I also thought he looked good tonight and thought his smile was because he was happy we won.
LETS GIVE LAV CREDIT He kept the program progressing and he is a nice person
Please for the love of God
Why? It's a thread about Satan.
Goodness. Give the guy a break. The Lavin era is over. He's a decent guy. Let's not call him satan.
It was a joke. (sort of)
But I will say this. Last night, seeing Felix Balamou, two emotions keep running through my mind: (1) shocked --in a good way --that he that kind of tenaciousness and rebounding ability against D1 talent and (2) incredibly sad/angered that Lavin pissed away a year of his eligibility, just so he could let Rysheed Jordan and Jakarr Sampson know who's boss. Not the act of a "decent" guy.
Obviously that move sucked. That's why I didn't say he was a good guy or a great guy. He's just a decent guy. Classy on camera, well spoken, the seniors that just graduated loved him, he's nice to the fans. Not a bright basketball coach, which showed when he cost Felix and year of eligibility (and showed when with the way our teams played over the years), but as a person he seems ok.
I don't know how else to word it. I was for him getting fired. I wanted him gone. But I'm not gonna bash the dude personally. I basically grew up watching that Harrison through the years. I was 14 when they arrived. I worship those guys. And they don't have a bad thing to say about Lavin as a man, so I'm not gonna bash him either
Its not a question of Lavin necessarily. Its jut there are some who still put him on a godly pedestal and for the life of me I can't figure out how blind they are to what he was doing here. I can live without ever saying another word about him but when I see some of the praise he gets it infuriates me.
Couldn't agree more Moose. Its almost as though the Lavin supporters can't' admit they were wrong so they have to keeping repeating their assertion of what a great guy he is, how he elevated the program, how the kids loved him, etc. And putting aside his assignment for Fox sports for a moment, he couldn't have found a more conspicuous location in CA to stand for the entire second half....and with a yellow tie on no less. Although there were 2 really attractive young ladies sitting right below him so maybe that had something to do with it. I''m not a shrink (although I could probably use one), but IMO the guy was clearly craving attention. He looked pathetic at best and sociopathic at worst.