Mike Anderson - Former Coach

The quote from the article - “It’s feeling more and more inevitable that St. John’s will have a new coach after this season, as the program heads in the wrong direction under Mike Anderson.”
As SJU79 noted, Mike will not be back I sense. Also very much agree Cragg is not on any hot seat.
If this has already been decided then there should be a pretty good sense by now of whether Pitino will be the guy or if we're in for another extensive searching process. Would think the administration has decided their stance on Pitino and if they are on board have at least started the backchanneling process to gauge his interest.
If this has already been decided then there should be a pretty good sense by now of whether Pitino will be the guy or if we're in for another extensive searching process. Would think the administration has decided their stance on Pitino and if they are on board have at least started the backchanneling process to gauge his interest.
“Their stance” is the key. It may be best to keep an open mind about other candidates, since situations like this never seem to materialize here. Just my thoughts.
Seeing is believing. I don't see a change at the end of this season.
Put me squarely in Pitino camp but seems like pipe dream.
And to play Devils advocate does school really want to do another search in 5 years?
There are a couple of ways of looking at it:

1. Why wouldn’t the school want another coaching search in 5 years. They do it already anyway, and sometimes even before 5 years.

2. If it is Pitino, the coaching search in 5 years will have a healthy pool of quality candidates. Not just a hodgepodge of names.
Perhaps Pitino hires an assistant who proves his value and steps in to take over when Rick retires keeping continuity.
That would turn me off Rick as a candidate. Those types of things almost never work out.

Other than Tom Izzo, who was an assistant for 11 years under Heathcoate, how often has elevating one of the assistants when the head coach leaves has actually worked out?
That would turn me off Rick as a candidate. Those types of things almost never work out.

Other than Tom Izzo, who was an assistant for 11 years under Heathcoate, how often has elevating one of the assistants when the head coach leaves has actually worked out?
Mahoney lol
Put me squarely in Pitino camp but seems like pipe dream.
And to play Devils advocate does school really want to do another search in 5 years?

We've been cycling through coaches every 3-5 years since the mid-'90s and your concern is conducting another search in five years IF we hire Rick Pitino?
We've been cycling through coaches every 3-5 years since the mid-'90s and your concern is conducting another search in five years IF we hire Rick Pitino?
Not my concern, school concern possibly
They aren’t good at them so why we they want to do more than they have to?
Don’t see Pitino coming here.
Hope I am wrong
If does come I am sure something will go wrong though
We Are ST John’s
That would turn me off Rick as a candidate. Those types of things almost never work out.

Other than Tom Izzo, who was an assistant for 11 years under Heathcoate, how often has elevating one of the assistants when the head coach leaves has actually worked out?
Mark Few
OK, but they only really had one good year under Monson. In fact, it wasn't even a great year, just a great NCAA Tournament run. I'm not sure they would have had success had Monson stayed, but I guess that qualifies.

Still, it crashes and burns, more often then it works out.
That would turn me off Rick as a candidate. Those types of things almost never work out.

Other than Tom Izzo, who was an assistant for 11 years under Heathcoate, how often has elevating one of the assistants when the head coach leaves has actually worked out?
Painter was specifically brought back to be coach in waiting. Not sure Keady was thrilled, though. Painter was a head coach at the time too, so I remember thinking it was unusual. Apparently worked out for them.