I have a question. I keep reading that we don't have a president of the University yet but wasn't Fr. Joseph Levesque installed in Septmenber of 2013 as president?
He is the interim president. Not supposed to be in that position for more than a year. He should be replaced with a permanent president by the Fall, if everything goes according to plan. However, there has been 0 communication from the University in months on the status of the search.
Some people on here have posted the name Simon as a lock to be the next president but with no last name, I have no idea who they are talking about.
If "Simon" means "Dean Michael Simons", he is the Dean of the law school, and FWIW, I think he'd be an excellent choice*. Not sure if that's who "Simon" refers to though.
*I have no idea if he'd be an excellent choice for the basketball program, but I would hope anyone who wants to advance the university knows what power a good basketball team can have in promoting the university name, which I am guessing he would realize.