Ok counselor. My proof. Lawmanfan. You were wrong in your previous post where you said and I quote "When Lavin was coach for 10 months he got a pass for everything. Everyone was still giddy from the hire" because lawman was one of a couple who were against him from day 1 and Lawman and I used to go back and forth over stuff with Lavin when Lawman would knock him and I would defend him. I even texted lawman after Lavin got fired admitting to Lawman that he was right and I was wrong
I'll recap the discussion, because you seem to have lost your way.
A poster asked why you were being so hard on Mullin, after giving Norm a pass, and then Lavin a pass. You said it was because
"he [mullin] definitely is getting a pass on stuff that people didn't give lavin a pass for because people were Mullin sju fans."
"[Mullin is given a pass for] the same thing people were killing Lavin for [when] actually I saw Lavin doing more on the sidelines"
I asked you to name those things that Lavin got killed for that Mullin is getting a pass on. That was all I asked. You came up with (1) people allegedly upset about Mike Dunlap being the X and O guy (which I think never happened and quite the opposite) (2) complaints about the Pitt game (which I find highly unlikely) and (3) Bobre (who is unhinged). The only thing on that list that's even comparable is the the X And O thing and lots of people are not giving Mullin a pass about that. Quite the opposite: lots of people are wondering why Slice addresses the team during time outs and what Saint Jean is doing with the white board and why Mullin sits on the scorer's table rather than on the bench imparting wisdom to his players. So he's not getting a pass. His seeming detachment is in fact the thing he is most criticized for. It is in fact what leads people like you to wonder whether he can be a successful head coach.
If I had asked you to merely name someone who criticized Lavin you could have mentioned: me. I killed him for four years with language so brutal that he and his wife and even Ron Linfonte blocked me on Twitter despite the fact that I never addressed any of them directly; in the wake of something I wrote about Cap on a website that a moderator of this site held a super secret vote to have me banned from here, based on something he read elsewhere of his own volition. I take a back seat to NO ONE in killing Lavin and certainly not the person whose name you mentioned that I won't repeat lest he appear and write a 9-paragraph essay on the differences between the box and one and the alley opp.
Ten months was hyperbole and is anyway relevant only because the OP mentioned how long you hung on for Norm. Most relationships have a honeymoon period. Even Lavin and I had one, briefly. You meet a girl and she has a lilting laugh that makes your heart sing. Three years later she laughs one too many times and you cut her head off and dissolve her body in a vat of lye in the basement. Because what was once charming is no longer. You do not seem to find Mullin's new laugh as beguiling 10 months in as you find Lavin's tired grating cackle after 100. That's odd, considering what Chris Mullin has meant to the university and what he ha accomplished in his basketball career - as opposed to Lavin, a gaseous lazy oleaginous charlatan. It's odd.
Oh and 2nd piece of Evidence or Poster of Evidence. Doc Butler. He practically got run off the board in the beginning for being critical of Lavin and I'm pretty sure he called him out after the Fordham game and in hindsight he was right
Doc Butler has disapproved of every SJU coach since Joe Buck Freeman. This year he wrote a long post IN ALL CAPS about how Mullin was a failure after the first exhibition loss in November. Mullin did not get a pass from Doc Butler.
Oh and The Burrell thing that you don't think happened after the pitt game ? wrong again
Burrells quote which Lavin most definitely got knocked for that was taken out of context by a couple of people " And there was this from another one of Lavin's seniors, another in an endless parade of them, Justin Burrell: "He doesn't really coach. I don't know what he does."
Now you're just making stuff up. I never mentioned Burrell, you did. You said that the Burrell quote spawned discussions in which Lavin got killed. All I said was that it was highly unlikely that Lavin got killed in the aftermath of the Pitt win, which was about the most important win in recent history and one of the more exciting basketball games I've ever seen. That Burrell said something in the Post is not proof of a discussion that you Lavin got killed here. And unless you claiming that Chris Mullin is getting a pass from Burrell, who cares what Burrell said.
Oh and another since I can't find redmen.com archives going back that far, Further proof that Lavin didn't get a pass on everything his first 10 months. Thread after the fordham game on the jungle
Oh and this one too since you claim the burden of proof resides with me even though you accuse me without proof
Defense rests my case
That's wise. You should in fact have settled before trial, because none of your evidence is relevant. I didn't say no one criticized Lavin ever for anything. No one criticized Lavin longer and more unfairly and more vociferously than I did. I merely asked you to please name the things Chris Mullin is getting a pass for that Lavin was pilloried for. That you have not been able to do. You have not been able to do it because your premise is false.