have been that close. I have the 2nd most points in the league - despite leaving 35 points on the bench with my stupidity yesterday, and when tonight is over I'll be 2-5. Incredible.
I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to my team tonight. Solid lead with Broncos D but our North of the Border Redmen guy other than Aubie had Miller and Thomas playing so nothing is safe. I've lost too many close ones over the years because of monday night football

There's no way you lose tonight. There, I just jinxed you.
One of these folks was doing their job as court appointed attorney. One was sexually assaulting women. Even stevens?
BTW I'm pretty sure the Russians hacked your fantasy football game last night because that last 10 minutes of the Arizona game was surreal because I thought you had locked the win up

Don't even talk to me about it, but I brought it upon myself. If the punt isn't blocked or Catanzaro doesn't doink it I win, or at least tie - can't remember now, but I made a couple of very bad roster moves. It shouldn't have been that close. I have the 2nd most points in the league - despite leaving 35 points on the bench with my stupidity yesterday, and when tonight is over I'll be 2-5. Incredible.
I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to my team tonight. Solid lead with Broncos D but our North of the Border Redmen guy other than Aubie had Miller and Thomas playing so nothing is safe. I've lost too many close ones over the years because of monday night football

There's no way you lose tonight. There, I just jinxed you.

Bless you, Austour.

It's a long climb back for the North of 49ers this week. We're in a Trump-like hole. League is rigged and we won't be accepting the results (unless we win).
Its amazing all the horrific things Wikeleaks exposed about Clinton and all the media talked about was Trump groping woman or the fact that he couldn't say at the time of the debate that he would accept the election results. You have one candidate who is flawed, has a bad temperment,was a womanizer , and has a big mouth that gets him in trouble. The other candidate is corrupt and should be in jail. IMO Trump is the lesser of the two evils when viewed in that light. Its a shame they both stink.
I think a lot of people are missing the point, Hillary is everything people say she is and should definitely be beatable. However, the Republican chose the one person who can't win to run against her. Instead of hollering and screaming about how bad Hillary is, Republicans should be looking at how their party has become so dysfunctional that Trumps is their candidate. Trump, who dodged the draft, had the audacity to make fun of John McCain being a Prisoner of War.

This dysfunction has been going on since 2008. Senator McCain is a well respected war hero. Instead of finding someone who could help him win the Presidency, he was burdened with Sarah Palin. This was not the Democrats or Obama's doing, this was a very stupid decision made by the Republican Party. McCain and almost anyone else had a better chance of winning.

It is always hard to beat an incumbent, but having Romney at the head of the ticket made it more so. Romney as the CEO of Bain Capital, made money buy buying business, selling off their assets, and as a result a lot of people became unemployed. One thing most Americans have in common is having a family member or friend who lost their job due to circumstances beyond their control. The country was not about to elect someone who boasted about having three 10 million dollar homes, while the majority of the country is struggling.

Here in New York State, you have crooked Democrats getting arrested in New York City and crooked Republicans getting arrested in Long Island and upstate. They call these white collar criminals, so that a politician who is supposed to represent us gets a slap on the risk while voting for laws that say they can keep their pension. You can't make this shit up. The system is broken and we need to hold the politicians accountable.

I admit that Hillary Clinton is not a likeable person, the problem is that the Republican Party chose as their candidate the only person that she could beat.

Sorry, but if you think the the problem is the Republican candidate you are far missing the point. The problem is what the media and the Democratic Party have become and their desire to completely subvert the democratic system. Forget Trump and the Republican incompetency (which is very real or worse) compare what happened to Herman Cain in 2012: as he started to gather momentum, women came out of the woodwork accusing him of sexual misconduct. Amazingly, the accusations stopped as soon as his momentum halted, his candidacy broken. Sound familiar? Saying Hillary Clinton is "unlikable" is like saying Charlie Manson was a manipulator; just doesn't even begin to describe the person. The election of Hillary Clinton will render this country unrecognizable in 25 years; frankly, with a media devoid of all morals, ethics, any sense of fair play, integrity or objective journalistic responsibility we might be too far over the cliff to keep from falling already. For all those smugly glowing about the present situation, you are either part of the problem or falling for a very dangerous con.
I think a lot of people are missing the point, Hillary is everything people say she is and should definitely be beatable. However, the Republican chose the one person who can't win to run against her. Instead of hollering and screaming about how bad Hillary is, Republicans should be looking at how their party has become so dysfunctional that Trumps is their candidate. Trump, who dodged the draft, had the audacity to make fun of John McCain being a Prisoner of War.

