Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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The GOP did anything and everything in their power to prevent Trump from becoming their nominee, and thus potentially becoming president. The Democratic party has done anything and everything(legal and otherwise) in their power to see to it that Hillary was their nominee, and is doing everything they can, including using the left leaning media, to see to it that she becomes President. And with all of that, the polls still only have her slightly ahead of Trump. Imagine what the polls would look like if this was actually a fair race?

PS I hate Trump, but the fact is that the democratic process is not working in this election. It was rigged in favor of Hillary over Bernie, and it's rigged now.
Imagine what the polls would be like if Trumps mouth wasn't so big? He is his own worse enemy.

Don't disagree Rich, but that just goes to show how desperate this country is for a change. That so many people are willing to vote for Trump in spite of his mouth, his transgressions, his lack of experience, etc. etc. etc. Hey I don't like the guy(although I am a Republican and will vote for him), but I completely understand why so man people find him so appealing.

Trump is so totally unskilled as a candidate that he helps his opponents continually, but make no mistake, if Pope Francis was runninh Democrats would still demonize him. In fact, reading Podestas private leaked emails about Catholic leafership, they already have

As they should. ;) Just trying to keep my brand message consistent.
The GOP did anything and everything in their power to prevent Trump from becoming their nominee, and thus potentially becoming president. The Democratic party has done anything and everything(legal and otherwise) in their power to see to it that Hillary was their nominee, and is doing everything they can, including using the left leaning media, to see to it that she becomes President. And with all of that, the polls still only have her slightly ahead of Trump. Imagine what the polls would look like if this was actually a fair race?

PS I hate Trump, but the fact is that the democratic process is not working in this election. It was rigged in favor of Hillary over Bernie, and it's rigged now.
Imagine what the polls would be like if Trumps mouth wasn't so big? He is his own worse enemy.

So, like many honest Americans wanting good decent, smart leadership, I imagined how much better off we would be if the Republican ticket was flipped and Pence were the prez candidate. Then i awoke from the fantasy and realized that the liberal media and the Clintons would immediately shift the attack and demonize Pence. Im sure they have already loaded up on vitriol in the event Trump dropped out

You think they would demonize the guy who wants to teach creationism as an actual option? The guy who wants funerals for abortions and miscarriages? The guy who would outlaw homosexuality? I mean why would they do that. He sounds so smart?
The GOP did anything and everything in their power to prevent Trump from becoming their nominee, and thus potentially becoming president. The Democratic party has done anything and everything(legal and otherwise) in their power to see to it that Hillary was their nominee, and is doing everything they can, including using the left leaning media, to see to it that she becomes President. And with all of that, the polls still only have her slightly ahead of Trump. Imagine what the polls would look like if this was actually a fair race?

PS I hate Trump, but the fact is that the democratic process is not working in this election. It was rigged in favor of Hillary over Bernie, and it's rigged now.
Imagine what the polls would be like if Trumps mouth wasn't so big? He is his own worse enemy.

So, like many honest Americans wanting good decent, smart leadership, I imagined how much better off we would be if the Republican ticket was flipped and Pence were the prez candidate. Then i awoke from the fantasy and realized that the liberal media and the Clintons would immediately shift the attack and demonize Pence. Im sure they have already loaded up on vitriol in the event Trump dropped out

You think they would demonize the guy who wants to teach creationism as an actual option? The guy who wants funerals for abortions and miscarriages? The guy who would outlaw homosexuality? I mean why would they do that. He sounds so smart?

You know i actually like you. You're smart and a lot of your posts make me laugh.

Im really good with your first two examples mocking oence. Creationism is an option tgat should be taught and im more than fine with funeral services or buriaks for muscarriage or abortions - though i dont know why anyone would kill an unborn child and then respect its life by a funeral. Did Pence really say he would outlaw homosexuality or was that embellishment?
Embellishment. He's obviously homophobic but I don't think he tried to legislate it yet. And I don't mind you either when you're talking basketball. But if you believe that creationism should be taught, well that's just crazy talk, plain and simple.
Embellishment. He's obviously homophobic but I don't think he tried to legislate it yet. And I don't mind you either when you're talking basketball. But if you believe that creationism should be taught, well that's just crazy talk, plain and simple.

