Mike Anderson - Former Coach

btw while attendance sucked one of my clients works on the floor of the stock exchange and wed and thursday all the booths down there had the st johns games on. If we get Pitino and start winning you will see people come out from everywhere rooting for st johns. Pitino will kill it helping with fundraising
Not even remotely surprised to see this. This is why grown men need to not have knee jerk reactions when an emotional kid just had his season ended and a reporter asks him an obviously loaded question. People saying “see ya” and “goodbye” after seeing that original tweet…SMDH.
Agree, Zach is a total Asshole for asking a young man who jusst lost a heartbreaking game, what are his future plans. Reporter pretending to be a Columnist. As for those on here saying Posh, Storr, and Soriano can follow Coach Anderson out the soor, no words for y'all. These young men showed loyalty to the coach who recruited them and help them grow on and off the court, have no idea why that is a problem for some. SMFH!!!
And winning on a national level brings more students into the school

In 1985, the gold standard for SJU seasons, President Reagan spoke at the university which included the line “I heard there was a new Harvard…”

And the following year saw an increase of applicants to SJU because of the final four. Same will happen again. Students want to go to a school where they can congregate and feel the pride of a winning team.
Agree, Zach is a total Asshole for asking a young man who jusst lost a heartbreaking game, what are his future plans. Reporter pretending to be a Columnist. As for those on here saying Posh, Storr, and Soriano can follow Coach Anderson out the soor, no words for y'all. These young men showed loyalty to the coach who recruited them and help them grow on and off the court, have no idea why that is a problem for some. SMFH!!!
couldn’t agree more 👍
Agree, Zach is a total Asshole for asking a young man who jusst lost a heartbreaking game, what are his future plans. Reporter pretending to be a Columnist. As for those on here saying Posh, Storr, and Soriano can follow Coach Anderson out the soor, no words for y'all. These young men showed loyalty to the coach who recruited them and help them grow on and off the court, have no idea why that is a problem for some. SMFH!!!
Absolutely. How many of us grown men with a thousand other far more important responsibilities have over the top reactions from a loss, while watching the games from our couches.

Now we are going to hold what a 21 year old says after a season ending crushing loss, when basketball is his life?

Zach should be ashamed and anyone here who said anything to the effect of good riddance towards Soriano should look in the mirror and take stock.
And I will absolutely honor the promise I made a few weeks ago. Hire Pitino I'll never make a lack of AC in carnesseca comment again as long as Pitino is coach. Not 1 :)
Wow. Okay you shamed me into it, me too. That won’t be that difficult anyway as many more games will be heading to MSG.

In 1985, the gold standard for SJU seasons, President Reagan spoke at the university which included the line “I heard there was a new Harvard…”

And the following year saw an increase of applicants to SJU because of the final four. Same will happen again. Students want to go to a school where they can congregate and feel the pride of a winning team.
Those were exciting times on campus. Yes. Reagan (still remember where I stood inside Alumni Hall) but also tv and reporters were there all the time
I do think he's coming though. 😁

But I would never tell anyone not to think that I'm being ridiculous. The idea of him coming here apparently seemed way more ridiculous up until very recently, though.
Truly hope you're right. See my post this morning in the Coaching Possibilities thread with quote from Lexington Herald-Leader, which quotes the odds makers who picked the top five candidates for the G-town job. Pitino was #1 followed by Brey. They even had Cooley's odds of getting the job.
Absolutely. How many of us grown men with a thousand other far more important responsibilities have over the top reactions from a loss, while watching the games from our couches.

Now we are going to hold what a 21 year old says after a season ending crushing loss, when basketball is his life?

Zach should be ashamed and anyone here who said anything to the effect of good riddance towards Soriano should look in the mirror and take stock.
Agree and great suggestion kranmars. They should take stock of themselves. Make a list of their strong points and their weak points and vow to become a success. 😉😊👍🤣
I loved in California at the time. I was 10. In California, they only had the game on tape delay. My Mom was out for dinner and I was with a babysitter. I convinced her to let me stay up late to watch it. My Mom came home and was pissed!
Not interested in your love life especially as a ten year old 😉😊👍🤪
Not even remotely surprised to see this. This is why grown men need to not have knee jerk reactions when an emotional kid just had his season ended and a reporter asks him an obviously loaded question. People saying “see ya” and “goodbye” after seeing that original tweet…SMDH.
I actually liked that the kids supported their coach publicly. It showed loyalty and character. I'm proud of them for that.
interesting tidbit regarding anderson buy out from cbs. nothing new except that this...
Sources said Anderson's contract stipulates that firing him now means St. John's owes him more than $10 million, and in recent weeks a significant portion of that money has been rallied by select boosters who have been working with Shanley to help lure a big name — such as the aforementioned Pitino — to the job.
Keeping Van would be a major W. I think Soriano, Storr, and Posh would stay. That's a solid foundation to start. Other guys like Wusu, Jones and even Curbelo would become much better players under Rick. We shall see...
I think only the weaker players will leave if Pitino is coach. If you’re confident in your game would make sense to show those skills to one of the most elite coaches in the game.
Let’s hope so. The last few times we had a “search committee” it didn’t work out very well. Lots of divisiveness if I remember correctly.
You are so right . I think there was a Search Committee. Members are FR Shanley , Fr Shanley and Fr Shanley . Search over , decision made . Start the ball rolling keeping those we want and those that want to play for Rick . I bet too, Masiello is already identifying Portal players . Then , start on future recruits including those who may want to change their LOI to St John’s .
Those were exciting times on campus. Yes. Reagan (still remember where I stood inside Alumni Hall) but also tv and reporters were there all the time
Yes , indeed . As a Alum I know I was so proud the President of the United States came to our School . And , I think I wasn’t the only one who swelled with that pride too . If I recall correctly i think President Reagan’s remarks about a “ new Harvard resulted from St John’s Law School having the highest percentage of graduates who passed the Bar Exam on their first attempt in the entire Country . That accomplishment got a lot of Nationwide publicity for the school as well as , St John’s being Number 1 in that weeks College BBpoll . I think that may be right . Anyway , a great time for St John’s .
Yes , indeed . As an Alum I know I was so proud the President of the United States came to our School . And , I think I wasn’t the only one who swelled with that pride too . If I recall correctly i think President Reagan’s remarks about a “ new Harvard resulted from St John’s Law School having the highest percentage of graduates who passed the Bar Exam on their first attempt in the entire Country . That accomplishment got a lot of Nationwide publicity for the school as well as , St John’s being Number 1 in that weeks College BBpoll . I think that may be right . Anyway , a great time for St John’s .
It would have been greater if Rawhide knew how to pronounce Coach’s name.