This dysfunction has been going on since 2008. Senator McCain is a well respected war hero. Instead of finding someone who could help him win the Presidency, he was burdened with Sarah Palin. This was not the Democrats or Obama's doing, this was a very stupid decision made by the Republican Party. McCain and almost anyone else had a better chance of winning.

It is always hard to beat an incumbent, but having Romney at the head of the ticket made it more so. Romney as the CEO of Bain Capital, made money buy buying business, selling off their assets, and as a result a lot of people became unemployed. One thing most Americans have in common is having a family member or friend who lost their job due to circumstances beyond their control. The country was not about to elect someone who boasted about having three 10 million dollar homes, while the majority of the country is struggling.

Here in New York State, you have crooked Democrats getting arrested in New York City and crooked Republicans getting arrested in Long Island and upstate. They call these white collar criminals, so that a politician who is supposed to represent us gets a slap on the risk while voting for laws that say they can keep their pension. You can't make this shit up. The system is broken and we need to hold the politicians accountable.

I admit that Hillary Clinton is not a likeable person, the problem is that the Republican Party chose as their candidate the only person that she could beat.

Sorry, but if you think the the problem is the Republican candidate you are far missing the point. The problem is what the media and the Democratic Party have become and their desire to completely subvert the democratic system. Forget Trump and the Republican incompetency (which is very real or worse) compare what happened to Herman Cain in 2012: as he started to gather momentum, women came out of the woodwork accusing him of sexual misconduct. Amazingly, the accusations stopped as soon as his momentum halted, his candidacy broken. Sound familiar? Saying Hillary Clinton is "unlikable" is like saying Charlie Manson was a manipulator; just doesn't even begin to describe the person. The election of Hillary Clinton will render this country unrecognizable in 25 years; frankly, with a media devoid of all morals, ethics, any sense of fair play, integrity or objective journalistic responsibility we might be too far over the cliff to keep from falling already. For all those smugly glowing about the present situation, you are either part of the problem or falling for a very dangerous con.

Say what you will about FOX, but just imagine if they weren't around to add some alternative perspective?
I think a lot of people are missing the point, Hillary is everything people say she is and should definitely be beatable. However, the Republican chose the one person who can't win to run against her. Instead of hollering and screaming about how bad Hillary is, Republicans should be looking at how their party has become so dysfunctional that Trumps is their candidate. Trump, who dodged the draft, had the audacity to make fun of John McCain being a Prisoner of War.

This dysfunction has been going on since 2008. Senator McCain is a well respected war hero. Instead of finding someone who could help him win the Presidency, he was burdened with Sarah Palin. This was not the Democrats or Obama's doing, this was a very stupid decision made by the Republican Party. McCain and almost anyone else had a better chance of winning.

It is always hard to beat an incumbent, but having Romney at the head of the ticket made it more so. Romney as the CEO of Bain Capital, made money buy buying business, selling off their assets, and as a result a lot of people became unemployed. One thing most Americans have in common is having a family member or friend who lost their job due to circumstances beyond their control. The country was not about to elect someone who boasted about having three 10 million dollar homes, while the majority of the country is struggling.

Here in New York State, you have crooked Democrats getting arrested in New York City and crooked Republicans getting arrested in Long Island and upstate. They call these white collar criminals, so that a politician who is supposed to represent us gets a slap on the risk while voting for laws that say they can keep their pension. You can't make this shit up. The system is broken and we need to hold the politicians accountable.