Hmm.. Homophobic means the intense fear or hatred of homosexuals. Is that hatred or fear obvious to you? I've heard nothing of the sort from him.

I am an ardent admirer of Pope John Paul II, with whom I had a private audience. His staunchly advocated that science be considered and that faith and science are not mutually exclusive. The notion of Darwin's natural selection doesn't exclude the notion that God is the author of all creation. While I may disagree with fundamentalist Christians, who take a literal view on the Genesis account of God's creation of the universe and man, there is room in my world for all belief systems, even your complete rejection of religion, as is your right and no one has all the right answers. However, at every opportunity, perhaps to self validate your superior intellect, you feel it necessary to mock the notion of God. I find that slightly offensive on your part but also humorous. If you were totally confident in your beliefs, you wouldn't feel the need to evangelize atheism. Even Karl Marx, an avowed atheist, saw a value in not mocking anyone personal belief system and letting it be. Because the far left wing of the Democratic party is a lot closer to Marxism than protecting our own Constitutional freedoms, perhaps you will adopt this particular Marxist view one day.
In my religious ignorance I am in awe that the account in genesis is in many ways representative of how modern science understands the development sequence of both the cosmos and life. A few drops of humility and watching the Spencer Tracy-Raymond Massey scenes in Inherit the Wind and there is plenty of room for different views. My own view of creationism is that I advocate it being taught, am comfortable beginning with Abyssinian Baptist or Zulu views, but want the Maori belief system taught no later than second.
Expect Herr Trump to wheel out all kinds of absurd craziness tonight. All she has to do at this stage is show up. If she rolls out that tired old "when they go low, we go high" B.S., I might fling something at the TV.

Only 20 more days of this nonsense.

BTW, Alec Baldwin has been hilarious as Trump on SNL.
God i have tried soo hard to stay out if this. First Trump is a dusch and Hillary is at the very least a purger and I am sure much more. She got her senate seat in NY by Bill building a federal building in Harlem. Her total time or residence here before she ran was less than 1 week. There are no lesser evils here just the devil and Beelzebub, take you choice.

As for the republicans, they did this to themselves. The take big money to keep the status quo. The Dems take bigger money to promote socialistic change and globalism. The dems do not want freedom of religion they want freedom from religion. They also want a federal government that controls all in the name of fairness. Of course they are the ones who define what fairness is.

I prefer a country of liberty and freedom. I prefer states rights not federal rule. If California want to ban creation theory power to them. If Michigan wants to vote in Sherria law hell that up to them. If Mississippi wants Creation its up to them. The problem with most progressives is they want every thing their way and want everyone to follow their rules because they are smarter than everyone else. Every thing is an affront and every thing is an attack on them. And just like my communist friends the end justifies any means, weather it is sabotaging the competition or getting the dead, illegals or people voting multiple times. (ever wonder why they don't want voter id or computer voting with a pin?)

And PS abortion is murder at some point of time, weather 3 months or 5 let some dr and scientist decide. Anything after that is murder plain and simple. You had plenty of time before and you could have taken the morning after pill or maybe even used a condom or birth control. If you are going to use the rape argument please give me the statistics of home many rapes are aborted vs tot abortions so we can have it in context. If you do have to abort for extreme reasons let it be justifiable homicide.

We need a new party, one that really stands for the people supporting it the special interests. MJ you Interested next election?

