After sitting through the semifinals last night, it's clear that
1) Nova is very well coached
2) Georgetown is very well coached - they didn't lose, they ran out of clock, and Xavier is thankful for that.
3) Providence is very well coached.
These are coaches that rally their guys to be patient and intense even when losing. The Providence team stood toe to toe with Nova, and helped by a phantom foul, Nova was likely to escape with a win. Couldn't see us at full strength doing the same. The same goes for Georgetown's roaring comeback as a flagrant 2 where they dominated action thereafter.
And as mentioned Lavin is 5 and 3 against those coaches.
You can cite all the stats out of context you want; all I know is again I am watching other teams play deep into the BE tournament while we were not even remotely competitive on our home court against a team we had beaten twice. Lose, OK, no disgrace in losing to Providence at all, but not showing up, in the last BE tournament for 4 seniors who have never won a game in the tourney? Horrible.
The program continues to reek of instability with another "benching" as it were of Jordan, just when it seemed he was turning the corner. And oh yeah, even if we get some of the recruits we are earmarking extremely late in this years cycle we are still essentially starting over 5 years into Lavin's regime. And if we don't get those recruits, well, I don't want to see it at all but I'm sure you guys will be able to put a positive spin on it regardless; me, not so much.
I understand Louie was far from the greatest coach in history but I will take a blue collar team that competes their tails off every game over what I have seen over the last 5 years any day. And yes, I do know Lavin's record is light years better than Norms, but it still falls woefully short of wwhat I was expecting out of him.
I will say, having watched round 2, that all teams playing in the semis came to play (which we didn't). But I wouldn't characterize winning 1 game going deep into the tournament.. It's a 3 game tournament (outside of the qualifying round), and the hot team usually bangs out 3 wins and that's it.
Just as a mild question, of which the cantankerous always misinterpret, isn't Coach Carnesecca affectionately referred to as "Looie" and not "Louie"?
Just a question: Other than the flawed nirvana of 1985-86, how many times did Carnesecca have one than one NBA level player on his roster? I think much less than we would believe. Considering no one could leave early then, I have a feeling that our program would have been in the dumper back then if George Johnson, Chris Mullin, Mark Jackson, Mel Davis, and others could have been one or two and done back then, as Sampson and Harkless have been for Lavin.
For my money, Carnesecca was no better an X's and O's guy than Lavin.
I believe John Kresse was Louie's Xs & Os guy for a great part of his tenure.