I admit that Hillary Clinton is not a likeable person, the problem is that the Republican Party chose as their candidate the only person that she could beat.

Sorry, but if you think the the problem is the Republican candidate you are far missing the point. The problem is what the media and the Democratic Party have become and their desire to completely subvert the democratic system. Forget Trump and the Republican incompetency (which is very real or worse) compare what happened to Herman Cain in 2012: as he started to gather momentum, women came out of the woodwork accusing him of sexual misconduct. Amazingly, the accusations stopped as soon as his momentum halted, his candidacy broken. Sound familiar? Saying Hillary Clinton is "unlikable" is like saying Charlie Manson was a manipulator; just doesn't even begin to describe the person. The election of Hillary Clinton will render this country unrecognizable in 25 years; frankly, with a media devoid of all morals, ethics, any sense of fair play, integrity or objective journalistic responsibility we might be too far over the cliff to keep from falling already. For all those smugly glowing about the present situation, you are either part of the problem or falling for a very dangerous con.

Say what you will about FOX, but just imagine if they weren't around to add some alternative perspective?

I agree about FOX to an extent; problem really is a perfect storm; corrupt media feeding a lazy, dumped- down electorate. We will see if we have a "Brexit" voting situation here but I am not holding my breath.
I think a lot of people are missing the point, Hillary is everything people say she is and should definitely be beatable. However, the Republican chose the one person who can't win to run against her. Instead of hollering and screaming about how bad Hillary is, Republicans should be looking at how their party has become so dysfunctional that Trumps is their candidate. Trump, who dodged the draft, had the audacity to make fun of John McCain being a Prisoner of War.

This dysfunction has been going on since 2008. Senator McCain is a well respected war hero. Instead of finding someone who could help him win the Presidency, he was burdened with Sarah Palin. This was not the Democrats or Obama's doing, this was a very stupid decision made by the Republican Party. McCain and almost anyone else had a better chance of winning.

It is always hard to beat an incumbent, but having Romney at the head of the ticket made it more so. Romney as the CEO of Bain Capital, made money buy buying business, selling off their assets, and as a result a lot of people became unemployed. One thing most Americans have in common is having a family member or friend who lost their job due to circumstances beyond their control. The country was not about to elect someone who boasted about having three 10 million dollar homes, while the majority of the country is struggling.

Here in New York State, you have crooked Democrats getting arrested in New York City and crooked Republicans getting arrested in Long Island and upstate. They call these white collar criminals, so that a politician who is supposed to represent us gets a slap on the risk while voting for laws that say they can keep their pension. You can't make this shit up. The system is broken and we need to hold the politicians accountable.

I admit that Hillary Clinton is not a likeable person, the problem is that the Republican Party chose as their candidate the only person that she could beat.

Sorry, but if you think the the problem is the Republican candidate you are far missing the point. The problem is what the media and the Democratic Party have become and their desire to completely subvert the democratic system. Forget Trump and the Republican incompetency (which is very real or worse) compare what happened to Herman Cain in 2012: as he started to gather momentum, women came out of the woodwork accusing him of sexual misconduct. Amazingly, the accusations stopped as soon as his momentum halted, his candidacy broken. Sound familiar? Saying Hillary Clinton is "unlikable" is like saying Charlie Manson was a manipulator; just doesn't even begin to describe the person. The election of Hillary Clinton will render this country unrecognizable in 25 years; frankly, with a media devoid of all morals, ethics, any sense of fair play, integrity or objective journalistic responsibility we might be too far over the cliff to keep from falling already. For all those smugly glowing about the present situation, you are either part of the problem or falling for a very dangerous con.

Say what you will about FOX, but just imagine if they weren't around to add some alternative perspective?

Alternative perspective? I filter a lot of that out. IT's the actual reporting of newsworthy events, including those detrimental to Trump. The other media outlets simply do not report, gloss over, or misrepresent anything that is detrimental to Democrats.