PS I am catholic but do not follow dogma as most people in the us don't. I communicate with god in my own way taking the Ben Franklin belief in god. I do not questions other religions or faith or lack of it. I find it funny that progressives will ridicule you for being homophobic but then rip into someone religious. Sounds very hypocritical to me. :evil:
This is unbelievable. The sophomoric ignorance on this 'thread' is stunning. With all due respect, I doubt y'all have read (m)any serious books on history, government, political science, philosophy, science' of any kind except the pseudo variety, serious fiction, good science fiction, satire, art history-ha. And I bet y'all are 'graduates' of Trump U. That explains it. I'm outta here. I'll canvas for SJU news elsewhere.
I hope y'all read some serious newspapers, canvas credible social media / news outlets. How about just watch NPR--that's good for beginners.
Hillary's crooked and evil. Trump--well, he's just being Trump. Creationism is a legitimate field of study?!!!? For what--comic books!?!???
The Democrats 'take bigger money to promote social change and globalism'.
'(Republicans) take big money to keep the status quo.'
'Social change' as in 'safety net' has been battered these past nee' 50 years with unions and pensions and other benefits 'history'. And the Republicans live off the Corporate Teat that has made the USA the most 'unequal nation' among its peers. These are basic 'facts'. God damn y'all are wickedly ignorant.
Man where the hell have y'all been the past 48 years. Under a rock, feeding off of ignorance most likely. Y'all are woefully willfully ignorant.
This country ranks in the second division among other Western Democracies on a score of elements that contribute mightily to national cohesion and happiness. Check out the 'happiest' countries (15th), check out where our healthcare system ranks in terms of quality (37th) and expense (1st).
Right: WHO is a commie front and those 'happy' western developed nations are 'socialist'. (Dang it, heech beech almighty Uncle Willy--maybe there's something to that democratic 'socialism' voodoo devil worship atheist godless swill after all, hey?!!!?)
Y'all continue to IV that Kool-Aid.
This is unbelievable. The sophomoric ignorance on this 'thread' is stunning. With all due respect, I doubt y'all have read (m)any serious books on history, government, political science, philosophy, science' of any kind except the pseudo variety, serious fiction, good science fiction, satire, art history-ha. And I bet y'all are 'graduates' of Trump U. That explains it. I'm outta here. I'll canvas for SJU news elsewhere.
I hope y'all read some serious newspapers, canvas credible social media / news outlets. How about just watch NPR--that's good for beginners.
Hillary's crooked and evil. Trump--well, he's just being Trump. Creationism is a legitimate field of study?!!!? For what--comic books!?!???
The Democrats 'take bigger money to promote social change and globalism'.
'(Republicans) take big money to keep the status quo.'
'Social change' as in 'safety net' has been battered these past nee' 50 years with unions and pensions and other benefits 'history'. And the Republicans live off the Corporate Teat that has made the USA the most 'unequal nation' among its peers. These are basic 'facts'. God damn y'all are wickedly ignorant.
Man where the hell have y'all been the past 48 years. Under a rock, feeding off of ignorance most likely. Y'all are woefully willfully ignorant.
This country ranks in the second division among other Western Democracies on a score of elements that contribute mightily to national cohesion and happiness. Check out the 'happiest' countries (15th), check out where our healthcare system ranks in terms of quality (37th) and expense (1st).
Right: WHO is a commie front and those 'happy' western developed nations are 'socialist'. (Dang it, heech beech almighty Uncle Willy--maybe there's something to that democratic 'socialism' voodoo devil worship atheist godless swill after all, hey?!!!?)

Y'all continue to IV that Kool-Aid.

OMG see you just proved my point. I do not agree with the way you think so I must be stupid and have never read anything or listened to authoritative sources like NPR. At least you did not throw in MSNBC to that. By the way I have been listening to NPR since I was 12. Since I am 58 that's a lot of years. I am also an immigrant and the child of an immigrant who had to leave a communist country because they had a death sentence on him. I guess I have a different prospective. My daughter is a socialist and her fiancee is a communist. She attended the new school and was indoctrinated. One of my favorite quotes of his is a doctor should make the same as a janitor as they both contribute the same to society.

I also read lots of books, historic and political. I have been to the foreign utopias and many are not. They seem to vacation here and when they are very sick come here for treatment if they can afford it. The difference it seems is that I take what I read and compare it to what i experience and see, not just lap up what I read or listen too and take it as the bible.

