This may be totally off but just thought i would pass it along if for no other reason than for entertainment sake. There is a rumor that Billy D is not happy with treatment he has received (my guess is by students and or fans) for the off season Florida has had and that if Crean is let go by Indiana he may be interested. I obviously have no idea if any of this is true. If it is, taking it a step further if MR is the man behind the Lavin contract and if he wants the plug pulled on Lavin (barring a good run in the T obviously) maybe he takes another run at Billy the Kid. Just throwing it out there in case the improbable happens I would get the scoup of the century on the redmen sites. LOL
Sorry bamafan, your scoop would still be second to mine from last year when I spotted CO on crutches on 72nd and York and first broke the news to the site about his ankle injury.