Without Fox, we would never have learned that Benghazi was a terrorist attack. We wouldn't know the extent and the content of Wikileaks. We wouldn't know the absolutely criminal and scandalous things both Hillary Clinton and Bill have done in their public and personal lives. I know why liberals hate Fox news - they bring stories to the general public that the other media outlets simply refuse to report.
One of these folks was doing their job as court appointed attorney. One was sexually assaulting women. Even stevens?
BTW I'm pretty sure the Russians hacked your fantasy football game last night because that last 10 minutes of the Arizona game was surreal because I thought you had locked the win up

Don't even talk to me about it, but I brought it upon myself. If the punt isn't blocked or Catanzaro doesn't doink it I win, or at least tie - can't remember now, but I made a couple of very bad roster moves. It shouldn't have been that close. I have the 2nd most points in the league - despite leaving 35 points on the bench with my stupidity yesterday, and when tonight is over I'll be 2-5. Incredible.
I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to my team tonight. Solid lead with Broncos D but our North of the Border Redmen guy other than Aubie had Miller and Thomas playing so nothing is safe. I've lost too many close ones over the years because of monday night football

There's no way you lose tonight. There, I just jinxed you.

Bless you, Austour.

It's a long climb back for the North of 49ers this week. We're in a Trump-like hole. League is rigged and we won't be accepting the results (unless we win).

Sorry my jinx didn't work. My only saving grace is that in my last 7 games I play 6 of the bottom 7 teams in the Power Rankings. Yours is the only one of those teams that's any good at all. The other team, appropriate for this thread, is Trump! Making America Hate Again! They're doing very well this year. ;)
One of these folks was doing their job as court appointed attorney. One was sexually assaulting women. Even stevens?
BTW I'm pretty sure the Russians hacked your fantasy football game last night because that last 10 minutes of the Arizona game was surreal because I thought you had locked the win up

Don't even talk to me about it, but I brought it upon myself. If the punt isn't blocked or Catanzaro doesn't doink it I win, or at least tie - can't remember now, but I made a couple of very bad roster moves. It shouldn't have been that close. I have the 2nd most points in the league - despite leaving 35 points on the bench with my stupidity yesterday, and when tonight is over I'll be 2-5. Incredible.
I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to my team tonight. Solid lead with Broncos D but our North of the Border Redmen guy other than Aubie had Miller and Thomas playing so nothing is safe. I've lost too many close ones over the years because of monday night football

There's no way you lose tonight. There, I just jinxed you.

Bless you, Austour.

It's a long climb back for the North of 49ers this week. We're in a Trump-like hole. League is rigged and we won't be accepting the results (unless we win).

Sorry my jinx didn't work. My only saving grace is that in my last 7 games I play 6 of the bottom 7 teams in the Power Rankings. Yours is the only one of those teams that's any good at all. The other team, appropriate for this thread, is Trump! Making America Hate Again! They're doing very well this year. ;)

Sadly, I think Obama already cornered that market.
One of these folks was doing their job as court appointed attorney. One was sexually assaulting women. Even stevens?
BTW I'm pretty sure the Russians hacked your fantasy football game last night because that last 10 minutes of the Arizona game was surreal because I thought you had locked the win up

Don't even talk to me about it, but I brought it upon myself. If the punt isn't blocked or Catanzaro doesn't doink it I win, or at least tie - can't remember now, but I made a couple of very bad roster moves. It shouldn't have been that close. I have the 2nd most points in the league - despite leaving 35 points on the bench with my stupidity yesterday, and when tonight is over I'll be 2-5. Incredible.
I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to my team tonight. Solid lead with Broncos D but our North of the Border Redmen guy other than Aubie had Miller and Thomas playing so nothing is safe. I've lost too many close ones over the years because of monday night football

There's no way you lose tonight. There, I just jinxed you.

Bless you, Austour.