PS all politicians have been sucking at the corporate teat for centuries, be it in the US, france, GB, Germany, or Japan. Its the nature of politics to keep the rich and powerful happy, no matter what side of the fence you sit on. If you don't think Queen Hillary has dug deep in the corporate pockets you are delusional
God i have tried soo hard to stay out if this. First Trump is a dusch and Hillary is at the very least a purger and I am sure much more. She got her senate seat in NY by Bill building a federal building in Harlem. Her total time or residence here before she ran was less than 1 week. There are no lesser evils here just the devil and Beelzebub, take you choice.

As for the republicans, they did this to themselves. The take big money to keep the status quo. The Dems take bigger money to promote socialistic change and globalism. The dems do not want freedom of religion they want freedom from religion. They also want a federal government that controls all in the name of fairness. Of course they are the ones who define what fairness is.

I prefer a country of liberty and freedom. I prefer states rights not federal rule. If California want to ban creation theory power to them. If Michigan wants to vote in Sherria law hell that up to them. If Mississippi wants Creation its up to them. The problem with most progressives is they want every thing their way and want everyone to follow their rules because they are smarter than everyone else. Every thing is an affront and every thing is an attack on them. And just like my communist friends the end justifies any means, weather it is sabotaging the competition or getting the dead, illegals or people voting multiple times. (ever wonder why they don't want voter id or computer voting with a pin?)

And PS abortion is murder at some point of time, weather 3 months or 5 let some dr and scientist decide. Anything after that is murder plain and simple. You had plenty of time before and you could have taken the morning after pill or maybe even used a condom or birth control. If you are going to use the rape argument please give me the statistics of home many rapes are aborted vs tot abortions so we can have it in context. If you do have to abort for extreme reasons let it be justifiable homicide.

We need a new party, one that really stands for the people supporting it the special interests. MJ you Interested next election?

PS I am catholic but do not follow dogma as most people in the us don't. I communicate with god in my own way taking the Ben Franklin belief in god. I do not questions other religions or faith or lack of it. I find it funny that progressives will ridicule you for being homophobic but then rip into someone religious. Sounds very hypocritical to me. :evil:
Honestly if the job paid more I'd start with Nassau County Executive and move back to Glen Cove now that this POS Mangano is about to get arrested. I'm actually gonna try and talk my dad into running. They tried talking him into running for mayor of Glen Cove a long time ago because he is a true no nonsense person and has no political ties
This is unbelievable. The sophomoric ignorance on this 'thread' is stunning. With all due respect, I doubt y'all have read (m)any serious books on history, government, political science, philosophy, science' of any kind except the pseudo variety, serious fiction, good science fiction, satire, art history-ha. And I bet y'all are 'graduates' of Trump U. That explains it. I'm outta here. I'll canvas for SJU news elsewhere.
I hope y'all read some serious newspapers, canvas credible social media / news outlets. How about just watch NPR--that's good for beginners.
Hillary's crooked and evil. Trump--well, he's just being Trump. Creationism is a legitimate field of study?!!!? For what--comic books!?!???
The Democrats 'take bigger money to promote social change and globalism'.
'(Republicans) take big money to keep the status quo.'
'Social change' as in 'safety net' has been battered these past nee' 50 years with unions and pensions and other benefits 'history'. And the Republicans live off the Corporate Teat that has made the USA the most 'unequal nation' among its peers. These are basic 'facts'. God damn y'all are wickedly ignorant.
Man where the hell have y'all been the past 48 years. Under a rock, feeding off of ignorance most likely. Y'all are woefully willfully ignorant.
This country ranks in the second division among other Western Democracies on a score of elements that contribute mightily to national cohesion and happiness. Check out the 'happiest' countries (15th), check out where our healthcare system ranks in terms of quality (37th) and expense (1st).
Right: WHO is a commie front and those 'happy' western developed nations are 'socialist'. (Dang it, heech beech almighty Uncle Willy--maybe there's something to that democratic 'socialism' voodoo devil worship atheist godless swill after all, hey?!!!?)
Y'all continue to IV that Kool-Aid.
I happen to enjoy your posts and hope you don't leave but you aren't giving the other side nearly enough credit and I'm not saying repubs in office deserve much credit in anything because I've been bashing my own party for 16 years. I'm talking about repubs on this site. A lot of us aren't so much for Trump right now ( I was more a while ago ) as we are for blowing up the entire political system and changing washington. With all due respect life isn't about reading books on politics or reading articles it's about common sense and seeing the big picture ( and I'm certainly not saying repubs have cornered that ) but respectfully you're biased too because I was being very kind when you were talking about Benghazi and instead of going nuts I chose the respectful route when I knew the answer and instead gave you a link to the facts on spending

