Mike Anderson - Former Coach

I guess the answer is we just don't know a lot of things;
1. what is the actual buyout?
2. Does SJU want him gone?
3. Does he want to leave?
4. Does he want to continue to coach(somehwere)?
5. What does his wife and family think?
6. What's his financial situation
etc, etc, etc.

I still say that if SJU wants him gone, and he wants to go, there's a settlement to be had, but time will tell.
I'm resigning as your agent to let Sexton be it he certainly can negotiate better than me :)
As has been mentioned STJ turned down an NIT invitation in year 2.

I'm aware, the team quit on him much like this year. I'm not giving him credit for having a mass exodus so bad they couldn't play in the NIT.
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NC State was the only P6 team to accept an NIT invite in 2021.

And plenty of guys play in the postseason even though they know they are going to transfer no matter the situation.

NC State and 2 SEC teams (Mississippi St and Ole Miss) played in the 2021 NIT. Also, Memphis, SMU, St. Mary's, Davidson, Dayton, Richmond, Saint Louis, and a bunch of solid mid-majors.

Regardless of that, St. John's declined the invite because the team quit. Anderson wanted to play in it, and stated so prior to the NIT.
NC State and 2 SEC teams (Mississippi St and Ole Miss) played in the 2021 NIT. Also, Memphis, SMU, St. Mary's, Davidson, Dayton, Richmond, Saint Louis, and a bunch of solid mid-majors.

Regardless of that, St. John's declined the invite because the team quit. Anderson wanted to play in it, and stated so prior to the NIT.

Just for the record Duke, Louisville, Seton Hall, and Xavier also publicly turned down NIT invites that year. Louisville did say, however, that they would stay in the pool to replace any NCAA teams that needed to be pull out due to COVID. And despite it being a smaller bracket that year I find it telling that no B12, B1G or P12 teams were included either. Of course any mid majors invited accepted the invite, they can use the money since their TV contracts are not nearly as lucrative as the P6.
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If I'm SJU I say to Sexton " here's a buyout number that we can live with, spread out over X number of years. If Mike lands another job, he still gets the same amount from us". This way, Anderson has the potential to collect another pay check(if he still wants to coach) while still getting paid by SJU. This may give him more of an incentive to take a lower buyout number. Maybe I'm missing something, but how does this hurt SJU?
If I'm SJU I say to Sexton " here's a buyout number that we can live with, spread out over X number of years. If Mike lands another job, he still gets the same amount from us". This way, Anderson has the potential to collect another pay check(if he still wants to coach) while still getting paid by SJU. This may give him more of an incentive to take a lower buyout number. Maybe I'm missing something, but how does this hurt SJU?
As long as it is not a "Bobby Bonilla" buyout deal.
Could his motivation not be to not have to work 12 months out of the year in a place that doesn’t want him while instead still getting 75-80% of what he would make not having to work?

Plus like you’ve mentioned plenty, he’s still got his .500 or better streak in tact.
And subject his family to the over the top twitter hate. At some point, you have to say “Bleep this”.
I’m not convinced he sees himself as a failure
He is by no means a failure as a person, husband, father, grandfather, basketball coach or decent human being. As a matter of fact he is to be admired for the many outstanding qualities he has. But he was not hired at SJU for those reasons. And as Monte said he has failed at this job. He was not hired to win 16 -19 games a season and remain in the bottom third of the BE. He was hired to move the needle in a major way the same way Wojo was not retained and Shaka was hired to move the needle in Marquette.
He was hired to bring us into the top 6 teams of the conference in order that we would consistently be in the conversation on selection Sunday. There he has failed. We are no better off at the conclusion of year 4 then we were after his second season, and this with a pg and Center who each should have been first team BE and a rookie who will be on the conference all rookie team.
CMA is anything but a failure but he has failed in the job expectations at SJU.
I believe he would like to attain 500 wins or more as the man still works hard and there will be a program who will pick him up if he is let go by SJU. I would continue to pay him out if let go and wait until he picks up another job thereby minimizing the amount we would be on the hook for. Judging by what happened last time around it should not take too long for him to find something else. As Monte has correctly pointed out he has a damn good agent who will not be sitting around waiting for the phone to ring if CMA still wishes to work.
Coaches who are terminated without cause are usually required to make a “good faith effort” to find another job and thus offset the severance payments owed to them. But here is where the devil is in the details. Since Anderson is coaching in the Big East, his contract may say he only has to try to find a job in a high-major conference (Big East, ACC, Big 12, etc.) He would not be obligated to seek employment in a mid-major or lower conference. If he *chose* to continue working in one of those lower conferences, whatever he earned would reduce the amount SJU owns him. So he would essentially be working for free.

CMAs contract may or may not look like the above. But it would not be unusual.
maybe more evidence CMA is as good as gone barring HIGHLY improbable BET championship. We were in this kid’s final 3 now appears not going after him as maybe we aren’t really recruiting anybody because of imminent coaching change.
maybe more evidence CMA is as good as gone barring HIGHLY improbable BET championship. We were in this kid’s final 3 now appears not going after him as maybe we aren’t really recruiting anybody because of imminent coaching change.

But did Iona make his final three? 😉