It's a long climb back for the North of 49ers this week. We're in a Trump-like hole. League is rigged and we won't be accepting the results (unless we win).

Sorry my jinx didn't work. My only saving grace is that in my last 7 games I play 6 of the bottom 7 teams in the Power Rankings. Yours is the only one of those teams that's any good at all. The other team, appropriate for this thread, is Trump! Making America Hate Again! They're doing very well this year. ;)

Sadly, I think Obama already cornered that market.

Well you and your ilk seem to be full of hate so I would reckon you might be right.
One of these folks was doing their job as court appointed attorney. One was sexually assaulting women. Even stevens?
BTW I'm pretty sure the Russians hacked your fantasy football game last night because that last 10 minutes of the Arizona game was surreal because I thought you had locked the win up

Don't even talk to me about it, but I brought it upon myself. If the punt isn't blocked or Catanzaro doesn't doink it I win, or at least tie - can't remember now, but I made a couple of very bad roster moves. It shouldn't have been that close. I have the 2nd most points in the league - despite leaving 35 points on the bench with my stupidity yesterday, and when tonight is over I'll be 2-5. Incredible.
I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to my team tonight. Solid lead with Broncos D but our North of the Border Redmen guy other than Aubie had Miller and Thomas playing so nothing is safe. I've lost too many close ones over the years because of monday night football

There's no way you lose tonight. There, I just jinxed you.

Bless you, Austour.

It's a long climb back for the North of 49ers this week. We're in a Trump-like hole. League is rigged and we won't be accepting the results (unless we win).

Sorry my jinx didn't work. My only saving grace is that in my last 7 games I play 6 of the bottom 7 teams in the Power Rankings. Yours is the only one of those teams that's any good at all. The other team, appropriate for this thread, is Trump! Making America Hate Again! They're doing very well this year. ;)

Sadly, I think Obama already cornered that market.

Well you and your ilk seem to be full of hate so I would reckon you might be right.

What ilk? What hate? Because I disagree with you? I do hate, I hate the corruption that dominates everything Washington DC touches and which only will become irreversible should Clinton get elected. Notice I said DC, not the Democrats, not the Republicans. Trump is not really a Republican as evidenced by the parties refusal to support him for fear it might signal the beginning of the end to the gravy train. Hate, I hate the idiocy of a president who will foment disorder in the name of race when in 8 years he did NOTHING to help those in poverty. I hate the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Paul Ryans, the whole lot of them for being nothing more than egomaniacal thieves, intent on telling others how to live and dividing rather than uniting. I will vote for Trump because with all his flaws, and he has a boatload, his election sends a message that the DC cabal needs to and can be broken up. And because this may be the last chance to do that. So don't come back at me with MSNBC nonsense of "ilk" and "hate". You seem very intelligent, bring something to the table and tell me why I am wrong, why I am not seeing things as they really are. Tell me why you support people I consider the dregs of humanity.
One of these folks was doing their job as court appointed attorney. One was sexually assaulting women. Even stevens?
BTW I'm pretty sure the Russians hacked your fantasy football game last night because that last 10 minutes of the Arizona game was surreal because I thought you had locked the win up

Don't even talk to me about it, but I brought it upon myself. If the punt isn't blocked or Catanzaro doesn't doink it I win, or at least tie - can't remember now, but I made a couple of very bad roster moves. It shouldn't have been that close. I have the 2nd most points in the league - despite leaving 35 points on the bench with my stupidity yesterday, and when tonight is over I'll be 2-5. Incredible.
I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to my team tonight. Solid lead with Broncos D but our North of the Border Redmen guy other than Aubie had Miller and Thomas playing so nothing is safe. I've lost too many close ones over the years because of monday night football

There's no way you lose tonight. There, I just jinxed you.

Bless you, Austour.

It's a long climb back for the North of 49ers this week. We're in a Trump-like hole. League is rigged and we won't be accepting the results (unless we win).