Anyway keep posting because I do like reading what you write and I do think your opinion is right a lot ( certainly not all the time but that goes for all of us )

But be aware of yourself and humbly realize you don't have all the answers also and there isa lot of room in between where you are on the left and where some others are on the right and that room in between is where a lot of the answers are
Don't see tonight moving the needle much one way or the other
Thought Wallace did a very good job moderating. Also felt Trump had a good performance until he didnt say he would support the election results. That statement will be the headlines in tomorrow's news and will negate his positives of the debate.
Thought Wallace did a very good job moderating. Also felt Trump had a good performance until he didnt say he would support the election results. That statement will be the headlines in tomorrow's news and will negate his positives of the debate.
Thought Wallace did a very good job moderating. Also felt Trump had a good performance until he didnt say he would support the election results. That statement will be the headlines in tomorrow's news and will negate his positives of the debate.

Remember Soros owns the florida voting machines, there is talk of floods of immigrants coming into vote and also talk of the major Wikileaks salvos being saved for 11/1 and later. Should trump have said it was rigged, absolutely not but I see where his doubts come in. regardless of the outcome, both candidates will have such a negative stigma attached to them after this election I think its going to be count down to 4 years from now on day 1.
God i have tried soo hard to stay out if this. First Trump is a dusch and Hillary is at the very least a purger and I am sure much more. She got her senate seat in NY by Bill building a federal building in Harlem. Her total time or residence here before she ran was less than 1 week. There are no lesser evils here just the devil and Beelzebub, take you choice.

As for the republicans, they did this to themselves. The take big money to keep the status quo. The Dems take bigger money to promote socialistic change and globalism. The dems do not want freedom of religion they want freedom from religion. They also want a federal government that controls all in the name of fairness. Of course they are the ones who define what fairness is.

I prefer a country of liberty and freedom. I prefer states rights not federal rule. If California want to ban creation theory power to them. If Michigan wants to vote in Sherria law hell that up to them. If Mississippi wants Creation its up to them. The problem with most progressives is they want every thing their way and want everyone to follow their rules because they are smarter than everyone else. Every thing is an affront and every thing is an attack on them. And just like my communist friends the end justifies any means, weather it is sabotaging the competition or getting the dead, illegals or people voting multiple times. (ever wonder why they don't want voter id or computer voting with a pin?)

And PS abortion is murder at some point of time, weather 3 months or 5 let some dr and scientist decide. Anything after that is murder plain and simple. You had plenty of time before and you could have taken the morning after pill or maybe even used a condom or birth control. If you are going to use the rape argument please give me the statistics of home many rapes are aborted vs tot abortions so we can have it in context. If you do have to abort for extreme reasons let it be justifiable homicide.

We need a new party, one that really stands for the people supporting it the special interests. MJ you Interested next election?

PS I am catholic but do not follow dogma as most people in the us don't. I communicate with god in my own way taking the Ben Franklin belief in god. I do not questions other religions or faith or lack of it. I find it funny that progressives will ridicule you for being homophobic but then rip into someone religious. Sounds very hypocritical to me. :evil:

First, welcome back. I'm not sure what a purger is.

Second, agree that the Clinton's are the ultimate politicians. Consider it lucky that Hilary came against this moron because she's far from the ideal candidate.

