beast of the east
Active member
God i have tried soo hard to stay out if this. First Trump is a dusch and Hillary is at the very least a purger and I am sure much more. She got her senate seat in NY by Bill building a federal building in Harlem. Her total time or residence here before she ran was less than 1 week. There are no lesser evils here just the devil and Beelzebub, take you choice.
As for the republicans, they did this to themselves. The take big money to keep the status quo. The Dems take bigger money to promote socialistic change and globalism. The dems do not want freedom of religion they want freedom from religion. They also want a federal government that controls all in the name of fairness. Of course they are the ones who define what fairness is.
I prefer a country of liberty and freedom. I prefer states rights not federal rule. If California want to ban creation theory power to them. If Michigan wants to vote in Sherria law hell that up to them. If Mississippi wants Creation its up to them. The problem with most progressives is they want every thing their way and want everyone to follow their rules because they are smarter than everyone else. Every thing is an affront and every thing is an attack on them. And just like my communist friends the end justifies any means, weather it is sabotaging the competition or getting the dead, illegals or people voting multiple times. (ever wonder why they don't want voter id or computer voting with a pin?)
And PS abortion is murder at some point of time, weather 3 months or 5 let some dr and scientist decide. Anything after that is murder plain and simple. You had plenty of time before and you could have taken the morning after pill or maybe even used a condom or birth control. If you are going to use the rape argument please give me the statistics of home many rapes are aborted vs tot abortions so we can have it in context. If you do have to abort for extreme reasons let it be justifiable homicide.
We need a new party, one that really stands for the people supporting it the special interests. MJ you Interested next election?
PS I am catholic but do not follow dogma as most people in the us don't. I communicate with god in my own way taking the Ben Franklin belief in god. I do not questions other religions or faith or lack of it. I find it funny that progressives will ridicule you for being homophobic but then rip into someone religious. Sounds very hypocritical to me. :evil:
First, welcome back. I'm not sure what a purger is.
Second, agree that the Clinton's are the ultimate politicians. Consider it lucky that Hilary came against this moron because she's far from the ideal candidate.
Third, you can't say it's okay to teach creationism unless you think it also okay to teach advanced spells and potions. Fiction is fiction. Goes for all religions. That's not progressive. There are conservative atheists, believe it or not. Yes I agree we want freedom from religion, IOW you keep your religion to yourself if you choose to believe, as it should be.
Finally, I agree with you on Abortion, there needs to be a limit. After 3-4 months only under special circumstances, hell morning after pills are OTC now so why do we have this problem? But RTL and Pro Choice are very black and white in the way they see this issue. Kind of like gun control. Makes it hard.
Curious, what makes 3-4 months special to you? A sonogram showing a fecidedly human form sucking its thumb? Knowledge that the fetus recognizes and responds to its mothers voice? Feels pain and reacts to stimulus? Dreams dreams? Detectable heart beat? Kicks when it hears the bass sounds of music? The problem with that logic is that at 3-4 months it is visually and meadurably evident that this mass of celks is decidedly an unborn human child, and whose mother's most primal instincts should be to protect its life and not terminate it as a matter of convenience. I suspect if most males lived up to their paternal responsibilities that mayernal instinct would not be confused by societal forces of this now unwelcomed and burdensome child they are carrying.