[quote="Monte" post=345113]For the most part, I have not posted or read the board since it became apparent that CMA(as they call him on the Arkansas fan boards, which I read) would be our new coach. I just didn't have the same feelings of euphoria about this hiring that most of you guys have, and didn't want to piss on everyone's parade. Let me say this, CMA is very much loved and respected by the Arkansas fans and media. Lots of wonderful comments about him on their board, and even more of them yesterday when word got out that he was going to be our coach. Many fans went so far as to say that we'd be their 2nd favorite team, and wished CMA and our program much future success. A very classy group, those Razorback fans. At the same time I saw very few people-fans or sportswriters-who did not feel that it was time for him to go, or were sorry to see him go. They felt that, amongst other things, 3 tourney appearances in 8 years wasn't even close to acceptable. They were other issues they had with him as a coach(not as a person), but there's no purpose in posting those now.
I was skeptical about the Mahoney, Lavin and Mullin hires. I was downright baffled by the Norm hire. I was thrilled with the Fran hire and was cautiously optimistic with the Jarvis hire. I put the my feelings about the Anderson hire in the same category as the Mahoney, Lavin and Mullin hires. Like those 3, I will support the coach and team, and hope for the best. However, I will not be renewing my 2 season tickets. The older I get, the more careful I am about parting with my money. It usually winds up costing me somewhere between $250-$300 per game, between tickets, food, drinks, etc. I'm no longer willing to shell out that kind of money to watch an inferior product on the court, and I'm nowhere near convinced that that's going to change under CMA.
I'll sit out next season and wait to see what kind of job CMA does. IMO a lot will depend on his staff, especially his recruiters(get Borman here!!!). If the team is playing well I may choose to attend a few games. If it looks as though he has the program headed back in the right direction next season, then I'll renew my tickets for the following season. If not, I'll wait. There's always time. I really hope to be wrong on CMA, just like I hoped to be wrong on BH, NR, SL and CM. I mean, I can't bat 1.000 forever. Happy Passover and Happy Easter all.[/quote] what my buddy Monte isn’t saying is that with all this acting work he’s booking by next season msg is going to be sitting him in celebrity row so he doesn’t need tix