I think a lot of people are missing the point, Hillary is everything people say she is and should definitely be beatable. However, the Republican chose the one person who can't win to run against her. Instead of hollering and screaming about how bad Hillary is, Republicans should be looking at how their party has become so dysfunctional that Trumps is their candidate. Trump, who dodged the draft, had the audacity to make fun of John McCain being a Prisoner of War.
This dysfunction has been going on since 2008. Senator McCain is a well respected war hero. Instead of finding someone who could help him win the Presidency, he was burdened with Sarah Palin. This was not the Democrats or Obama's doing, this was a very stupid decision made by the Republican Party. McCain and almost anyone else had a better chance of winning.
It is always hard to beat an incumbent, but having Romney at the head of the ticket made it more so. Romney as the CEO of Bain Capital, made money buy buying business, selling off their assets, and as a result a lot of people became unemployed. One thing most Americans have in common is having a family member or friend who lost their job due to circumstances beyond their control. The country was not about to elect someone who boasted about having three 10 million dollar homes, while the majority of the country is struggling.
Here in New York State, you have crooked Democrats getting arrested in New York City and crooked Republicans getting arrested in Long Island and upstate. They call these white collar criminals, so that a politician who is supposed to represent us gets a slap on the risk while voting for laws that say they can keep their pension. You can't make this shit up. The system is broken and we need to hold the politicians accountable.
I admit that Hillary Clinton is not a likeable person, the problem is that the Republican Party chose as their candidate the only person that she could beat.