I was most disappointed in staff not being able to complement the returning core players with a few solid interior players. The two academic risk kids, Adonis & Thomas, could have helped shore up that area, primarily Thomas. Perhaps instead of "blaming" Lavin, the more appropriate focus should be on his responsibility to do that. He should be held accountable for this void, no? What's done is done, but the returning players deserved better. It appears the thin bench & lack of interior strength may bite us in the rear end. In this league a small team with an extremely short & fragile rotation is not a formula for success. Hope I'm wrong.
I hope so too, Whopper but, evidence points to the contrary..The SITE responded yesterday to the news of Sampson signing, like the market did when oil went initially to $50 a barrel. Then the market realized the drop in oil prices would result in a decline in earnings for most of the big oil companies, which make up a huge portion of the DJ500..
Sampson signing is a lot like that, a big surge based on the kid's rankings and what he brings to any school's BB program..He seems to be a high quality player. Steve has recruited that quality of player before and hasn't delivered anywhere close to expectations, much like his UCLA record.
One of the big holes in the Lavin COMPLETE resume is the undeniable fact that , at both UCLA and now, us, he can't COACH to the level his talented team's possess.
Bruin fans go ballistic in looking at the talent he recruited, mostly because UCLA IS, WELL, UCLA and underachieved so badly, he was nearly tarred and feathered and run out of Westwood...
The bottom line, regardless of who he brings to SJU is, still can't Coach a lick! Even, if he brings in several more, touted players, will they show up, qualify, play up to their ratings? We don't know.
What we do know is, Lavin's body of work here doesn't meet the objectives he established at his hiring. He falls way short on the accomplishment side and may again, this year. The NIT is not a goal to acclaim as a result attained.
I said, in different words, recently, if STEVE got CALIPARI level talent, we would still not win the BE conference or tourney, let alone tHe NCAA'S.
And, even if STEVE does get ALL the remaining recruits on his list for next season, who amongst us, wants to hear that refrain again that, " WE GOT THE YOUNGEST TEAM IN COLLEGE BB.?