Third, you can't say it's okay to teach creationism unless you think it also okay to teach advanced spells and potions. Fiction is fiction. Goes for all religions. That's not progressive. There are conservative atheists, believe it or not. Yes I agree we want freedom from religion, IOW you keep your religion to yourself if you choose to believe, as it should be.

Finally, I agree with you on Abortion, there needs to be a limit. After 3-4 months only under special circumstances, hell morning after pills are OTC now so why do we have this problem? But RTL and Pro Choice are very black and white in the way they see this issue. Kind of like gun control. Makes it hard.
This is unbelievable. The sophomoric ignorance on this 'thread' is stunning. With all due respect, I doubt y'all have read (m)any serious books on history, government, political science, philosophy, science' of any kind except the pseudo variety, serious fiction, good science fiction, satire, art history-ha. And I bet y'all are 'graduates' of Trump U. That explains it. I'm outta here. I'll canvas for SJU news elsewhere.
I hope y'all read some serious newspapers, canvas credible social media / news outlets. How about just watch NPR--that's good for beginners.
Hillary's crooked and evil. Trump--well, he's just being Trump. Creationism is a legitimate field of study?!!!? For what--comic books!?!???
The Democrats 'take bigger money to promote social change and globalism'.
'(Republicans) take big money to keep the status quo.'
'Social change' as in 'safety net' has been battered these past nee' 50 years with unions and pensions and other benefits 'history'. And the Republicans live off the Corporate Teat that has made the USA the most 'unequal nation' among its peers. These are basic 'facts'. God damn y'all are wickedly ignorant.
Man where the hell have y'all been the past 48 years. Under a rock, feeding off of ignorance most likely. Y'all are woefully willfully ignorant.
This country ranks in the second division among other Western Democracies on a score of elements that contribute mightily to national cohesion and happiness. Check out the 'happiest' countries (15th), check out where our healthcare system ranks in terms of quality (37th) and expense (1st).
Right: WHO is a commie front and those 'happy' western developed nations are 'socialist'. (Dang it, heech beech almighty Uncle Willy--maybe there's something to that democratic 'socialism' voodoo devil worship atheist godless swill after all, hey?!!!?)
Y'all continue to IV that Kool-Aid.

So, to be clear, who is this "y''all" you are referring to? Y'all who were educated at a Catholic university? Y'all reuplicans? Or something even more divisive? Make no mistake - the politics of divisiveness didn't just happen, it was fueled by the Obama political machine. The same folk that brought you Occupy Wall Street in 2012 to convince some dimmer voters that the reason they werent achieving the American dream was a conspiratorial racketeering among the corporate elite. The same folk that used Eric Holder in the streets of Ferguson to stir the pot in the wake of riots caused by activists brought in to burn the city and loot its stores. The same folk that are registering convicted felons in California prisons to vote to pad the results. The same folk who want to open our southern borders to millions of latinos because once here and poor they tend to vote overwhelmingly democrat. The same folk who after every single terrorist attack on our soil by a radical Islamic tertorist lecture us that Islam is peaceful and that Christians have done far worse.

It's comical that when you become unwrapped you use the phrase y'all. Did your bow tie become disheveled when you did that? No my friend, i know exactly what you meant by y'all and so do most reading your posts. But it revealed far more about who y'all are than not. Because y'all read books doesn't mean that somehow you are the only one who does. I quoted Truman accomplishments to you after readings McCulloghs most excellent biography on that Democratic President and recently visiting his library in Independence. Y'all are incapable of civil discourse because unlike others here, you approach discourse as an attempt to lecture and belittle those who disagree. I have come to know many 9f the posters here and respect most who i disagree with. Many of those here went to SJU and many possess advanced degrees. But Y'all wouldn't know about Vincentian values because y'all dropped in here mostly to bring those same politics of divisiveness here. Those politics pretend to represent y'all, but have kept poor people poor, weakened the U.S. globally, and are destroying our economy. So, if y'all are from Chicago just remember that this week more young men will die at the other end of a gun than all those killed in a year confronting police. I love to hear from bright guys on here who reoresent an opposing point of view that sometimes challenges and sometime enlightens, but y'all is another story.
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