Sorry my jinx didn't work. My only saving grace is that in my last 7 games I play 6 of the bottom 7 teams in the Power Rankings. Yours is the only one of those teams that's any good at all. The other team, appropriate for this thread, is Trump! Making America Hate Again! They're doing very well this year. ;)

Sadly, I think Obama already cornered that market.

Well you and your ilk seem to be full of hate so I would reckon you might be right.

What ilk? What hate? Because I disagree with you? I do hate, I hate the corruption that dominates everything Washington DC touches and which only will become irreversible should Clinton get elected. Notice I said DC, not the Democrats, not the Republicans. Trump is not really a Republican as evidenced by the parties refusal to support him for fear it might signal the beginning of the end to the gravy train. Hate, I hate the idiocy of a president who will foment disorder in the name of race when in 8 years he did NOTHING to help those in poverty. I hate the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Paul Ryans, the whole lot of them for being nothing more than egomaniacal thieves, intent on telling others how to live and dividing rather than uniting. I will vote for Trump because with all his flaws, and he has a boatload, his election sends a message that the DC cabal needs to and can be broken up. And because this may be the last chance to do that. So don't come back at me with MSNBC nonsense of "ilk" and "hate". You seem very intelligent, bring something to the table and tell me why I am wrong, why I am not seeing things as they really are. Tell me why you support people I consider the dregs of humanity.

One last comment on "ilk" - in 2008 I voted for Obama for essentially the same reason I am voting for Trump. The only difference was then I was tired of the Bushes. So FWIW, I don't have an "ilk"
I think a lot of people are missing the point, Hillary is everything people say she is and should definitely be beatable. However, the Republican chose the one person who can't win to run against her. Instead of hollering and screaming about how bad Hillary is, Republicans should be looking at how their party has become so dysfunctional that Trumps is their candidate. Trump, who dodged the draft, had the audacity to make fun of John McCain being a Prisoner of War.

This dysfunction has been going on since 2008. Senator McCain is a well respected war hero. Instead of finding someone who could help him win the Presidency, he was burdened with Sarah Palin. This was not the Democrats or Obama's doing, this was a very stupid decision made by the Republican Party. McCain and almost anyone else had a better chance of winning.

It is always hard to beat an incumbent, but having Romney at the head of the ticket made it more so. Romney as the CEO of Bain Capital, made money buy buying business, selling off their assets, and as a result a lot of people became unemployed. One thing most Americans have in common is having a family member or friend who lost their job due to circumstances beyond their control. The country was not about to elect someone who boasted about having three 10 million dollar homes, while the majority of the country is struggling.

Here in New York State, you have crooked Democrats getting arrested in New York City and crooked Republicans getting arrested in Long Island and upstate. They call these white collar criminals, so that a politician who is supposed to represent us gets a slap on the risk while voting for laws that say they can keep their pension. You can't make this shit up. The system is broken and we need to hold the politicians accountable.

I admit that Hillary Clinton is not a likeable person, the problem is that the Republican Party chose as their candidate the only person that she could beat.

Sorry, but if you think the the problem is the Republican candidate you are far missing the point. The problem is what the media and the Democratic Party have become and their desire to completely subvert the democratic system. Forget Trump and the Republican incompetency (which is very real or worse) compare what happened to Herman Cain in 2012: as he started to gather momentum, women came out of the woodwork accusing him of sexual misconduct. Amazingly, the accusations stopped as soon as his momentum halted, his candidacy broken. Sound familiar? Saying Hillary Clinton is "unlikable" is like saying Charlie Manson was a manipulator; just doesn't even begin to describe the person. The election of Hillary Clinton will render this country unrecognizable in 25 years; frankly, with a media devoid of all morals, ethics, any sense of fair play, integrity or objective journalistic responsibility we might be too far over the cliff to keep from falling already. For all those smugly glowing about the present situation, you are either part of the problem or falling for a very dangerous con.

Say what you will about FOX, but just imagine if they weren't around to add some alternative perspective?

Alternative perspective? I filter a lot of that out. IT's the actual reporting of newsworthy events, including those detrimental to Trump. The other media outlets simply do not report, gloss over, or misrepresent anything that is detrimental to Democrats.

Without Fox, we would never have learned that Benghazi was a terrorist attack. We wouldn't know the extent and the content of Wikileaks. We wouldn't know the absolutely criminal and scandalous things both Hillary Clinton and Bill have done in their public and personal lives. I know why liberals hate Fox news - they bring stories to the general public that the other media outlets simply refuse to report.

My liberal friends hate Fox even though most of them never watch the station.
So you DO hate then. Just clarifying.

Not sure if you consider me part of Logen's "ilk", but there is plenty of crap that I hate, and a fair amount of people as well. And if that makes me a "hater", I'll wear that title proudly and unapologetically. Just to clarify for you.
I think a lot of people are missing the point, Hillary is everything people say she is and should definitely be beatable. However, the Republican chose the one person who can't win to run against her. Instead of hollering and screaming about how bad Hillary is, Republicans should be looking at how their party has become so dysfunctional that Trumps is their candidate. Trump, who dodged the draft, had the audacity to make fun of John McCain being a Prisoner of War.

This dysfunction has been going on since 2008. Senator McCain is a well respected war hero. Instead of finding someone who could help him win the Presidency, he was burdened with Sarah Palin. This was not the Democrats or Obama's doing, this was a very stupid decision made by the Republican Party. McCain and almost anyone else had a better chance of winning.

It is always hard to beat an incumbent, but having Romney at the head of the ticket made it more so. Romney as the CEO of Bain Capital, made money buy buying business, selling off their assets, and as a result a lot of people became unemployed. One thing most Americans have in common is having a family member or friend who lost their job due to circumstances beyond their control. The country was not about to elect someone who boasted about having three 10 million dollar homes, while the majority of the country is struggling.

Here in New York State, you have crooked Democrats getting arrested in New York City and crooked Republicans getting arrested in Long Island and upstate. They call these white collar criminals, so that a politician who is supposed to represent us gets a slap on the risk while voting for laws that say they can keep their pension. You can't make this shit up. The system is broken and we need to hold the politicians accountable.

I admit that Hillary Clinton is not a likeable person, the problem is that the Republican Party chose as their candidate the only person that she could beat.

Sorry, but if you think the the problem is the Republican candidate you are far missing the point. The problem is what the media and the Democratic Party have become and their desire to completely subvert the democratic system. Forget Trump and the Republican incompetency (which is very real or worse) compare what happened to Herman Cain in 2012: as he started to gather momentum, women came out of the woodwork accusing him of sexual misconduct. Amazingly, the accusations stopped as soon as his momentum halted, his candidacy broken. Sound familiar? Saying Hillary Clinton is "unlikable" is like saying Charlie Manson was a manipulator; just doesn't even begin to describe the person. The election of Hillary Clinton will render this country unrecognizable in 25 years; frankly, with a media devoid of all morals, ethics, any sense of fair play, integrity or objective journalistic responsibility we might be too far over the cliff to keep from falling already. For all those smugly glowing about the present situation, you are either part of the problem or falling for a very dangerous con.

Say what you will about FOX, but just imagine if they weren't around to add some alternative perspective?

Alternative perspective? I filter a lot of that out. IT's the actual reporting of newsworthy events, including those detrimental to Trump. The other media outlets simply do not report, gloss over, or misrepresent anything that is detrimental to Democrats.

Without Fox, we would never have learned that Benghazi was a terrorist attack. We wouldn't know the extent and the content of Wikileaks. We wouldn't know the absolutely criminal and scandalous things both Hillary Clinton and Bill have done in their public and personal lives. I know why liberals hate Fox news - they bring stories to the general public that the other media outlets simply refuse to report.

My liberal friends hate Fox even though most of them never watch the station.

I dislike CNN and MSNBC, and I watch both of them. That's the difference between the left and the right, at least the right will listen to varying opinions.
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